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$10,000 Speeding Ticket. Oh Canada!

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    $10,000 Speeding Ticket. Oh Canada!

    Dv8, dont speed anymore buddy!

    Canada Introduces $10,000 Speeding Ticket
    Ontario, Canada applies street racing penalties to motorists who are not racing anybody.

    Premier Dalton McGuintyOntario, Canada Premier Dalton McGuinty today announced that being caught driving 50km/h (31 MPH) over the speed limit will automatically trigger "street racing" penalties -- even if the accused motorist is driving alone on an otherwise empty road. The change in definition will, in effect, turn ordinary speeding into an offense that can carry a $10,000 (US $9305) fine and up to six months in jail, making it one of the most expensive traffic tickets in North America.

    "If you choose to break the law, we consider you a threat to our public safety and you're going to face stiff penalties," McGuinty said in a statement.

    In June, McGuinty cited the importance of combating the "organized crime" of street racing as he urged passage of the Safer Roads for a Safer Ontario Act which created the $10,000 penalty. The change in definition also means that the word of a police officer is all that it takes to confiscate a car and driver's license for at least seven days.

    "There is no appeal from, or right to be heard before, a vehicle detention, driver's license suspension or vehicle impoundment under [the street racing] subsection," the Safer Roads Act states.

    McGuinty also announced a proposal to hire 55 new traffic police officers and purchase a high-tech surveillance airplane in an attempt to rack up several of the expensive new fines.
    Last edited by Accord R33; 08-17-2007, 11:04 AM.

    Owner of

    Hope we dont get this bullshit here in nova scotia.
    Function over Fashion


      Fuck the Ontario government, this is bullshit. It has a lot of people pissed off. Although 50 over is pretty bad and no one should be doing it, this is just ridiculous. This stuff is getting way out of hand. Then again, someone was caught doing 120km/h in a 50km/h zone in London (Ontario) the other day lol.

      I don't think this is as much about making the roads safer as them realizing people aren't going to stop, so they might as well start making money from it. A surveillance plane? That's just stupid. These government people are greedy assholes. They've come up with a way to put some money into their pockets while looking "good" in the general publics eye.


        Wow ticket prices are getting crazy!

        Damn yall candians better watch out....these foos aint playing!


          well if you cant street race in canada you can smoke some nugs LOL


            ouch. that's tough.


              Man... when I drove home from Florida, I was going 95+ in a 65 the entire way...

              Canada... where you can import the good stuff, but don't dare try to enjoy it!


                jeeeeeeeeez overkillx23847382472643
                "This truck is 100% sh*ts and giggles."
                "Speed has never killed anyone. Suddenly becoming stationary... that's what gets you." Jeremy Clarkson

                You're not JDM until you have a car built in ohio with tons of bolt ons from ebay.
                Disregard females, acquire currency
                BUS 62 AIN'T F'ING AROUND!


                  right around the corner of an upcoming election...fuck dalton weasel piece of shit.

                  "You've done more threatening prescription drugs..."
                  "the character of a man can be judged by how he takes his criticism"
                  "Quoting yourself is like, masturbation" -Starchland


                    Oh man 4 lane street racing w00t lol.

                    The New-ish Ride
                    My old Ride
                    Hear my Vtak!!!
                    MK3 Member #3
                    I piss off people for fun.
                    IA 08 Sunburn Victim #1


                      man this sucks, amd im going to be moving there in like 3 months

                      ----------------My 92 Honda Accord LX---------------------- My 97 Nissan 240sx LE----

                      NE GUYS, Buy the last of my accord parts


                        wow.... you can buy another CB for that price... $10,000.... wtf.

                        Thanks to Ronald for the great picture.

                        __________________________________________________ _______________________



                          The Ontario and British Columbian governments are seriously cracking down.

                          In Alberta, 50+kph over results in an automatic court date. I would know, as I had one. I still had a four hundred dollar ticket and 4 points. As a result, I dont speed or drive fast. Its not the police I'm afraid of, its the concequence. Maybe thats what they are trying to do, but its fucking rediculous.

                          What Ontario has done is going to stir up a lot of shit. A LOT.

                          To add to the stupidity, in Crankbrook BC, RCMP are giving out tickets, just for driving right hand drive cars. Im sure they do this in other areas as well. I was talking to a guy who worked on a ferry on Kootenay lake, he said if an RC catches a right hand drive car passing on the highway, its big ticket time, or depending on who it is, impound time. Its basically, how would you say, vigilante 'justice'.

                          The Canadian government is pushing to get rid of imported cars, mainly BC and Ontario. Why, I dont know. As far as I'm concerned, imported cars dont cause the problems that everything else does, not even close. They are different, they stick out, and they dont like it. Really, its not any car that causes problems, its the individuals who drive them. Saskatchewan or however the fuck you spell it is the most lax. But I sure as fuck am not moving there just to drive my car.

                          Why dont they just worry about people who break the laws. In Lethbridge, you drive the speed limit and the local PD dont look twice. Well, most of them dont anyways.

                          If worse comes to worse, I'll have my foot shoved so far up the Canadian governments ass, well, its going to be hell. I love being connected.

                          Fuck it. I'm moving to Australia.


                            It's really falling down the whole here in Ontario. Although 50 over is obviously very dangerous, I just believe Dalton is looking for a quick fix before elections are held. and the Two helicopters, I personally think are a huge waste of money. I think cop cars would do quite fine with finding speeders. I think the coptors could be put to much better use, like searching for criminals after crimes take place in which somebody is hurt take place, which seem to happen a lot more than fatal crashes around here. Just a while ago they were talking about nabbing cars suspected to be involved or modified for street racing. If you really take a close look, people who drive wrecklessly are either in a stolen car, Under the influence, (Sorry to generalize) but are part of the better off crowd and drive fancy cars.


                              Doesnt Nova Scotia constitute as part of Canada

                              I dunno about the rest of the states, but i once heard that Missouri has a thing where 20mph over is an arrestable offense, anything over 95mph is a felony and double the limit and you lose your license and go straight to jail.

                              i had a friend of a friend that just recently got pulled over for doing like 70mph in a 30mph WORK ZONE. No seatbelt, on the cell phone, 2 kids in the car and a stroller partially blocking her rear-view. $500. Sucks, but when your that big of a ticking time-bomb, you gotta pay. But anything 31 over is automatically "racing"? Fuck that.

                              KeepinItClean | EnviousFilms | NoBigDeal | YET2BSCENE | .· ` ' / ·. | click here.
                              Originally posted by Jarrett
                              Is there a goal you're trying to accomplish besides looking dope as hell?

