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    damn i am so fuckin deppressed it isn't even funny. i can't get anything done with workers comp they are not wanting to pay me or my bills. i can't get unemployment, can't find a fucking job that i can do with out killing my back. and people look at me like i am stupid when i tell them my back is fucking killing me. well it should hurt when i have 2 herniated disk and a fucked syatic nerve, then everytime i apply for a job i get turned down becuase of them bastards givin a bad refrence where they fucking fired me becuase i got hurt so what the fuck is a person supposed to do? then the fucking honda got repoed becusae where i couldn't get workers comp to pay me anything and i got so far behind on my bills it isn't even funny. i wish i could just find a millon bucks and never have to worry about that shit agian. but that shit will never happen to me becuase i am a fuck up in certian peoples eyes. so i really don't even know what to do anymore. any one have any ideas? but i know every one is getting tired of hearing this shit becuase i am always rambling on about it. but shit at least some people on here care. unlike others. and most of you at least listen to me. i just wish something good would happen to me every once in awhile. then every time i get close to some one something always happens to that so i might as well give up on that one. damn since amanda left my life has went to hell. and i miss the way things used to be. i wish i could just go back in time and none of this would have happend. but that can't happen. so what am i supposed to do??

    used condoms? wtf

    all i can tell you man is take a step back an gather your thoughts shit is never gonna be fair i feel where you comming from. you can never go back in time just gotta move on as hard as it sounds but its true keep your head up man


      keep your head up dude, look at any positive thing in your life no matter how insignificant(sp?) it is. If any thing just be glad your alive.

      I feel for you dude cus im too much debt and its only getting worse.

      I owe the pawn shop $365 or i lose all my music shit(3 guitars, 2 amps, and a pedel board) i owe my mom $2500 for bailing me out of bills and rent for the past few months,

      i owe my bank $756 for a loan that i shouldnt have even got, and i dont have anything to show for. I owe the credit card company $987 for non-payments, late fees and intrest. and to top it all off I just found out that the apartment i moved out of, i was suppose to give them 60 days notice as to weather or not i was staying or leaving the apartment so thats another $550 i dont have. Im only 19, i feel like an asshole cus its starting to affect my mom's credut, mines already fucked, and its gonna fuck up my friend's(ex-roomate) credit. And i have to goto court for driving with a suspended license, i didnt know it was, never received a notice. So im probably gonna lose my license or have to goto that stupid ass fucktard driver daycare school for a day(had to go before for a speeding ticket).

      sorry to thread jack there, just had to get this shit off my mind.

      The only advice i can give is to stay positive and never give up. Hope that helps. again sorry for the thread jack
      My Ride r.i.p.

      My new ride



        i have degenerive disc disease in my back, listen if you can do physical therapy, theres stuff you can do to fix it, but you gotta go after it, i mean, it might be worth going into debt to make yourself be able to get yourself out of debt you know what i mean?

        and bro ive been there but look at the mexicans man they dont even have SS number and they get by and drive a honda (ok so usually a toyota corolla) and have a family!

        u can IM me anytime u want man i can always cheer people up its like all the bad shit happens to me so it makes people feel better, but im not saying i know where your at, because it sounds like your at a low, but why do we fall down? so we can learn to pick ourselves backup (ok stupid batman quoute but i couldnt think of anything)

        anyways, dude thats why i always get a car that i can have because i can fall in love with a car and if i take car of it it will treat me right and its like the onlything you can have in the world. but seeing as your car was repoed, your in a tough spot man.

        i suggest put on some nice clothes, shave and go out wherever meet some new people call old friends do something different, dont spend any money, just get your mental level right, then go get a job, because youll be more apt to find one and more excited about it. and dont smoke any weed it makes one lazy.


          and bro

          your not a fuck up.

          you made it to cb7tuner, your a forum guy, in my eyes that makes you alot smarter of a person than average people, you communicate with the real world.


            the lowest lows always return the highest highs. this is just a down slump. it'll get better.


              Everyone has problems you just can't keep thinking about the negative always think positive.Me for instance I have a freakin negative balance in my bank account,a crappy job,and I still live with my parents,i'm going to college to become an automotive technician but I am not too confident.The only things that make me happy is my accord and my girlfriend.
              Project EP hatch on the way


                Originally posted by RoCknRicEr037
                and bro

                your not a fuck up.

                you made it to cb7tuner, your a forum guy, in my eyes that makes you alot smarter of a person than average people, you communicate with the real world.
                Right on, man. RocknRicer037 is right. You're here on the best forum to end all forums. CB7Tuner is the best place to communicate with people. I've been in your situation before. It happened to me on April 20, 2007. I got fired over some bs, but I held out from blowing my head out in my CB7. I believe that people, no matter their situation, will bounce back on their feet. It's just a matter of opening doors that stand in your way. I still get down and out about having no job, but I'm still standing strong for my family. Without them, I would have killed myself back in April. They kept me from making a huge mistake. They would all be devestated right now if I had gone through with it. Hang in there, bro. Things wil look up, soon. Take it from a person who's been there, me.

                Last edited by DirtySouthHonda; 08-02-2007, 04:17 PM.


                  i blew threw 100k in 6 months i had a 99 si and wrecked it i had a evo 8 but i had to sell it. and then i got another accord and had to get a loan. i invested 70k in a buisness and it went flop so i got fucked there. that is another thing that sucks. i had a logging buiness but my old partner took all the money and spent it on crack. so i got fucked bad. so there went 70k in a matter of months so i had to give that up. god damn i don't know what in the hell went wrong

                  used condoms? wtf

