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Time to get healthy!

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    I need to get healthy. Ill go running when I am back in Dallas lol. I like the track around our house its nice. But good for you. Im thinkin bout tying myself to the back of my lil bro corolla and tell him to drive a consistent 10 mph LOL And if I stop i get owned lol.

    The New-ish Ride
    My old Ride
    Hear my Vtak!!!
    MK3 Member #3
    I piss off people for fun.
    IA 08 Sunburn Victim #1


      start running :P i use to be pretty cubby and started thinking i never see a chubby guy running track.... i run "RUN" mile a day... i lost 50lb in a month down to 180lb now iam 6 foot even

      Please, Leave me some feeedback on my ride ^CLICK ^CLICK ^CLICK
      Originally posted by deevergote.
      But Honda guys know EVERYTHING about EVERYTHING! If you don't believe that, then you're just wrong...


        I've read for every 25lbs a man loses,His dick gets a 1/2 inch bigger.

        1991 Sedan

        click image for MRT


          GL with the change deev i know itll work for ya, as for me im trying to gain weight lol im 5'7" and 115lbs lol skinny mofo im always running around lifting things at my job so i get plenty of exercise i just need to eat things that will help me gain weight better lol

          again GL deev you can do it

          PSN ID's:Tidashoni
          1992 Accord EX Coupe
          My FS Thread
          Not so DD 2013 Subaru Impreza WRX STI
          Originally posted by deevergote
          Boosting with a carb is like being a sniper with a bazooka... it works, it gets the job done, but it's not the most precise method.


            Originally posted by accord2nr81
            I lost 50lb in a month
            that sounds like it hurt. ...j/k :P

            FS: Lokuputha's Stuff
            "It's more fun to drive a slow car fast than it is to drive a fast car slow."-The Smartest Man In The World


              This isnt an excercise thing, but something to integrate into your life. WHen you go tot he store or wherever with a parking lot, i always park far away, like where there are no cars are at. This makes you walk longer, plus it lessens that chance for a "accidental" car ding.

              ----------------My 92 Honda Accord LX---------------------- My 97 Nissan 240sx LE----

              NE GUYS, Buy the last of my accord parts


                Originally posted by kmart64
                on top of what everybody says, since your body seems to be in pain from sit ups and such, I would actually just try to lose the few extra pounds thru diet, and then just stretch everyday, and eventually you will fell more energetic and you'll be able to start doing pushups and situps again.

                I used to be pudgy when I was a teenager (5,10 and 210lbs) I lost 40 lbs in three months just by moderating my eating habits (I used to, and have now gotten back into the habit of gorging at my favourite meals) and doing mostly light weights and resistance workouts

                I was a depressed emo kid but I dealt with it by going into my room each night and doing a half hour of exercising..... a few pushups (which I still hate and can barely do BTW) many situps and some light weight curls and flyes

                I didn't even change WHAT I ate, just HOW MUCH. From December I dropped from 210 down to 170 in March. And I felt a hell of a lot better too.

                Set a realistic goal or you will just fail and crap out.......I believe you had a similar thread awhile back about this, so that may have happened before. Best wishes
                1992 Accord LX Wagon 248K/155 Miles


                  Originally posted by JohnD1079
                  This isnt an excercise thing, but something to integrate into your life. WHen you go tot he store or wherever with a parking lot, i always park far away, like where there are no cars are at. This makes you walk longer, plus it lessens that chance for a "accidental" car ding.
                  I do that anyway... I hate driving with people who circle the lot 4 times trying to find the closest spot. I intentionally park far away and walk.


                    Monday - Situps till it hurts like hell
                    Tuesday - Pushups till you can't do more
                    Wednesday - Biking
                    Thursday - Walking
                    Friday - Situps and Pushups till it hurts like hell
                    Saturday - Morningwalk and afternoon biking
                    Sunday - Rest

                    Then eat enough vegetables
                    No potatoes, after you cook them there aren't any vitamines left
                    Meat like horse
                    Fish like salomon because of the oils in it
                    and a whole lot of water each day

                    This was my training program when i was training martial arts.
                    Last edited by lo-specials; 07-29-2007, 03:15 PM.

                    Your car is faster, I'm the better driver

                    Greetz Erwin
                    My last ride

                    Shakes and Fidget - The Game


                      I have bad knees too deev. 16 years of playing sports can kill you. They've always been bad until one day i jumped off a shelf and blew out my left knee by landing without bending my knees (I should've known better). My dad hurt himself the same way at work and he went to the doctor because of it. Doctor told him to ride a bike... and of course he never did, but i did! I took the doctor's advice and rode a bike for a week.. about 10 miles a day. Once I did like 35 but it was cuz i wanted to explore.

                      Anyway, It worked wonders for me, my knee didnt hurt for atleast a month, while playing sports. But then again, sports takes its toll on you.

                      When riding a bike make sure you set the seat high enough so that your knees get full extension when you pedal downword because if you set it too low and you're knees don't get full extension, your knees are gonna be hurting more than they did before.

                      Just a tip that worked for me. Try it out.


                        could always turn to powerlifting like a did lol
                        UNDERGROUND SOCIETY


                          glad to hear you want to start a healthier life style! I can relate, You remember my old puggy self. I used to be 300 pounds 6,2. the works. This was about 1 year ago. Today i weigh in at 240 and can curl 110 lb curling bar like nothing. Im an roid explosion! LOL without roids ofcourse. I just workout a good 1 hour a day
                          To have loved and lost is better than to have never loved at all #CB7Life


                            scheesh, im the complete opposite. i havent worked out in forever and i crave fast food every single day.

                            chiming in at 5'8" and 135.
                            I <3 G60.

                            0.5mm Oversized Stainless valves and bronze guides available. Pm me please.


                              people like me hate people like you lol.... i used to be that way i was 6' and 135 and so i tried to gain weight and bam now i am 6'1 210 and i am trying to lose some lol


                                no more fried snicker's bars at the track.

                                i want to gain some myself, but not sloppy weight, it will take some time. right now i'm 6'' 165lbs. 180 wouldn't be bad. later.
                                Avoiding dirt at all costs

