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Time to get healthy!

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    Time to get healthy!

    For those that know me, I'm a chubby son of a bitch...

    I want to change that. Time for a total lifestyle change

    Eating right and regular exercise are my goals. However, I don't do much of either at the moment! I don't have the money for a gym membership. I don't have the money for expensive foods...

    So, I'm just looking for suggestions on some things that I could integrate into my lifestyle to be healthier (and less flabby )

    So far:
    I replaced my usual breakfast of a sausage, egg, and cheese bagel with a bowl of Cheerios and 1% milk.
    I usually skipped lunch, but lately I'm trying to eat fruit, or a tuna sandwich on whole grain bread (mixed with light ranch dressing )
    For dinner, chicken breast, veggies (green beans, corn, whatever)... or sometimes just a pepper or a tomato (I feel dinner is late in the day... it's a bad tradition for dinner to be the biggest meal of the day!)
    I replaced the majority of my beverage intake with water... the occasional soda or beer, but water is now the primary beverage... and lots of it.

    I'm trying to walk more. I'm going to try to make it a point to walk at least a half hour every day. A friend of mine does that, and it's worked well for her.

    Other forms of working out aren't great for me...I have bad wrists, so pushups hurt. I have a bad back, so situps hurt. I have bad knees, so running hurts. I suppose I could just deal with the pain and work through it (I have in the past) but I don't want to do any serious damage. I'd rather be fat with functioning joints!

    So, there's my basic idea.

    I could use suggestions on other ways to exercise, and more importantly, some more quick, cheap, healthy food ideas!

    Bikes are more fun.
    To-Do List for Today
    Be Awesome


      Yeah... I have to pump up my tires


        im on a diet too

        i used to weigh around 94kg, now i knocked off 3 kg in 2 weeks LOL

        just by eating smaller portions, and jogging 30 minutes a day.

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          BOSSMAN IM ALSO fat, i feel ur pain

          i weigh 270, im 5'6 i stocky so i look 200

          i need 2 loose the weight.

          What ive done to build my fat into muscle/ tryin 2 loose the fat

          I stopped eating in the night, If i was hungry i drank something at night,

          1% milk is better than whole milk its 2 dam thick.

          Besides walkin and stuff 2 burn the calories i started doin MILITARY shoulder press with about 130 pds or so. that build my upper strength and i lost weight up top AKA tites.

          and i lost very few around the HIPS and TUMMY, but wat i did was alot of sit ups
          **Blk Housed Slut Crew Member #1**

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            drink nothing but water...and alot of it like that...your urine should be clear..cut out ALL sodas are just as bad..juices are decent..jus look at how much sugar and stuff is in alot of baked chicken..tuna,,,fish..its cool to have cheat days once in awhile...jog or walk everyday..i jog every other day..and walk on the off basketabll or go to a park or something..your not trying to be a bodybuilder or get massive a gym membership isnt 6 small meals a keeps that metabolism high


              I have to lose the tummy pudge and the pendulous manboobs


                Originally posted by deevergote
                I have to lose the tummy pudge and the pendulous manboobs
                30 SLOW pushups & situps a day, ull be surprised what consistancy will yield.

                lifestyle chage is the best way, diets are just another way to starve until u get fat again

                I've stopped eating meat (except fish) for the last year, and without even exercising much, I have already lost about 25lbs and I seem to have a lot more energy.

                Fruits & Vegetables go a long with your vitamin intake. If you don't do much cardio work, eat more F&V and less starch. And buy a very expensive bike, so u will HAVE to use it

                g luck with it Deev

                FS: Lokuputha's Stuff
                "It's more fun to drive a slow car fast than it is to drive a fast car slow."-The Smartest Man In The World


                  Good advice on the expensive bike

                  I have a decent bike... bad brakes and a bent rim from some 6 year old kid smacking it with a golf club... but it works. I just have to walk it down to the gas station half a mile away to put air in the tires!


                    My 2 cents on the diet issue: I think the less red meat you eat, the better (you seem to be going for this). I could be wrong here, but it seems to me that poultry and fish are much leaner sources of protein, plus fish also has omega 3 acids and stuff. Cutting out sodas (as you mentioned) should also help. I also recommend some sort of cardio, just find something you can do (that doesn't aggravate the joint pain) on a regular basis. I'm no expert by any means, but those are the things I would do, were I in your position. Good luck!


                      well, i just went for a long, walk... nearly a jog (there was some fat lady at the park going the opposite way, and we kept meeting in the same spot... so I was walking as fast as a fat lady can jog!

                      Came home, did 15 situps and 10 pushups. Not too bad. Got my heart rate up, broke a sweat... now it's time for a bottle of water and a shower!


                        the best cardio for those with joint pain is swimming or some type of water aerobics.... i agree with the fish and chicken but watch what chicken you buy and just because its free range doesnt mean squat... free range is any poultry that has access to the outside, but they do not have a time limit on it so they could only see the sun for 10 mins


                          on top of what everybody says, since your body seems to be in pain from sit ups and such, I would actually just try to lose the few extra pounds thru diet, and then just stretch everyday, and eventually you will fell more energetic and you'll be able to start doing pushups and situps again.
                          Yeah, Preludes

                          Originally posted by deevergote.
                          Why can't people just search OT to see if someone else posted the same random thread?


                            situps are your enemy when trying to lose belly fat as they will just build the muscle underneath the fat... do the cardio such as swimming which takes the weight off of your joints... this will also help to tone and strengthen almost all of your muscles... i swam on a team from the time i was five until i was in my early teens and i could not gain any weight lol


                              Originally posted by deevergote
                              well, i just went for a long, walk... nearly a jog (there was some fat lady at the park going the opposite way, and we kept meeting in the same spot... so I was walking as fast as a fat lady can jog!

                              Came home, did 15 situps and 10 pushups. Not too bad. Got my heart rate up, broke a sweat... now it's time for a bottle of water and a shower!
                              Good for you man.
                              I need to start doing this stuff, too.

