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Poll:You with or against this war

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    Poll:You with or against this war

    Hey all you fellow Cb7tuners

    I started this thread to get a feel for something...war.

    I was all about it when the US deployed troops to Iraq.

    I think this is repost but this thread is a poll.

    I saw the Nick Berg video, the Paul Johnson photos and the Kim Sun-il video.

    I know it seems sick just to watch it but you know all of us have a little curiousity in us.

    I watched the Kim Sun-il video and I felt bad like I wanted to do something for this poor guy. He pleaded for his life to be spared but no one took action..because these countries have a policy that says they will not negotiate with terrorists.

    Dudes what I'm saying is this..election is just around the corner before you know it will be here.

    I'm so fed up with Bush's bullshit antics..I'd vote for Kerry but that pansy ass changes his mind so often. If it were left up to me I'd say let the Iraqis run their fucking country like they want too.

    War on terrorism phhbt please. You stop one guy then another one will rise in place of his predecessor. I hate to vent but I guess I'm just seeing this war and as a no-win situation.I have friends from highschool who joined the military.

    The guys that die for the United States are really young as 18 never saw a battle as big as this one in their own lives.

    I keep thinking those hostages being beheaded shot or tortured could be my friends. I guess I'm so sick of listening to people getting killed because we keep sticking our heads where they shouldn't be.

    I dont know about you guys but I think I'm def going to see what Bush is really made off in Faranheit 9/11.

    Ive heard reviews..I saw Michael Moore on the Today show that bitch Katie Couric was reaming him about the movie people came in with their emails saying that they think its propaganda material. To me I don't think it is, people are just to scared to admit mistakes. Bush indeed made good decision last year but now its costing more and more lives...causing more and more grief.

    We're a total fucking mess...we still have troops in (Forgotten War)Afghansitan now we have people in Iraq fighting insurgents. Everyone forgot about Afghanistan and now all the attention is focused on Iraq and this fucktard camel jockey shit eating Jordianian diplomat name Al-Zawqauri supposedly hes more deadlier than Osama that I adays I hear shit on the news that Officials knew about this guy and did nothing NOTHING.

    I hate to rant and rave but I figure I'd share my polictical views with you guys.

    How many more people have to die for this senseless war before someone wakes up and really smells the fucking coffee?
    Lets create another Iraqisaki
    Henry R
    1992 Accord LX R.I.P
    1993 Accord EX OG since 'o3
    Legend FSM

    'You see we human beings are not born with prejudices, always they are made for us,
    made by someone who wants something' -1943 US War Department video

    ^_^ what I would've said...excellent post. Pretty well thought out too.

    PTAC (Poor Tuner's Accord Club) - #05

    2003-2006 - '91 Accord EX 2dr 5spd "Macy" R.I.P
    2006-20?? - '99 Grand Am SE 4dr Auto "NoName"


      Hell no im not for the war my brother is still over there and he was already injured once before.


        I think the new Micheal Moore film is going to bring to light a great number of things that perhaps many American's never knew about, or even considered. I think the whole premise for this war was based soley out of greed, and is funded by the american tax payer as well as those lost in combat. I have been against this war in Iraq since day one, but I do pray for the safe return of all of our troops and for the saftey of all innocent by-standards who are cought up in the conflict.

        Accrdkid - You might look into John Kerry a little more, and not take all of the propoganda the media make up. As far as him "flip-flopping" issues, that is something right has tried to nail Kerry on. Believe it or not, it is ok to change your mind or stance on an issue. Times change, events change, and conflicts change. What was good yesterday may be terrible for tommorrow. This whole thing about Kerry "chaning sides on issues" is something the right has pegged him with and continues to bombard the press with such allegations that are simply over-exaggerated.
        Honda-Tech Username: Lostcb7
        The OG.


          i am totally against this war. and being canadian has nothing to do with it. America went over there with the best of intentions, even though the UN didn't back this whole mission. If the UN had of backed it, canadians would be over there too. But anyway once the job was done, the US should of backed the fuck out because now as we can all see, shit is going downhill in a huge way. as long as the US remains in the area it wont get any better. my 2 cents.

          1992 H23 powered CB7


            Yeah I guess your right.

            I forget we tend to change our opinions as time changes.

            You know what though is based on greed. I remember listening to a radio interview on HJY (local rock station from RI) they interviewed this guy I cant remember his name or the book he recently put out ( I wanted to get it soo bad that I forgot the name) he mentioned that the Saudis and Bushs were a very close knit group from what I heard there was this guy that was literally treated to whatever he wanted. Of course the Bushs just like them Saudis are oil tycoons. I somewhat find it hard to believe that a president had goofed off in college as a prankster and a drunk and still STILL managed to become president of this country ( to my certain knowledge at the time I thought it was a relief because Al Gore seemed like such a boring guy)

            Sure Bush has somewhat improved the economy. But you know something I bet before 9/11 those terrorists really studied his past up til the present time.

            you know the saying 'Keep your friends close but your enemies closer'

            They knew what they were doing....
            Henry R
            1992 Accord LX R.I.P
            1993 Accord EX OG since 'o3
            Legend FSM

            'You see we human beings are not born with prejudices, always they are made for us,
            made by someone who wants something' -1943 US War Department video


              Hell man Canadians are welcome to post their own opinion about their neighbor to the South.

              Oh and theres this joke I heard from Chris Rock...

              You definitely know the world has gone bad when your best golfers black your best rappers white and the country is being run by Bush, Dick and Colon.

              Chris Rock can get a little extreme with the race jokes but hes not so bad.
              Henry R
              1992 Accord LX R.I.P
              1993 Accord EX OG since 'o3
              Legend FSM

              'You see we human beings are not born with prejudices, always they are made for us,
              made by someone who wants something' -1943 US War Department video


                hahahaha Chris Rock is hilarious. The book wouldn't be Plan of Attack by Bob Woodward would it?

                I think canada fucking rocks, and Canadians are even cooler.
                Honda-Tech Username: Lostcb7
                The OG.


                  YEAH thats the book.

                  Thanks JDM I think I'm gonna pick it up and read it from what I hear its very interesting.
                  Henry R
                  1992 Accord LX R.I.P
                  1993 Accord EX OG since 'o3
                  Legend FSM

                  'You see we human beings are not born with prejudices, always they are made for us,
                  made by someone who wants something' -1943 US War Department video


                    YEAH thats the book.

                    Thanks JDM I think I'm gonna pick it up and read it from what I hear its very interesting.
                    Henry R
                    1992 Accord LX R.I.P
                    1993 Accord EX OG since 'o3
                    Legend FSM

                    'You see we human beings are not born with prejudices, always they are made for us,
                    made by someone who wants something' -1943 US War Department video


                      I am currently reading it myself. I started about 2 months ago, but I have since moved and just have not resumed reading it. It is an excellent read, you won't be disappointed.
                      Honda-Tech Username: Lostcb7
                      The OG.


                        The "war" is stupid... I put it in quotes because it's hardly a war... In a war, you fight against something. I STILL don't know what it is we're fighting! I have a friend going over there for a second tour, so I'm not happy about it.

                        Iraq is nothing. They aren't a threat, and never were. Bush needed to go after someone, and Saddam was there where he belonged. Sure, he was a creep, but since when does the US have to police the world? Overall, we have one of the lowest education rates (in industrialized countries) and surprisingly enough, one of the highest poverty rates! We need to focus on this country first. Unfortunately, Dubya decided to piss off half the world (I'm still waiting for North Korea to nuke us just because they're annoyed with our shit.) Now we have to fix the mess he got us into before we get into rebuilding the home base.

                        I agree that Bush did a good job in going after the terrorists, but once we failed to find Bin Ladin, he got stupid. Iraq was never a major threat. Our friends, brothers, sisters, and people that we'd probably like to know but never will, are dying for no reason. This shit is as bad as Vietnam...

                        We (meaning the Americans in power, because that's what "we" means, apparently!) need to stop this idiotic thinking that we're better, smarter, stronger, faster, etc... than the rest of the world. We are not. That means that we can have internal troubles like other countries. It also means that we don't need to help every country with their problems! Iraq doesn't need us to "free" them. If they want out, they can get out. If they can't get out, then it's the survival of the fittest...

                        Ok, I'm done.


                          Originally posted by deevergote

                          Iraq is nothing. They aren't a threat, and never were. Bush needed to go after someone, and Saddam was there where he belonged. Sure, he was a creep, but since when does the US have to police the world? Overall, we have one of the lowest education rates (in industrialized countries) and surprisingly enough, one of the highest poverty rates! We need to focus on this country first. Unfortunately, Dubya decided to piss off half the world (I'm still waiting for North Korea to nuke us just because they're annoyed with our shit.) Now we have to fix the mess he got us into before we get into rebuilding the home base.

                          I agree that Bush did a good job in going after the terrorists, but once we failed to find Bin Ladin, he got stupid. Iraq was never a major threat. Our friends, brothers, sisters, and people that we'd probably like to know but never will, are dying for no reason. This shit is as bad as Vietnam...

                          We (meaning the Americans in power, because that's what "we" means, apparently!) need to stop this idiotic thinking that we're better, smarter, stronger, faster, etc... than the rest of the world. We are not.


                          I heard something the other day by a former CIA official, who I believe just published a book, about the radical Islamics. He said we aren't fighting an enemy, we are fighting a mindset. He is right, we aren't fighting a set enemy. We can't just "go get them" you are against a whole way off life. They are justified by their relegion to attack America, and that is all the ammunition they need. Just think what it would be like if the entire Baptist (just using them as an example) community decided to wage a holy war on say....Canada for whatever reason. It would create all kinds of shit. Keep in mind, these terrorist groups can filter and distort news just as we do in this country, and make it cater to their beliefs/ideas. I think this entire situation in the middle east is an absolute nightmare and I wish I could say there is an easy fix, but there really isin't. You cannot change the mindset of an entire group of people, especially when they feel as though their actions are completely justified by their relegion. I honsestly cannot concieve a solution to this problem. I do believe our invasion of Iraq did help the enemy tremendously though.
                          Honda-Tech Username: Lostcb7
                          The OG.


                            You know yeah what ARE we fighting?

                            We lost Osama in the fucking mountains. We disbanded Taliban now what the fuck do we do?

                            Its fuel for the fire I tell ya. I feel for Nick Berg and Paul Johnsons Family and all of our fellow Americans especially the soldiers.

                            They're dropping like flies out there ( I know its a bad anology but its true) and like Deev says it echoes Vietnam.

                            We have problems here but before we can do that we gotta stick our noses in everyones business and thats what happens when you number one and you exploit it.

                            Sadly some of these terrorist came to America to studay at our they go back home with a wealth of knowledge...a wealth that turns real deadly against us.
                            Henry R
                            1992 Accord LX R.I.P
                            1993 Accord EX OG since 'o3
                            Legend FSM

                            'You see we human beings are not born with prejudices, always they are made for us,
                            made by someone who wants something' -1943 US War Department video


                              Originally posted by Accrdkid
                              You know yeah what ARE we fighting?

                              We lost Osama in the fucking mountains. We disbanded Taliban now what the fuck do we do?

                              Its fuel for the fire I tell ya. I feel for Nick Berg and Paul Johnsons Family and all of our fellow Americans especially the soldiers.

                              They're dropping like flies out there ( I know its a bad anology but its true) and like Deev says it echoes Vietnam.

                              We have problems here but before we can do that we gotta stick our noses in everyones business and thats what happens when you number one and you exploit it.

                              Sadly some of these terrorist came to America to studay at our they go back home with a wealth of knowledge...a wealth that turns real deadly against us.

                              Shit...who do you think taught them how to fly planes? US! I have to find the info, but I read somewhere that President Reagan actually helped fund these terrorist groups, and that is really what got the ball rolling.
                              Honda-Tech Username: Lostcb7
                              The OG.

