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Ok, I think I'm finally going to get into WoW (World of Warcraft)

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    Wipem Out Wednesday? It's all I could think about.
    Finally Up and Running. Numbers to Follow. Check my MR


      Deev!!! NOOOOOO!!!! Don't do it! It's worse than Evercrack....we'll never see you again! I've lost touch with people because of's worse than heroin addiction.

      SOHC Non-VTEC F-series for life

      "It is the fools prerogative to utter truths that no one else will speak."
      -Morpheus (The Sandman)


        first he starts driving a pontiac, then he gets on WoW.

        deev whats goin on man were loosing you!?!


          I <3 G60.

          0.5mm Oversized Stainless valves and bronze guides available. Pm me please.


            i played the trial, it was fun for sure. however, having played ultima online at a younger age i realized that once you get into it, it will suck away all your free time. if i were you, i'd accept that its entertaining, but so are other video games. with all the money you would spend on monthly fees just pick up a ps2 and a few greatest hits games for $20. just as entertaining but far less addictive.

            1991 JDM Galant VR-4


              my friend plays all the time. he has a level 70 character, not sure what he plays as though. hes cancelled his subscription multiple times, which is funny, since he always goes back when he finally has more money to pay with.

              in fact, i bet hes playing now.

              And if i could swim I'd swim out to you in the ocean
              Swim out to where you were floating in the dark.


                ill sell you my account

                its got a lvl 40 warrior on icecrown

                i quit because it took too much of my time and also started playing halo 2 and soon to be halo 3 competativley

                wow is fun but after a while it seem like it takes an eternity to level up and get boring, i wish i had kept at it and made it to level 70 so i could do the end-game stuff but i stoped before that


                  Originally posted by RoCknRicEr037
                  first he starts driving a pontiac, then he gets on WoW.

                  deev whats goin on man were loosing you!?!
                  No kidding is this a joke??

                  wOW=nerd status



                    I play WoW all the damn time, im no fuckin nerd. Deev go for it, i've been playin a lil over months now and i love it

                    Addiction is a loss of will power, if you think your addicted then you have none.

                    If you have a strong will power and can keep the playing to the right amounts of time and dont let it consume you then you will a have a ton of fun.
                    Last edited by CKYaccordHIM; 06-11-2007, 07:58 AM.
                    My Ride r.i.p.

                    My new ride


                      i used to play something called Ragnarok Online which was really fun until they started nerfing everything and then they changed the location of all the monsters. i think i finally stopped playing back in june 2005.

                      anyone ever seen that episode of Southpark where the boys were playing WoW? i mean all of their friends were playing it too.


                        Originally posted by erok515
                        No kidding is this a joke??

                        wOW=nerd status
                        I've long outgrown "status". I do what I enjoy. If someone wants to think less of me for that, so be it. They're the ones wasting their time worrying about what I do


                          DO IT!!! .. lol .. join the darkside! .. Anyways i gotta say WOW is extrememly fun! .. i'm not on a PVP server, but if u sign up Deev, i will start a new character and joing u in the quest! .. i'm a lev 32 paladin on Quel Dorei, but my friend and i are considering switching(because it's a normal server, not PVP) .. but if u come on Quel dorei, i'll definitly help u level up and finsh up quests and all.

                          The 10 day trial is kool, but I'll be able to give u a 30 day trial, i think with the same restrictions .. but to let u know.. using the mail system and Auction house is great! .. i've got a business going and have been selling shirts on WOW, making alot of gold, lol. So it's almost worth it to just pay for it, and i'd be able to send u gold and stuff. I pay in 3 month intervals. But u can also buy game cards that give u like 60 days of play.

                          WoW is definitly fun, esspecially when u know people/play with people.

                          Heck why not everyone who plays wow here start all over?!?! we can all start tgether!.. lol
                          Originally posted by wed3k
                          i rep cb7tuner all day, everyday. people say, "fuck y0 honda." and i say, "bitch, please."


                            lol my lil bro played guild wars before WOW. He addicted to WoW now lol.

                            The New-ish Ride
                            My old Ride
                            Hear my Vtak!!!
                            MK3 Member #3
                            I piss off people for fun.
                            IA 08 Sunburn Victim #1


                              Yeah deve if you start playing ill definitely start a new guy and quest with you.

                              Dr. Jekyll by day Mr. Hyde by night
                              02 Pontiac Firebird W68
                              92 Dodge Stealth RT/TT


                                Originally posted by Frazzums
                                Yeah deve if you start playing ill definitely start a new guy and quest with you.
                                sweeet! ! ! ! lol that's 2 of us now deev .. :nudge nudge:
                                Originally posted by wed3k
                                i rep cb7tuner all day, everyday. people say, "fuck y0 honda." and i say, "bitch, please."

