so it is that time of the year when many people graduate from college and move on to the real life. Im sitting here and waiting for my graduation which will take place this saturday and was wondering who else is graduating from college, from where and what are your plans for the future? Also, feel free to reminisce on your college experience.
Ill be graduating from Penn State University with a bachelors degree in Telecommunication. After graduation ill be flying to Poland for two months (june 20th - August 20th) to see my family (its been 5 years) and attend two weddings. When i return I will continue my job search and hopefully work doing some kind of tv production. My college experience has been great. Made many great friends, had many great times, and gained valuable experiences working at the local tv station. I definetally plan on returning to the area every so often for a football game and to see old friends.
Ill be graduating from Penn State University with a bachelors degree in Telecommunication. After graduation ill be flying to Poland for two months (june 20th - August 20th) to see my family (its been 5 years) and attend two weddings. When i return I will continue my job search and hopefully work doing some kind of tv production. My college experience has been great. Made many great friends, had many great times, and gained valuable experiences working at the local tv station. I definetally plan on returning to the area every so often for a football game and to see old friends.