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cop self owneage

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    cop self owneage

    nice find....
    ...I should of had a camera when 5 cruisers harassed me....we even got a free ass flossing complements of a special rubber-gloved officer...ewwww....

    FS: Lokuputha's Stuff
    "It's more fun to drive a slow car fast than it is to drive a fast car slow."-The Smartest Man In The World


      dumb bored cops


        never let them search your car without a search warrant no matter if you have something illegal or not A cop planted a half full COLD beer bottle in my friends buick because back then we were stupid enough to let him search

        needless to say we all got raped with tickets my buddy ryan for speeding and the beer me for a pack of cigs and being 16 (would have been more if I didnt eat the blunt i had) and my buddy taylor for a black and mild and being 17

        soo yeah I never paid the ticket LOL

        fucking pigs I always get the urge to beat the fuck out of one everytime I see one (but I dont )

        also I had another run in with the same officer (officer steve bartley) when we were rolling a J in the laundry room of the apartment complex at 4am and this old lady walks in and grabs are sack and runs! were like wtf did that old bitch just take my sack so I run to the apartment im staying at my buddy ryan gets on my buddy cowboys bike and they ride off and I get a knock at the door and he asked me who had the weed (i did lol) I told him some dude from ransom canyon texas (40 miles away) and he left but he would always pull in the parking lot and shine a light on us when we would work on my buddy marks saturn (turbo) he ran from the cops in it (was on the news) for 40 miles to slaton texas to lubbock texas all the way back to slaton

        soo yeah sorry for being so chatty im drunk and fucked up off hydrcodones


          dude thats one of my friends haha!!!!!

          he drives a red civic hatchback theres pix of it in the mid atlantic regional thread. the march 24th meet with pics one. haha thats funny it ends up here again!
          "This truck is 100% sh*ts and giggles."
          "Speed has never killed anyone. Suddenly becoming stationary... that's what gets you." Jeremy Clarkson

          You're not JDM until you have a car built in ohio with tons of bolt ons from ebay.
          Disregard females, acquire currency
          BUS 62 AIN'T F'ING AROUND!


            cops over here dont seem to do that
            I <3 G60.

            0.5mm Oversized Stainless valves and bronze guides available. Pm me please.


              wow I didnt know I posted here!



                Wow. Cops around here don't hassle people like that.


                  Thats pretty funny. x2 on never letting them search. Even if you dont have anything. It may piss them off, but its still funny.

                  KeepinItClean | EnviousFilms | NoBigDeal | YET2BSCENE | .· ` ' / ·. | click here.
                  Originally posted by Jarrett
                  Is there a goal you're trying to accomplish besides looking dope as hell?


                    I liked this part:
                    cop-There was a civic that looked exactly like yours racing there.
                    guy-Just like that one too?
                    cop-yeah, that's why they're searching his car.
                    guy-oh ok.
                    Lmao, thats fucking great. That guy is genious. He's a smart ass, but a genious, lol.
                    R.I.P. CB7; hello spec-v!

                    Member's Ride
                    FS thread: full part-out

                    Help me with my spec-V fund, buy my stuff!!!
                    Degree of rice and performability are inversely related.


                      Originally posted by According2Aaron
                      Wow. Cops around here don't hassle people like that.
                      I must quote myself and "x2" it after today. There was a crappie tournament at one of the areas in my park and my supervisor and I took a break and went over to talk to some of the guys in the tournament. The North Carolina State Highway Patrol held the event and one of the troopers was there in charge of it. Well, we stood there for like an hour just conversing with the trooper and some of the other guys standing around.

                      I understand and totally agree that there are many, many law enforcement officers that have huge egos and abuse their power, but you must understand there are plenty of law enforcement professionals out there that are honest, down to earth, and overall good cops. One reason I'm stressing this is in a few years I'll be a North Carolina State Park Ranger, and I will be a sworn and comissioned law enforcement officer myself, and I'm certainly no power-hungry egomaniac, and most of the rangers I've worked with and for aren't either.


                        Originally posted by b-bomb
                        I liked this part:
                        cop-There was a civic that looked exactly like yours racing there.
                        guy-Just like that one too?
                        cop-yeah, that's why they're searching his car.
                        guy-oh ok.
                        Lmao, thats fucking great. That guy is genious. He's a smart ass, but a genious, lol.

                        yeah he was fucking awesome. his gf was smokin too.
                        "This truck is 100% sh*ts and giggles."
                        "Speed has never killed anyone. Suddenly becoming stationary... that's what gets you." Jeremy Clarkson

                        You're not JDM until you have a car built in ohio with tons of bolt ons from ebay.
                        Disregard females, acquire currency
                        BUS 62 AIN'T F'ING AROUND!

