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So, my HS went on lockdown while some one got stabbed...

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    So, my HS went on lockdown while some one got stabbed...

    yes, that is where i go to school, University City High... In the heart of University City, an if not wealthy, very well off community in San Diego, sandwiched inbetween Clairemont(another very well to do neighborhood) and La Jolla(beach front property where doctors and lawyers normally live)

    so it was the last class of the day, and I was in my English class. and JUST when i was going to ask my teacher to use the bathroom, the office lady gets on the P.A. and says "ALL STUDENTS STAY IN YOUR CLASSROOMS! Teachers do NOT let any student from class untill further notice, This is NOT a drill!"

    then i think to myself "FUCK I HAVE TO PIIIIIISSS!!!!"

    well that link contains the whole scoop.

    any way, i drove to school today, and once they finally let us out of lockdown, i ran to the bathroom, and headed to my car, where i saw lots of police running around. once i headed to the parking lot, it was HELL. fucking cars and school busses every where. the buses were in the student parking lot because practically all of the San Diego Police Dept. occupied the bus terminal.

    once i got to the "driveway" of the school, i shit you not, about a bajillion police cars and motor cycles were infront.

    well, if you watch the video, you'll hear that other students came to the aide of the victim,

    i know the victim, his name is Moses. he's a black dude, very swell, fucking buff. but he is crippled. you know like Jimmy from south park(not trying to be funny, his leg is fucked up so he walks with a limp)

    i've known him since i was in middle school, and he is chill as FUCK. i mean, im no best friend of his, but when i see him, er saw him around, i always said whats up.



    Claire - '92 Mercedes-Benz 500E - AMG&Bilstein Treatment - The Wolf in Sheep's clothing.

    Alice - '97 BMW 540i6 - Dinan Tuned. - Low Profile Weekend Warrior.

    Felicia - '11 Ford Fusion - Luxury Package - Daily.. daily.. ugh.

    Originally posted by JoshM
    Okay to do: "I'm sorry I broke your mailbox, here's $100.
    NOT okay to do: "I'm sorry I fucked your sister, here's $100.

    i am a senior in high school myself right now, its crazy what some little fuckers will do, for any little shit they wanna start something with you, i fucken hate them, they run it for everybody,

    that sucks though, did he provoke anything or it was just some random stabbing?
    Members Ride


      Originally posted by blackcb7
      i am a senior in high school myself right now, its crazy what some little fuckers will do, for any little shit they wanna start something with you, i fucken hate them, they run it for everybody,

      that sucks though, did he provoke anything or it was just some random stabbing?

      well, appearently, there was an argument eariler in the day between moses and this white kid, mike, which led up to the stabbing at the end of the day....

      Claire - '92 Mercedes-Benz 500E - AMG&Bilstein Treatment - The Wolf in Sheep's clothing.

      Alice - '97 BMW 540i6 - Dinan Tuned. - Low Profile Weekend Warrior.

      Felicia - '11 Ford Fusion - Luxury Package - Daily.. daily.. ugh.

      Originally posted by JoshM
      Okay to do: "I'm sorry I broke your mailbox, here's $100.
      NOT okay to do: "I'm sorry I fucked your sister, here's $100.


        god damn
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          9th grader!?!?!

          Holy fuck, man i dont know what the fuck happend but society has gone down the fuckin shitter....

          When i was in HS we had some shit happen, a drive by(i wasnt there that day i was skipping lol)
          A chick stabbed her bf for cheating on her(happend at her parents house)

          And people randomly placed acid bombs on campus injuring a security guard and sending the school into a race war...

          Just sucks what can i say, at least his wounds werent life threatning...

          i wonder what the argument was about...

          What time did they let yall out?


            like i said, probably something stupid

            good thing i only have 4 class periods lol
            Members Ride


              Originally posted by Ralphie
              9th grader!?!?!

              Holy fuck, man i dont know what the fuck happend but society has gone down the fuckin shitter....

              When i was in HS we had some shit happen, a drive by(i wasnt there that day i was skipping lol)
              A chick stabbed her bf for cheating on her(happend at her parents house)

              And people randomly placed acid bombs on campus injuring a security guard and sending the school into a race war...

              Just sucks what can i say, at least his wounds werent life threatning...

              i wonder what the argument was about...

              What time did they let yall out?

              2:15... we normally get out at 2:10

              UCHS is getting a lot of negative publicity...

              first there was a massive drug bust here. (an undercover cop enrolled as a student and busted like six kids for selling and possession)

              i know six kids isnt massive, but it attained massive media coverage. and UC was the example to other high schools to tighten up on drugs

              then a year ago, there was something else that had to do with a lock down, nothing that the students were related to, some dude who robbed a gas station up the street hid at our school. but the news was all over that as well

              OH YEAH

              i remember i used the bathroom during third period. either today, or yestderday, and there was an Anarchist symbol on the mirror with the message "SOME ONE WILL DIE" written in red sharpie...


              Claire - '92 Mercedes-Benz 500E - AMG&Bilstein Treatment - The Wolf in Sheep's clothing.

              Alice - '97 BMW 540i6 - Dinan Tuned. - Low Profile Weekend Warrior.

              Felicia - '11 Ford Fusion - Luxury Package - Daily.. daily.. ugh.

              Originally posted by JoshM
              Okay to do: "I'm sorry I broke your mailbox, here's $100.
              NOT okay to do: "I'm sorry I fucked your sister, here's $100.


                When I was a senior that shit happened. Turns out the girl purposely stabbed herself she had a kid too....It was kinda *** but i missed quite a day of classs so it was all g lol.

                The New-ish Ride
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                MK3 Member #3
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                  stabbing a cripple, wheelchair, handicap or white vs black will cause riots or someshit, its worth less
                  knowledge is everything with experience on hand then just hearing word of mouth doesnt prove you can do anything


                    man at my school we went on lock down it was a huuuuuge fight and people brought bats and sh*t and someone brought out a gun and the school people were just trying to stop it but it didnt do nothing just provoked them more. No one got shot, but i found out the person that brought the gun was my friend lol. It was pretty intense, then just the other day someone got stabbed and the school didnt even go on lock down, maybe because it was lunch but who knows. My school is pretty ghetto.

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                      nobody caught that his name is littlejohn?
                      does anybody see the humor in that? haha, I DO :O

                      Littlejohn said that the students were of different races but that they did not think that the incident was racially motivated.



                        on the stairs, she grabs my arm, says whats up,
                        where you been, is something wrong?
                        i try to just smile, and say everything’s fine.


                          shiet, check it my skoo, is know for scraps, nad bout 45% of the skoo is a scrap lol, but they allwaus wanna start shit with the lil freshmen and the sophmores bcuz they lil piece of shits think they norties n shit, they be wearing red shoes bcuz we use uniforms and they be starting shit with the scraps once they had a major fight and two staff members got punched in the face by to scraps and they arrested like 15 people from skoo, and suspended many more, and they enforced the rules the same day, meh, the next day there was a fight in break, and 2 fights in lunch, so much for enforcing the rules
                          lisa is long gone, but sophie is here!

                          i got a good feeling about this one

                          im going to have to
                          |...OVERNIGHT PART'S 4RM....||'|";,__
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                          check out my mr thread


                            yeah my school went on lock down for like a whole week streight cuz of those walk outs to protest imegration laws... but i live in LA (south gate) and these things are always happening here wich sux lol...
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                            "So. Cal OUTLAWZ "


                              we had a lockdown last week, gang fight, like 10 cop cars came nd hella people got arrested, they even punched back at the cops and the teachers principles blah nd kids got tasered, anyone who was even watching near there got suspended for a week, most of the rest got expelled

