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anyone good at enlglish?

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    anyone good at enlglish?

    I need this essay checked for grammar and all that shit, make sure my sentences are right, no comma splices blah blah. it's due tomorrow and i just finished it. i ran spell check and all that and tried revisin it, looked fine to me.dont mind the topic its all bullshit, i just had to fill up 3 pages on one ofthe topics he gave me.

    also if you can think of a good title for it ide like to know it, andcan someone please point out my topic sentence for me and my thesis thingy or whatever, fuck i need to pay more attention in class. thanks for any help.

    EDIT: dont mind the formatting, its fine in word, double space with indented paragraphs.

    They sit on the streets, on couches, inside and outside houses. They may occupy residency within your home, or reside within the dark corner of your neighborhood streets. The people I refer to are slackers and bums. These people differentiate only in time. Slacker being the beginning stage of the inevitable bum status. Both classifications will here on be referred to as slacker(s).
    What is it like to be a slacker? Is it enjoyable to the individual that sustains these characteristics? I would think not. It’s possibly just a state of mind that has been solidified as the norm throughout their life. In my personal opinion, many of these people are products of their environment. I have a friend that is a slacker; he will eventually end up on the streets if he does not change his ways. The person I speak of is really close to me; I’ve seen the slacker attributes develop throughout his life. Being the case that I’ve seen those traits develop; I feel I possess a better understanding of the topic at hand.
    I believe the lack of motivation a vast majority of slackers possess, is critically definitive of their labeling. To be a slacker; is to be someone who lacks motivation. Some people just aren’t pushed to strive for success at a young age; from this statement even more questions will be formed. Questions about environment, genes, and parenting are among the many. When defining the cause, you must also take into account influential figures in the subject’s life. The subject often idolizes a figure that exhibits key traits a slacker possesses. What traits you ask? As I had mentioned before one of the key traits would be lack of motivation.
    To delve further into the actual definition of the topic; slacker essentially references a stereotype. This stereotype depicts a hippie stoner kid that sits on the couch all day and plays video games. This obviously isn’t the truth; slacker could also be an intellectually gifted individual who just never felt challenged. Therefore they waste their talent away by not utilizing it. I don’t think that there is a solidified definition; it remains vague, in my own mind at least. Then again; I explore the technicalities of the word slacker. If you were to stick to strictly basics, the word would suffice defined as lazy.
    Now we must ask the question; is there a line? A line to divide slacker from its antonym (whatever it may be coined). Well yes there is a line; it isn’t a fine line, or a real tangible line for that matter. The distinction between slacker and its opposition lays in your own personal perception.
    I for instance view the term slacker as someone who just doesn’t care. They don’t care about life, they don’t care about themselves. Then again; even those who have reached success may also not care.
    Their habits affect those around them, whether they know it or not. As a whole they drag down society, while individually they enervate families and friendships.
    It’s not an epidemic crisis or debilitating disease; although it could prove unhealthy should it continue for extended periods of time. There is hope in sight for anyone you fear that exhibits slacker qualities. So if you see the traits, you can either let them develop until they end up homeless and on the streets. Then there is that other possibility of instilling some sense of drive into them.

    Ease up on the cliches.
    Don't begin a sentence with "then".
    Stop trying to be "wordy", it gets in the way of cominucation.

    "sustains these characteristics"? Holy cow.

    Proof read your own work, slacker.
    2003 Maxima SE Titanium Edition
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    1993 Suzuki GSX1100F 136bhp


      Originally posted by SteveB
      Proof read your own work, slacker.
      I have to proof and fix all of my co-workers mistakes. I dont want to proof and fix yours


        FUCK NO j/k . do what he said^^^^^^^


          Originally posted by SteveB
          Ease up on the cliches.
          Don't begin a sentence with "then".
          Stop trying to be "wordy", it gets in the way of cominucation.

          "sustains these characteristics"? Holy cow.

          Proof read your own work, slacker.
          how is "sustains these characteristics" wordy? sorry i'm not dumb. not tryin to be a dick, i've just heard that before and i dont get it, thats how i always write.

          hopefully someone will actually help me, i need to geta good grade on this shit.


            Originally posted by jboyce
            Well yes there is a line; it isn’t a fine line, or a real tangible line for that matter.
            After "yes" put a comma.

            Originally posted by jboyce
            It’s not an epidemic crisis or debilitating disease; although it could prove unhealthy should it continue for extended periods of time.
            After "although" put a comma.

            Btw I don't know if your teacher will check for plagiarism, but I would delete this thread before turning in your essay. There's some program that searches the internet to see if any of your writing is the same as somebody's writing on the internet. If your teacher does use that program, he'll see this thread.


              I am illegal.

              The New-ish Ride
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              MK3 Member #3
              I piss off people for fun.
              IA 08 Sunburn Victim #1


                my professor in critical writing would call your writing piece a little too wordy. Steve b was giving good advice, your writing is good, but you don't need extra words to make it sound good. As long as the point is given and backed up, you don't need to overstate or use words that dont need to be there.

                Many people don't understand that fact that writing does not need to contain big words or wordy contexting in order to be good. Simply state your points, and your evidence.
                Audi A4 2.8 Quattro Sport


                  I'll try an tone down the wordiness a lil i guess, but why does word keep suggesting this sentence is a fragment?

                  "A line to divide slacker from its antonym (whatever it may be coined). "

                  i doubt my teacher checks for that, but who knows, were not supposed to cite sources for this particular essay.


                    I am a slacker.
                    Gary A.K.A. Carter
                    [sig killed by photobucket]


                      Originally posted by tunerman

                      Btw I don't know if your teacher will check for plagiarism, but I would delete this thread before turning in your essay. There's some program that searches the internet to see if any of your writing is the same as somebody's writing on the internet. If your teacher does use that program, he'll see this thread.

                      Ummmm he didnt plagerize.....he wrote it himself...posting it here is just to get help on making sure its in order and ready to be turned in...didnt know that was not allowed

                      Either way plagerizing is stealing someone elses work(written) and labeling it as your his teacher can search all he wants as far as we know thats his


                        Originally posted by Ralphie
                        Ummmm he didnt plagerize.....he wrote it himself...posting it here is just to get help on making sure its in order and ready to be turned in...didnt know that was not allowed

                        Either way plagerizing is stealing someone elses work(written) and labeling it as your his teacher can search all he wants as far as we know thats his
                        I'm not saying he's cheating or anything like that, but it'll be awkward when he sees that his student made a thread about the essay.


                          He's fine. First of all it's not cheating, so you have nothing to worry about; however, I will help you with some of the you're punctuation. I will re-type your essay, and you can take what you want out of it. I have a little bit of credibility so don't worry. I'm currently taking a Essay Writing course in University and my teacher has taught us a thing or two about punctuation, and he has about 20 published books. You can Google his name Cyril Dabydeen and check out some of his achievements. I will do this for you because it's helping me as well. So just give me a couple of hours, and I will do it.

                          Boosted H22
                          375whp 298 ft/lbs at 15psi



                            Originally posted by mozzandherb
                            He's fine. First of all it's not cheating, so you have nothing to worry about; however, I will help you with some of the you're punctuation. I will re-type your essay, and you can take what you want out of it.
                            I dunno about the rest of you but where I come from this would be considered cheating, someone else writing or re-writing the essay for you IS cheating. Just give him some pointers if you want to help. Re-writing it and handing it to him, may help you learn and practice but what is he really getting out of someone else doing his work??

                            What is the criteria that your teacher gave you for this? Is it supposed to be your view on someting or what? Just curious.

                            And IMO it does seem to be very heavy on the cliches. Later


                              Originally posted by mozzandherb
                              He's fine. First of all it's not cheating, so you have nothing to worry about; however, I will help you with some of the you're punctuation. I will re-type your essay, and you can take what you want out of it. I have a little bit of credibility so don't worry. I'm currently taking a Essay Writing course in University and my teacher has taught us a thing or two about punctuation, and he has about 20 published books. You can Google his name Cyril Dabydeen and check out some of his achievements. I will do this for you because it's helping me as well. So just give me a couple of hours, and I will do it.
                              Yeah, uhh, having someone re-write your essay would definately be considered cheating.
                              R.I.P. CB7; hello spec-v!

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