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Scary shit...shooting at school in Spokane

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    Originally posted by 5spdintegra
    God no, your ***!
    aww shucks, happens every time...

    but anyways, more on this guy. he had a 1 1/2 page suicide note that was found, i guess he was trying to make the police kill him or something. he ended up gettin shot three times but not dying. once in the jaw, once in the side, and once in the arm.

    The Dark Tower..........................................and Blaine the Mono


      99% of attempted suicides end up not dying. anything but shooting yourself in the head, driving off a cliff, or something where there is a 100% chance of dying is just a cry for help. i know tons of people who have 'tried to commit suicide' either by slitting their wrists or taking pills, whatever. hell when i was younger i thought everybody was out to get me and i had the shittiest life and i look back on that and i cant believe how fucking stupid i was. i had NO problems compared to real people with real difficulties and those people werent being stupid like i was. like youve heard a million times before, suicide is a permanent solution for a temporary problem, except in some cases where you are just totally fucked and dying is the only thing that can actually bring you happiness. but to me, suicide is selfish...i couldnt kill myself and know the pain that my mom was going through, or my dad, or my brother, and my entire family. the pain you cause them is 10x the pain that you supposedly killed yourself to get rid of. sorry to get off topic, but its just somethin i get a lil worked up about. havent heard anything much about the kid lately, recently theyve been talking about this 15 year old kid who got shot and killed by the police cause he made a beer run (walked out with a case of beer) and wouldnt put his bb gun down when the police told him to. by the way...the kid is deaf

      The Dark Tower..........................................and Blaine the Mono

