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its 630 am and i just wrote a thesis on life

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    its 630 am and i just wrote a thesis on life

    i have no i dea why i wrote this. but anyways its real rough maybei ll turn it into a paper if i get the chance. please read all of it if your going to read it.

    edit: WARNING: this might trip you out and your beliefs.

    I have a perfect life

    Why? not because i have a sweet car, or a nice house, or money, or clothes, or my computer or a hot girlfriend, because those things come and go and you can lose them in a second.

    I have a perfect life and thiers nothing anyone can take away from me to change that. I developed a whole new way of thinking and a totally different thought on life, when you realize everything that has ever made you sad or mad or happy or almost killed you is just a feeling controlled by your own mind you start to understand.

    The first thing you have to do is drop everything youve ever been taught from day one. You are brainwashed. you have been taught what is easy to understand and what is most comforting and sensible. There is neither good nor bad.

    its not something i can just explain, but people are too wrapped up in the physical world and with everyone else that they dont have time to truly think about who they are and what they believe. have you truthfully thought about what happens when you die?

    I certainly dont know, but i dont care either because ive accepted its going to happen. Emotion can control you but it shouldnt. at least in my beliefs Emotion should empower you.

    society has truly held itself down in todays world. America used to be about discovery and embarkments. Now its about settling down with a wife and kids. The whole point of the "system" is to find a female and reproduce, so that your offspring can do the same. many parents look to there kids to do better than they did so they can be proud of something.

    Because this is what is happyness is mistaken for; a physicall or accomplished thing to make you happy. If you want to be truly happy then start thinking, and think some more. because the brain is a muscle, the more you use it, the bigger it gets. And when you think of what you want to do with your life, do it.

    Life is hard sometimes having to pay your own way, how many times have you heard people talk about how miserable thier job is? well quit asshole, live on the street and i bet youll get a new job faster than you think. OR get payed to do what you like, i dont want to be a mechanic the rest of my life, but lets face it, im lazy and cars come easy to me, so im going to get payed to fix them, at least for a while.

    i shouldnt have to explain things to people, but it truly seems that people have to be taught everything in todays world, its all based around school.
    people are constantly looking for words of "comfort and advice" quotes on life from famous people and the bible as a way to live thier lives.

    why do people have to be taught how to lives there lives?
    What happened to indepence? its amazing how the human brain can design microprocessers for computers and yet some humans cant understand past what they were taught from chapter 10.

    Why do so many people seem ignorant and closed minded, or come off dumb? they arent dumb, its what society has made them. The "alpha male" is usually more of an "animal" than a human thus being less mentally complex than a human. this is found attractive by the female and is the whole point of the "system." Now it seems easier to understand why the world is the way it is.

    Our roots were designed this way, but we are different, we are humans.

    In the bible it states how all the animals were made, but then humans were made, which were higher above all of the other animals. While science doesnt exactly prove this there is one thing evident in my mind, the way we evolved is too complex in itself for nature to have produced such a perfect creature. evolution is caused by an adaption to different surroundings. When fish were evolving into mammals, it was because the earth was drying out. when humans came around the earth was done developing, the surroundings were no longer changing, and yet such a complex minded, yet comparitively weak creature came about.

    Theres something missing, and i dont know what it is. Do I believe in God? i question myself with this everyday, And to be honest, i really dont know. I do know that for some reason or another, im alive when i should have been dead. something has been keeping me and the people who surround me alive and unharmed when i shouldnt be at all. I have no idea why, but id like to think im some sort of superhero.

    the hardest part to understand is what happens when you die. think about all of life all your bad times and your good times, 100 years from now you will no longer exist and everything that has happend in your life wont matter anything youve ever done or accomplished wont help you because you will be dead. no after thoughts no looking back nothing. so if your not succesful and you have kids and raise them and die, or you become a rich millionaire with hot wife. it wont matter in the end. because it is the end. if your chasing something your whole life, wether you win or lose or if you catch what your after or not it wont matter.

    and this is where true happiness comes from, when you realize that if you lose a race and "that guy" beat you it wont matter when you both die. because your still both dead.

    look at it like this:

    you can go your whole life
    depressed and poor and die and its over
    -------------------------> | So the question is
    >END >>> Who won if they both end up here?
    or you can live your whole life
    happy and rich and you die and its still over.

    And this is where you can finally understand to live "happily" because you know that whatever happens in your life it all turns out the same. so feel "good" about yourself
    Last edited by Turbo Dave; 02-03-2007, 07:43 AM.

    this is a very hard idea to grasp for alot of people but if you get it let me know.


      I get it

      The brainwashed part is so true..


        Originally posted by RoCknRicEr037

        I have a perfect life

        Why? not because i have a sweet car, or a nice house, or money, or clothes, or my computer or a hot girlfriend, because those things come and go and you can lose them in a second.

        a hot g.f? hahaha great start to a thesis...I hope this isn't for a specific class. I'll leave real feedback in a few. :-)
        14 Ford Focus ST - stock(ish) - E30 Tune + Green Filter =


          I don't believe that money, possessions, and knowledge are the keys to happiness. I do believe people are 'brainwashed', clearly seen in Evangelical preaching (creeeeeepy).But, it doesnt take much to come above that, and have your own mode of thinking.

          Everyone why do people suffer to gain money, pessessions and knowlege from life? Because that is a purpose, and people need a purpose to hold the will to live. In this society, we believe that money will cure that purpose. So the purpose is what we struggle for.

          It's a good idea, I enjoyed reading this.
          14 Ford Focus ST - stock(ish) - E30 Tune + Green Filter =


            very true people do need a purpose and that is waht keeps them unhappy. i know thier all plenty of people even on this website taht without thier cb7's they would be helpless because it helps them keep their mind on something. (i being one of them)

            i wrote a scenario that could clear up a bit what im saying.

            Man A and man B are at a horse race, Man B has bet his entire life savings on a horse to win against man A. The race ends and the horse man B has been betting on loses. Man B loses all of his money, this makes him very depressed and feels that his life is worth nothing and is not happy or satisfied because he looks at man A and sees that man A has all of this money. A few hours after the horse race a metorite hits the earth and kills everyone.

            Now go back in time, and some how give man B the knowledge of waht is about to happen, their is no way to stop it and no point in freaking out because its all going to end. He realizes this. At this point, most people would want to go out and get laid one last time. And im sure thats waht man B would like to do as welll; however the part that brings happiness to him is not wether he gets laid, because he knows that when he is dead getting laid wont matter.

            He realizes wahtever happens he is going to die and it wont matter so he begins to enjoy life no matter what happens to him. Thus true happiness is achieved.


              omg, my life is changed! thank you so much!

              Owner of


                Originally posted by Accord R33
                omg, my life is changed! thank you so much!
                its hard to sense sarcasm online, but i think i just did.


                  that's becuase your parents buy you everything,



                    That was uncalled for, Maple.
                    Originally posted by sweet91accord
                    if aredy time i need to put something in cb7tuner. you guy need to me a smart ass about and bust on my spelling,gramar and shit like that in so sorry.


                      Originally posted by foamypirate
                      That was uncalled for, Maple.


                        [QUOTE=RoCknRicEr037]very true people do need a purpose and that is waht keeps them unhappy. i know thier all plenty of people even on this website taht without thier cb7's they would be helpless because it helps them keep their mind on something. (i being one of them)

                        That is very true for me!But boy what a Moneypit it creates!LOL. The paper was very well wrote for a rough.Thats something for everyone to consider.


                          ...not bad, I get the feeling your an 18 year old who just discovered how to think for himself.

                          "You've done more threatening prescription drugs..."
                          "the character of a man can be judged by how he takes his criticism"
                          "Quoting yourself is like, masturbation" -Starchland


                            I agree just to disagree.

                            Boosted H22
                            375whp 298 ft/lbs at 15psi



                              maple i think you need to take my words of advice, because you dont seem very happy at all man. i havent driven my cb in a while becuase i blew the tranny so dont think i have everything all dandy grandy because my cb dont run either.

