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whats the proper name for this?

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    whats the proper name for this?

    im trying to figure out the proper name for this condition...ill try to explain it as easily as possible...

    example: have you ever read an entire book, and then at the end be like "wtf did i just read.." and you know things about what you names of the people...yet you have no idea what the book was about...but if a friend explains the book to you in like 30 seconds you'll just be like...."OOHHHHH" and then you'll fully understand what you've read. now imagine that almost everything in your life is like that...say your at a new job, reading over your dutys for the've read what your supposed to do but have no idea what to do, but say the guy next to you tells you pretty much exactly what you've just read and right away you fully understand..

    unless someone verbally tells you, or shows you, your completely clueless....

    anyone know what this is called? i think i have it


    but seriously,

    i was the same kinda. during reading something, i would daydream or think about something else and then after i wouldnt know the hell i just read.

    maybe its a form of ADD? idk...
    Last edited by sackingz123; 01-31-2007, 04:27 AM.


      Ummm I have no idea. You can't explain stuff to yourself, you can't digest information that you take in personally. Maybe you just ignore yourself, daydreaming too much, I hate to misdiagnose something like ADD though, here in the US it is over-diagnosed to kids.

      on the stairs, she grabs my arm, says whats up,
      where you been, is something wrong?
      i try to just smile, and say everything’s fine.


        Some ppl are auditory learners, some are more visual.

        Been tested for ADD or ADHA?

        Do you have dyslexia? I mean some ppl are just more prone to drift away in a haze of day dreams...?

        - Daniel

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          I used to be like that.

          I think it was that I was trying so much to pay attention to w/e i was reading or listening to that I didnt pay ANY attention.

          Now i learned to relax and really listen/comprehend the first time.

          You gota think about things as they are said to you/as you read them.

          I duno, its a mental thing.

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            Same thing happens to me quite a bit. I'll hear someone say something, then ask them what they just said, then remember it as they're about to speak.
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              That is just what you call dozing off, and I suffer from that all the time, especially during Composition classes
              RICE COOKA!!


                There is a form of Dyslexia that causes this exact thing to happen to some people. Suposedly your brain doesn't react well to something about lined text and you end up not retaining any of the info.

                But there are usually a lot of other strange symptoms that go along with it. Like when you read do you feel as if the lines of text are moving And if you were to look at blank lined paper do you see the lines on the outsides or your scope of vision wave back and forth or join together?

                On of the rememdies for this is placing a piece of colored transparent paper(the color depends on the person) over what your reading.

                I'm going to try and find out the real name of the disorder.
                "Auto racing, bull fighting and mountain climbing are the only real sports....all others are games."
                - Ernest Hemingway

