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The Best Speech Bush Gave

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    Originally posted by sackingz123
    bush is still a dumbass
    Now youre just calling him names. Pathetic.
    To-Do List for Today
    Be Awesome


      Originally posted by mxcx
      Now youre just calling him names. Pathetic.
      yea dont vote for a bush..


        Too late. Guess that makes me a truck driving, gun toting, stars and bars wearing, deer hunting, pig wrestling, bull riding, calf tying, rodeo loving, sheep loving, Charleton Heston worshipping, fire and brimstone preaching, Fox News believing, Rush Limbaugh listening, cousin loving, business up front party in the back back hick.. Sorry to disappoint again. Were not all like that.
        To-Do List for Today
        Be Awesome


          Originally posted by mxcx
          Too late. Guess that makes me a truck driving, gun toting, stars and bars wearing, deer hunting, pig wrestling, bull riding, calf tying, rodeo loving, sheep loving, Charleton Heston worshipping, fire and brimstone preaching, Fox News believing, Rush Limbaugh listening, cousin loving, business up front party in the back back hick.. Sorry to disappoint again. Were not all like that.
          i hate you and bush..

          dont take anythin i say seriously..its the internet man..i love ya
          Last edited by sackingz123; 01-26-2007, 07:10 AM.


            Originally posted by sackingz123
            i love ya
            Because you know Im right.
            To-Do List for Today
            Be Awesome


              Originally posted by mxcx
              Because you know Im right.
              bc i know ur a jerk from texas..

              UPDATE: I HATE BUSH

              Thread #2 in the past few days where I had to read this shit. Take a break. 3 days.

              I'm not a huge fan of Bush, but to say ANYTHING is his fault would be idiotic. If he's guilty of anything, he's guilty of being manipulated. He is NOT a highly intelligent man. He was pushed through college based on his background, not his hard work or intelligence (a C for 'old money' is an F for anyone else). He admits it. He's a people person. Making connections with people is what he does best... and he DOES do that very well. He got elected based on his personality, not his merit. Honestly, he probably had the most questionable character that a presidential candidate has ever had, yet he won twice (the war may be the reason for the second term, though).


                UPDATE: hour 7 of smurf watch im very tired and still have a loaded gun in my hand for smurfs


                  Originally posted by head4life
                  UPDATE: hour 7 of smurf watch im very tired and still have a loaded gun in my hand for smurfs


                    Originally posted by head4life
                    UPDATE: hour 7 of smurf watch im very tired and still have a loaded gun in my hand for smurfs
                    ..wrong thread.
                    To-Do List for Today
                    Be Awesome


                      Originally posted by mxcx
                      ..wrong thread.
                      NO, ur in the wrong thread


                        We Are All In The Wrong Thread!!!!



                          Originally posted by head4life
                          We Are All In The Wrong Thread!!!!

                          NO UR IN THE WRONG THREAD MITCH!@@@


                            I didn't post up any comments before, I wanted to see what everyone thought...but here goes...

                            This seems to be a very clever PR campaign...notice that George Bush is giving this speech to all the white house corespondents...I believe the objective of this speech is to further push the idea (first encouraged by Fahrenheit 911) that George Bush is a goof. Since he is the representative of his administration, everyone looks to him to blame for the administration's blunders.

                            If Bush was a goof, and a little funny, its very hard to blame him for anything...its easier for people to brush away any of his or his administration's actions as if he were a child-"he's just doing what bush does best...silly Bush" -Michael Moore.

                            It may seem funny at first, but the actions of his administration are not. Since the preemptive attacks on Afghanistan and Iraq, over 200 000 people have died and over 3000 US soldiers have lost their lives.

                            For what? Freedom?....i never knew freedom cost that much.

                            ...oh ranting again...sorry

                            FS: Lokuputha's Stuff
                            "It's more fun to drive a slow car fast than it is to drive a fast car slow."-The Smartest Man In The World


                              Originally posted by head4life

                              U all

                              Shit yall cant be

                              Hey now! IM REALLY BORED



                              A h0e

                              Never does





                              Shit chill out

                              U never see it from that way!

                              Yeah im very bored

                              Bush Beans Owns U
                              Fix your Computer!

                              Originally posted by MikeW
                              D, I'm a fanciful motherfucker. My ish is clean, quick, plush, mature and sophisticated.



                                Originally posted by sackingz123
                                bush is still a dumbass
                                because he cant speak in public? he is a very inteligent man, it is just not overly apparent through the media, who like making money, and since showing the pres in a bad light gets them viewers, they keep doing it.

                                Originally posted by lookuptha
                                For what? Freedom?....i never knew freedom cost that much.
                                what the fuck dude? how many died in the revolutionary war? how many in the civil war? World War 2? the sheer amount of people killed i a single battle in those wars makes this one pale in comparison. im not saying tht human life is worthless, i have gone on pro-life marches that say otherwise, im saying its worth it. i applied for the air force ROTC, and even though i wasnt accepted, i would still gladly fight for this country just for that simple fact. i would never burn a flag (or in the case of the brainwashed left, say the president sucks), buti would give my life for anyone to have that right.
                                Last edited by steelbluesleepR; 01-26-2007, 12:06 PM.

                                Click for my Member's Ride Thread
                                Originally posted by Stephen Fry
                                'It's now very common to hear people say, "I'm rather offended by that", as if that gives them certain rights. It's no more than a whine. It has no meaning, it has no purpose, it has no reason to be respected as a phrase. "I'm offended by that." Well, so fucking what?' —Stephen Fry
                                Eye Level Media - Commercial & Automotive Photography:

