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    Ok anybody who's even halfway serious about how to drive as fast as possible has had to read up on the subject. Skip barber is a must know area of study for serious drivers. I'm sure most of you guys have read plenty. But my question is this, when you're actually out there behind the wheel, how many of you are thinking of what you've learned.

    When I first started driving before my first wreck my dad had this Volvo 760 turbo that totally kicked ass. It had a great set of tires on some 5 spokes. Theres an area where you're going down a mountain full of kiss your ass turns. Back then I would go down that mountain not knowing anything and I thought I was kick ass. Now, if I still had the nerve, I could probably go twice as fast. Every time I get "in the zone" it's almost as if I don't see the road at all, I just see the perfect line. I can't even feel my foot when I'm like that, it just moves around to the line. When it comes to taking corners, there's nothing more important than the line.

    So how many of you guys are readers and how many of you are drivers?
    91 Accord LX

    MotoraZ Chrome 4-2-1 headers

    You had a Volvo 760 turbo, huh? Well when I was driving 760, it was basically what I learned to drive on. It was the best overall car I had driven until I got into the honda. But that ain't saying much.
    91 Accord LX

    MotoraZ Chrome 4-2-1 headers


      theres this road that a frequent often...called shady slope. very smooth, windy, fun road to drive. with my car, i can go up and down that hill with my eyes closed almost, i know it like the back of my hand. two or three near death experiences

      The Dark Tower..........................................and Blaine the Mono


        youz all my kinda people.... taking the car out for a fast spin on a nice cool night, either playin music in background or just having the windows down, listening to the engine. Yea, I've had a few near death experiences, but of course not putting others in danger...just me pushing the limits. i'm addicted to that shit
        HondaFan81 For Sale Parts (LOW PRICES ON EVERYTHING)


          I hate to sound like a pussy but how do you keep your nerve?

          When I first turned 16 and got my license (actually it was a little after, I failed the test once) I wrecked my first two cars within 6 weeks 3 of getting my license. The second one was no problem, I just learned the difference between a green arrow and green light at a left hand turn the hard way. The first one, I fell asleep going around a corner, woke up looking at a pair of headlights on the wrong side of the road. I over corrected, turned around backwards, ran off the road, hit about a half dozen small tree and then slammed into a big tree hard enough to rip the stereo out of the dash and throw it into the back seat. I spent the night in the hospital for fear of spinal damage. Luckily I was alright and went home the next day. EVERYONE at the scene said that I would've died if I was driving anything but a Volvo, they're fucking tanks dude!

          I'm just now getting my nerve back but because I have sucky tires right now, I'm still not really willing to push it. At this point the only real thing I'm scared of is fucking up the car and jacking up the insurance rates. I'm not even listed on my wife's insurance but back when did have insurance, it was over $300 every three months! I can't afford that shit.

          Oh yeah, the guy above me said something about either listening to music or rolling down the window to listening to the engine. When I'm really in the zone, I prefer kill the music. But if I'm just cruising then I've gotta have the tunes.
          Last edited by potfiend; 09-22-2003, 03:10 PM.
          91 Accord LX

          MotoraZ Chrome 4-2-1 headers


            I used to do a lot of that when I had my Civic CRX back when I was stationed at Ft. Hood. I used to drive it out to west Ft. Hood and let that little muther loose. Lot's of turns and hardly anyone out. There'd be times where there was loose gravel but nothing that killed me (obviously). For what it was worth that little CRX gave me a good time twisting and turning down those lonely roads. Now that I am in Dallas there's really no way to do that (suburb cops lick balls) and most of the time I have my 3 month old son with me anyways...


              like i said..sometimes I listen to music, other times just the sound of the engine...depends on my mood
              HondaFan81 For Sale Parts (LOW PRICES ON EVERYTHING)

