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comment for all haters on this site

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    Originally posted by mozzandherb
    Sparkle you made your what do you expect from continuing to argue with peoples comments on this thread. I know you're not out looking for trouble here, but honestly man you will get negative comments with this thread as well. If I were you, just keep posting and let whoever say what they want and if it's negative ignore them.
    he won't, he's too busy being stubborn in his ways and defending his big head(ego). Strange though, that's what he claims we're all immature for, being stubborn in our ways.


      Originally posted by h22sparkle
      your looking to far into your past d112 do you want a bisucit for learning to tie your shoe or getting all A's in a spelling bee contest. Noone cares about all that im saying i do what i do i make money . sure any monkey can bolt on a manifold and a few pipes but have you? i invest money into my car and pu tit into efefct have you what have you really accomplished. My name is in the streets all time h22 accord. i mean straight up challenges i dont even bother its not worth the risk.

      We can go on and on i got two cars so what and you just like to call names for no reason . You need alot of growing up to do. I back up my work with my mouth. To surpass the likes of you i do my work like its nothing can you actually say that or even do that?? prolly not thats why you rag on me constantly because your jealous and immature you cant stand it and others on this site cant stand it either it drives you mad doesnt it well guess what too bad . I make money workin everyday and i got a side hustle that lasts . I get paid for doin the least amount of work as a truck driver. Be a leader dont be a follower it makes you look well childish but i wont argue with you because its too late for you

      actually, i have turbo'd a few cars, none of my own because I dont have the money.

      oh yes, I have tons of growing up to do because Im the one that throws out some kind of pathetic insult with every other word I type, right?

      why dont you stop side tracking and answer the questions you are actually asked?

      why couldnt you complete glory's swap? why do you have to pay people do do easy work? why dont you have all your so called accomplishments documented?

      I'm pretty sure that if you spent a little less time street racing you'd have time that you are gona say you dont have.

      why are you ignoring all those quotes i posted? did you forget that you posted them?

      yea, i know i cuss and call people names, so what. I know this and realize this. but I dont go whinning that other people need to stop with the name calling and all the bullshit you are whinning about.

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        This is just a pissing contest that will go back and forth 'til the end of time unless it is closed.

        sparkle, (with your attitude) you KNOW people are just gonna come in here, decipher everything you say, and hold it against you as a contradiction or something. any publicity is good publicity, I guess.

        to the other posters... well... you're doing your jobs.
        disagreeing with each other makes the community stay alive.

        Forums are supposed to take up people's time.
        This took up about 10 mins of my time, so it was successful I guess.

        Keep on entertaining, entertainers!

        /me sits back

