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Rumsfeld is stepping down

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    Originally posted by MadSpleen85
    Oh how very true that is. Here in Kansas our Democrat governor was just reelcted, the Attorney General is now a Democrat and my districts senator is still a Democrat. Missouri's big senate seat formerly held by Republican Jim Talent was won over by Democrat Claire McCaskill. I know McCaskill spent millions of dollars to get her name out there and tell everyone in MO in her opinion how horrible Talent is as a senator. It obiviously worked. But like was said above, "It's time for them to put their money where their mouths are." Should be interesting to see. Later
    Everyone who voted in Missouri knew McClaskill already; she was the State Auditor. Also, McClaskill only spent $7 million on her campaign, 3 times LESS than Talent spent. It goes to show you that issues are sometimes more important than the money spent on a campaign.
    Always remember that only you can make your dreams a reality.

    Never forget that your style is all that matters when it comes to your ride, but be respectful to others who don't share your vision.

    Proud Alum of the University of Texas at Tyler, Class of 2010


      Originally posted by Phempa
      ^^ damn
      Hes the one wanting massive death and destruction. Must not like Iraq, then.
      To-Do List for Today
      Be Awesome


        There are no cliffs here in NJ.
        Metal Metal and more Metal!!!

        How much does your wheel/tire combo weigh? Post here!
        -=Suicide Crew Member #1 (only member so far)=-
        MY RIDE

        "I was hoping the Wolverine would finger one of those Japanese girls and then extend a claw into her b hole just for fun, BUT that never happened and I was extremely unsatisfied with the movie because of it." -Macaqueistrong


          go roll off a hill.


            Originally posted by uslspct
            There are no cliffs here in NJ.
            Find one.
            To-Do List for Today
            Be Awesome


              democrats won because i voted.
              I <3 G60.

              0.5mm Oversized Stainless valves and bronze guides available. Pm me please.




                Originally posted by uslspct
                There are no cliffs here in NJ.
                . . . yeah there are.

                And if i could swim I'd swim out to you in the ocean
                Swim out to where you were floating in the dark.


                  Originally posted by increaseBLu3
                  Yeah, Bush made the mess... but he won't have to clean it up. And the mess won't be blamed on him. The mess will be blamed on the poor sap who takes office after him, looks at his papers, and says... "Holy #$!%. What did I just get myself into?"

                  On another note, Tennessee voted Bob Corker for senate. That man is probably as stupid, if not stupider, than Bush himself. I voted for Harold Ford... but what do I know? He's black. In Tennessee.

                  Yeeehaw, the South will rise again.


                  Obama for President... that's what I'm talkin' about. But the issue with that is, he's so young, and he's got such star power going for him... he's such a rockstar politician. He reminds me a LOT of JFK. He's got so much common sense when it comes to politics... and he's such a good person that he's probably going to be assassinated if he runs. Some fucking stupid hick from the South will probably try to kill him becuase he's black and shit. Either that or the government will try something, becuase he just cares TOO much about the people. Which is funny, because America was founded on the principle of 'by the people, for the people.' Nowadays, hell, even since this country was founded, it's more like... 'By the rich, for the rich.'

                  This ranks in my top 15 most ignorant posts...

                  Of course we shouldn't blame a Democrat for economic downturn if he is in office.

                  We are all living on a one way street...

                  It amazes me all of the bullshit I heard about the "bad economy" the first year Bush was in office, and how it was all his fault even though he had nothing to do with it.

                  Yup. It came from the Democrats, all over the news, all over the press, all over everywhere.

                  And the economy wasn't even shit.

                  Yet, if a Democrat is in his first year of office, and the economy goes to shit, he should be forgiven, because it must be a Republican's fault...

                  My what nice one sided glasses we have on. The world must be amazing when you are half blind, biased, and really don't know what you're talking about.

                  But hey, at least now you can sleep well at night...because you have a false sense of security.

                  Give me a break.

                  1) The Democrats have a very slim margin of control over both houses of Congress. This isn't going to lead to wide and far sweeping changes because they aren't going to have the voting wherewithal to completely annihalate the Republicans on the floor.

                  2) This is a good thing, because it will prevent the Dems from running amuck just like it would have been nice to keep the Repubs from doing so for about the last 10 years. A balanced house and senate in my mind is a good thing. It will allow us to track closer to middle. It is going to be less responsive, because they will have to fight harder for everything, but the end results should be fair.

                  3) The President (of any political party) has slim to no control over the economy. The best example of fast acting fiscal policy in recent history were the Bush tax cuts. Of course, when he actually did something to help the economy from tanking, he got bitched at for that too.

                  Why? Because 99.9% of the people in this country don't have a clue how the world actually works.

                  Just to prove that a tax cut isn't necessarily a bad thing, ask yourself this: How does Wal-Mart charge less than everyone else, yet make more profit?

                  The EXACT same principal works with tax cuts up to a certain point.

                  Go ahead, bring up the change from a "surplus" to a "deficit," because I know the truth about that one too.

                  Normally, fiscal policy takes anywhere from 4-6 years to even take hold, and then another period of time to actually take effect (1-2 more years). This is why the government has very little power over the economy, because by the time their changes take effect, it has generally moved on, and those measures either A) don't have the desired effect or B) have little to no effect at all.

                  The real economic power lays with the Federal Reserve (no political affiliation whatsoever).

                  You want to "discuss" economic issues, Alan Greenspan and Ben Bernanke are the ones you need to speak to.

                  I could go on, but you probably wouldn't understand anyway.

                  Anytime you want an Economics 101 lesson, feel free to look up my contact info in my profile anytime you are ready.

                  I love to talk about economics, but I warn you, reality isn't always as it appears to be.

                  4)Deevergote said it best. There won't be any sweeping changes, or major revelations for the time being.

                  I don't think that with a house and senate that are effectively deadlocked, there will be much "sweeping" change at all.

                  5) You know we are spoiled when our idea of a bad economy is 4-5% growth. LOL! Hope there isn't another depression anytime soon, because most of us will be hurting badly. We wouldn't know economic ruin if it bit us in the ass. Actually I take that back. We probably would know it if it bit us in the ass, because nobody would know what to do without their "disposable" income. We would actually have to sacrifice. OH NO!!!!

                  The economy was growing gangbusters before most of the kids on this board were even born. Even most of the old ones were very young when the economy was bad.

                  I don't have a problem with the Dems equalizing control, but it was hardly a sweeping victory, and I hate all of the bullshit morons that crawl out of the woodwork to dance in the streets anytime there is a party shift.
                  Last edited by owequitit; 11-09-2006, 03:28 PM.
                  The OFFICIAL how to add me to your ignore list thread!

