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    i dont understand this... i'm on my way to class today... from a stoplight i accelerate moderately... rpms go up to like 4000 and i shift, go up to 4000 then shift again until i hit about 40 mph and then i go into 4th... when i was in 2nd gear accelerating, i see a cop coming down the other way.. and he hears my engine.. and then i see him make a u turn and follow me to my school waiting for me to miss a signal or run a stop sign or anything... and then when no cars were around... he accelerates mad hard till he gets right behind me... i mean like less than 10 ft behind me... then he waits like 2 mins and then puts the flashers.. he says.. "how fast were you going back there?" i said "40" (speed limit was 40) and then he goes.. "that's not what i got you at" at this time... i was thinking... how can he get me.. when he was coming down the other way.. he wasnt even stationary when he supposedly "got me on radar" so then he comes back with my info, he says "since you're 18 and have no points, i'm gonna let you go with a warning.." i said ok thanks and just went to go park in the parking lot...

    no offense to other people that might be cops on this board... but damn..

    I get the same problems with cops around here, just driving the speed limit then they'll turn around and follow...

    But as far as radar goes, they CAN get you goes different ways, and they can be moving, I just got a ticket 4 weeks ago and he was coming around the corner and got me...the only way radar doesnt pick up is if its pointed at a 90degree angle, they have to shoot it straight, either in front or behind you.

    At least you didnt get fined.

    Hittin Switches - Draggin XhaustAlways Under Construction


      radar does in fact work while moving... your speedo might be off a bit so it may have been a little faster. I don't know what you have done to your car but hooked up cars are targets... doesn't sound like such a bad experience imo.
      HSHO #3


        Originally posted by 93accordEX
        radar does in fact work while moving... your speedo might be off a bit so it may have been a little faster. I don't know what you have done to your car but hooked up cars are targets... doesn't sound like such a bad experience imo.
        yea but if it was off a bit... then it would be +/- 5 mph.. and some cops are just anal when it comes to the speed limit... but damn.. that shit got me late to class..

        all i have on my car is amber friggin corners, but although the pick up in front of me was accelerating harder than i was and was hooked up with some nice looking shit suprisingly didnt get pulled over.. what luck heh?


          Doesnt seem bad to me, you didnt get anything. One time i was driving by on my way to work, when i pass by a cop who was waiting to make a turn, caught up to me, and said i was doing 50??, my speedo said 35-40 tops. Just looking at me he said i did 50. No radar or nothin. That was my first offence, and i was 18.


            i got nailed by a state trooper today....he got me at 70 and i was on the brakes hard. and he was comeing in the opposite was a 55mph speed limit....and im only 17. one bad thing after another i guess.
            Finally Up and Running. Numbers to Follow. Check my MR


              it happens to me to often gettin stopped by cops. one that i have to fight in july for court is careless driving in nj. he pulled me over cuz i was dancing while i was driving (not having my hands on the wheel). then the wack one is new years day i was driving that nite down a hill doing 40 in a 40 in 3rd gear and it was pretty loud with the exhaust so he pulls me over and says. ur exhaust is loud there and ur bumper is black- i told him i need a tune up cuz the soot goes on the bumper and i havent washed it in weeks. he was like oh ok and left.


              that isnt my only pull over i am 18yrs old and gotten pulled over 11 times with a stock and modified car i havent had my license for 2 whole yrs.

              oh lets see if anybody can beat having 4 cops stop u at the same time. all at once cuz they thought i was gunna like drive away n shit


                Originally posted by excalibur02
                it happens to me to often gettin stopped by cops. one that i have to fight in july for court is careless driving in nj. he pulled me over cuz i was dancing while i was driving (not having my hands on the wheel). then the wack one is new years day i was driving that nite down a hill doing 40 in a 40 in 3rd gear and it was pretty loud with the exhaust so he pulls me over and says. ur exhaust is loud there and ur bumper is black- i told him i need a tune up cuz the soot goes on the bumper and i havent washed it in weeks. he was like oh ok and left.


                that isnt my only pull over i am 18yrs old and gotten pulled over 11 times with a stock and modified car i havent had my license for 2 whole yrs.

                oh lets see if anybody can beat having 4 cops stop u at the same time. all at once cuz they thought i was gunna like drive away n shit
                Unfortunately, I will destroy your record of 4 cops. I think it was 11 cops, a fire truck, and fire marshall that pulled me over lol. By pulled me over I mean surrounded me Long story short, we had been out blowing shit up and causing other random mayhem, and I got arrested for felony deadly conduct.... woohoo


                  Holyshit, 11 times, and no license in 2 years, damn you have it rough. But i always keep my silencer in, so cops cant say shit. Only time i take it out is when i wanna annoy my neighbors, or when i am in a really bad mood.


                    That really sucks man. I hate it when cops do stupid bs like that.


                      Originally posted by fizzbob7
                      you don't have to be off in 5mph increments....could be 1 or 2 mph, thing is, there was a test done and over 90% of their radar guns were off by 3mph or less.....they are supposed to have them calibrated every so often, but don't of comes down to power tripping and annoying humans.....they break the law as often as anyone........they have more power than they should and most don't do their job any better than the kid that bags groceries at the store.....they have their prejudices, annoyances, emotional days where they want to take it out on people
                      yup, that is so TRUE! i got a ticket one time, and i wasnt speeding and he said i was 10 over. and i wasnt.. so i wa slike whatever, took it to court. and the judge asked him for the paper that stated his gun was calibrated. and he couldnt come up with one by the next day. so he called me and said i won.. WOOT!
                      H22 Prelude VTEC 92-96 200 161 10.6:1 87 90 DOHC VTEC 2157 JDM

                      190.3whp 155 wtq - with bolt ons, and a dc header

                      ET=14.457 @ 94mph w/ 2.173 60Fter


                        It's definitely worth it to fight tickets. I was talking to one of those lawyers who takes care of traffic tickets, and he said that they pretty much always get dropped. I forget what the exact time period is, but here in Texas at least if they haven't had the radar gun calibrated within a certain pretty short time period they can't write you a ticket.


                          Originally posted by excalibur02
                          it happens to me to often gettin stopped by cops. one that i have to fight in july for court is careless driving in nj. he pulled me over cuz i was dancing while i was driving (not having my hands on the wheel).
                          you plan on going to court saying "i was dancing while i was driving, i didn't have my hands on the steering wheel."?!?!?

                          sounds pretty careless to me.

                          even when not speeding, there's always the "exhibition of speed" ticket- you're not going over the speed limit, but you "hurried" to get to the speed limit. cops like to hand those out to people who squeal/chirp tires at stop lights, or hear the annoying drone of their exhausts.

                          absence of evidence is not evidence of absence.


                            That's how I am too. I hate when they get all power hungry. You have to remember they are public servants...not people who can try to control us. Some of them seem to forget that sometimes.


                              Shit yall dont wanna get me started up in here I get profiled because I have a honda aswell. I took a majority of my stuff off my car he. When i got pulle dover he was like all these guages I was like what about em he was like I dont like em i told him you dont have to like em its my car not yours.

                              Then he was like I can give you a ticket for this,this,this and this, I was like go ahead and while your at it give a ticket for the terrorists yall failed to catch or what about the drugdealers on my street corners or the prostitutews near the hotel yall dont see them do you?

                              I can also remember it was late at night and I split up from the group to go past the gas station the cop followed us all then decideds to follow us I stopped pulled over and said to him is there any reason why your followin me dont you have a life oh look theres a drugdealer on the corner go and harrass him. I swear fuck the pigs fuck the pigs Ill say it again fuck the police bitch ass fuckin uniform punk asses.

                              All they are good for doin is harrassin people and when they see that they fucked up or didnt get any sex the night before they try to take it out on the world now i know why that dude on the tv was sniping cops only he was like elmur fudd be vewwy,vewwy quiet im huntin pigs,hahahahahahaha.

