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too much hate and sh*** in this world...

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    Originally posted by sublime
    i think its dumb how people make threads about this shit, i mean its not like its going to help anyways?
    And agreed with this comment too lol.

    The New-ish Ride
    My old Ride
    Hear my Vtak!!!
    MK3 Member #3
    I piss off people for fun.
    IA 08 Sunburn Victim #1


      Originally posted by owequitit
      Well Iraq in general is a bit of an issue. The premise was sound. It was wrong, but it was based on sound information.

      The execution has left a lot to be desired.

      1) We didn't have troops in Iraq on Sept 11th. Were those deaths necessary?

      2) Before you pull out the tired old "Iraq had nothing to do with Sept 11th" routine, there were reliable intelligence reports that said Saddam had WMD, and there were terrorist money traces to Iraq. From an outside perspective, that is a good indication that there may be an issue in Iraq. The intelligence that said there were WMD was gathered independently by the US, Russia, and the United Kingdom. They did not work together to gather this intelligence. Yet it all came to the same conclusion. Before you blame Bush for that too, you should know that the intelligence was gathered during the Clinton Administration, so Bush had nothing to do with it.

      3) You say, "are all these deaths necessary?" These people VOLUNTEERED for the US Armed Services. They are there of their own accord. We have not drafted anybody since Vietnam, and most of those guys are retired (although the ones that stuck around pretty much were volunteers anyway). It is their choice to decide if it is worth fighting for. Based on the fact they are not being forced to do it, I would say they have voted. Put yourself in their shoes for a minute. Would you rather go over there and get shot at when you are surrounded by people who can help protect you, and are adequately armed yourself, or would you rather have to worry about your loved one going to eat in a cafe and getting blown up? The Isrealis deal with the latter every single day.

      Now, that is not what we are currently dealing with in Iraq, but it IS the premise under which we went in there. We were wrong. It happens. It wasn't malicious intent, rather misinformation.

      Now that we are there, we have to deal with it. We can't just "pull out" because then we leave the country in a worse situation than it was when we went in. That isn't going to end up working out for us either.

      i think all that intellegience thing is crap, what happen to the WMDs?? they just disappear in thin air??? after gettin "real information" about iraq having wmds, SIKE!, i dont believe that iraq had a connection to 9/11...but believe what u believe am just saying what i think


        Originally posted by sackingz123
        war in iraq is the problem here, whats the good for it in the first place??

        hell if taking down iraq, why not north korea and cuba, hell let bush go crazy kill anyone who supports against the US...

        but seriously they have to impeach bush's ass...

        Bush has done nothing wrong, therefore we can not impeach him. He has made stupid choices, but they haven't been illegal.

        It wouldn't be any different than if we try you for grand theft auto just because we don't like you.

        Maybe, just maybe, you should consider the god awful slant of those you are getting your information from and interpret it to a neutral context. Then you would see that they are taking miniscule little problems and blowing them way out of proportion so that people like you will subscribe to their agenda and propaganda.

        2 people in one whole day? OMG! The world in nearing the end! Has it occured to you that in Vietnam there were times where a Second LT wasn't expected to live more than 30 seconds? There were thousands of them!

        It is a war. People die. Our losses in total aren't significant when compared to any other war in history. Hell, Saddam killed more people than we have lost just because their family member said something he didn't like. One needless death is too many, but what do you do when the cause appears to be appropriate, and then once you get there it isn't? It isn't an easy problem with an easy solution, because in the real world every decision has other consequences that can lead to other problems. The easiest way out isn't necessarily to just pack up and leave.

        In order to see the world in perspective, you must be able to put the world in perspective. In order to put the world in perspective, you have to know how it works, not how the media says it works. It is a trillion little variables that all interact and effect everything around them.

        Maybe instead of smoking that next bowl, you should pick up a history book or a Civics book and start learning how our system works. Start right here at home so that you can grasp what is going on locally, and then branch out from there.

        If you were to do this, be prepared, because you are liable to see that the world actually IS NOT a huge conspiracy, and that one side is not responsible for all of the good and the other all of the bad. You will see that ordinary people CAN make a difference, and you might actually sleep better at night.

        Just a thought.
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          i don't care about the world.
          if someone wants to blow it up they will nothing i can do to stop them.
          warr ehh whatever as long as there isn't draft. otherwise i'm gone.
          and .. i don't watch tv or listen to radio anymore its all bullshit.
          uh... if by overboosted you mean "right the fuck on" then, sure, it is.


            Originally posted by sackingz123
            i think all that intellegience thing is crap, what happen to the WMDs?? they just disappear in thin air??? after gettin "real information" about iraq having wmds, SIKE!, i dont believe that iraq had a connection to 9/11...but believe what u believe am just saying what i think
            Why would Bill Clinton lie about that WMD? He had no interest in what Bush did, and he certainly couldn't predict the future, so I don't know, I guess. You tell me how your story is logical... I'm waiting.

            Also, the other part of the equation that everybody likes to ignore (I guess it makes them feel better about their story).

            Bush gave an ulitmatum to Iraq. He told Saddam that we thought he had them, and if he didn't comply we were coming in.

            This happened several months before we actually invaded.

            Now let's assume for a minute that I am Saddam.

            What am I going to do?

            Am I going to stand there and run around in circles screaming "they're coming to get me, they're coming to get me!" Or am I going to start getting rid of my weapons?

            It isn't like he doesn't have allies in the area. Oddly enough, he did the same thing with many of his assets during the first Gulf War. He parked his valuables in Syria, Jordan, etc etc etc. Of course, he probably wouldn't be smart enough to do that twice...

            He had the facilities to produce the weapons, he had the materials to produce the weapons, he had the machinery to deliver the weapons once they were built. He wouldn't let anyone in to inspect those facilities and supplies, saying simply, "we aren't making any." What would a logical person think in light of all the other information we had?

            To quote a movie: "You don't put a condom on unless you are going to fuck."

            People who think that everything exists in little boxes also don't understand the dynamics of the black market.

            What would happen if for some reason Saddam had sold, or had a renegade group in the gov't who sold those weapons to Al Qaida? Do you suppose they would have bought it so that they could look at their reflection in it?

            Should we wait until that goes off in LA or NY or someplace close to you before we decide that it is a problem that needs to be dealt with?
            The OFFICIAL how to add me to your ignore list thread!


              Originally posted by sirs1ayer
              i don't care about the world.
              if someone wants to blow it up they will nothing i can do to stop them.
              warr ehh whatever as long as there isn't draft. otherwise i'm gone.
              and .. i don't watch tv or listen to radio anymore its all bullshit.
              oh, well thats a great attitude! no wonder the world is the way it is..because people dont care about it. Thats right, dont watch the news, be uninformed, ignorance is bliss!

              Owner of


                Originally posted by sirs1ayer
                i don't care about the world.
                if someone wants to blow it up they will nothing i can do to stop them.
                warr ehh whatever as long as there isn't draft. otherwise i'm gone.
                and .. i don't watch tv or listen to radio anymore its all bullshit.
                A perfect illustration of apathy, and what will ultimately lead to our failure as a society.

                When people get too lazy to fight and just give up.
                The OFFICIAL how to add me to your ignore list thread!


                  Originally posted by Accord R33
                  oh, well thats a great attitude! no wonder the world is the way it is..because people dont care about it. Thats right, dont watch the news, be uninformed, ignorance is bliss!

                  LOL! You beat me to it!
                  The OFFICIAL how to add me to your ignore list thread!


                    owequitit's points are a breath of fresh air, for me at least. most everywhere you go, you find people who read "independent" new sites and think that just because they arent CNN, or MSNBC, or Fox News, they are reporting the whole truth, with no skew, or bias. Ultimatley a non-biased point of view is 99% impossible, but that doesnt mean you cant read both sides of a story before trying to intepret it. read both sides, know neither are 100% fact, and go from there.

                    Ill give you an example from another board Im on. This is a real quote, by a real person. its considerably ignorant, because this person supposedly beleives inacceptance and understanding.

                    the cops deserve no respect. when you are a public serveant and (as smartass cop knows) your salary comes out of the paycheck of the people you're supposed to serve and protect, you don't get to pull this bullshit and deserve respect.
                    he goes on to defend his point stating that because some policemen abuse thier authority, all of them deserve to be disrespected at first contact.

                    This is the thread, incase anyone feels like reading the whole story.
                    Last edited by ACC0RD22; 10-26-2006, 06:30 PM.

                    And if i could swim I'd swim out to you in the ocean
                    Swim out to where you were floating in the dark.


                      Originally posted by TypeG
                      like monster garage? eh? later.
                      Fuck yes!!!

                      Mythbusters / Modern Marvels / Miami Ink / Biker Build Off / Superbikes....anything I can learn while watching is good. MTV is shit, when it's time for hip hop BET ftw. lmao
                      1992 Accord LX - SOLD


                        Originally posted by ACC0RD22
                        owequitit's points are a breath of fresh air, for me at least. most everywhere you go, you find people who read "independent" new sites and think that just because they arent CNN, or MSNBC, or Fox News (oh god, Not the big bad wolf that is fox news!! god forbid anyone reports on a conservative slant), they are reporting the whole truth, with no skew, or bias. Ultimatley a non-biased point of view is 99% impossible, but that doesnt mean you cant read both sides of a story before trying to intepret it. read both sides, know neither are 100% fact, and go from there.

                        Ill give you an example from another board Im on. This is a real quote, by a real person. its considerably ignorant, because this person supposedly beleives inacceptance and understanding.

                        he goes on to defend his point stating that because some policemen abuse thier authority, all of them deserve to be disrespected at first contact.

                        This is the thread, incase anyone feels like reading the whole story.
                        Lol! There is an old saying.

                        "Once you have heard both sides of the story, the real truth lies somewhere in the middle."
                        The OFFICIAL how to add me to your ignore list thread!


                          Originally posted by sackingz123
                          get sick of lookin at president bush
                          To blame one man for every action of an administration is ignorant.
                          To-Do List for Today
                          Be Awesome


                            I will be the first person to advocate President Bush stays in office until the end of his term. If not because I dont think that hes done such a bad job that he deserves to be booted, that Im scared shitless of what would happen if Dick Cheney became our President.

                            And if i could swim I'd swim out to you in the ocean
                            Swim out to where you were floating in the dark.


                              Personally I dont see why people blame Bush? Maybe they think blaming the highest rank of power (president) will be able to bring things back. Basically all of owequitits points are spot on and I do agree with them. But where are the other claims that people mentioned. I have to say some news stations are biased here and there but thats nothing we can do its the media. As I mentioned they exaggerate and like to make things sound worse than it is. The I Dont Care attitude is basically in the newer gen of people so dunno how people can change that. Personally I like Bush and I understand he has made some stupid choices but thats just me. I am pretty sure if we can get someone to talk on the battlefield see what the troops think they can give us a solid answer. If not that people just basing off pictures, there thoughts, stories they have heard, what they see (which I am pretty sure its 10x worse than what you see on TV), and think they know every single detail this is what screws everything up IMO. But I could be wrong at that part. I do feel sorry for the troops that have lost their lives and such. Being on the field is not a pretty job at all its hard work. IMO we should quit blaming people try to get things straight, support our troops, and try to educate people PROPERLY about what is going on.

                              The New-ish Ride
                              My old Ride
                              Hear my Vtak!!!
                              MK3 Member #3
                              I piss off people for fun.
                              IA 08 Sunburn Victim #1


                                Originally posted by ACC0RD22
                                I will be the first person to advocate President Bush stays in office until the end of his term. If not because I dont think that hes done such a bad job that he deserves to be booted, that Im scared shitless of what would happen if Dick Cheney became our President.
                                we would all get shot in the face.

                                Owner of

