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too much hate and sh*** in this world...

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    too much hate and sh*** in this world...

    am gettin sick of watchin the news, get sick of lookin at president bush, get mad of whats happin in this world today, its like i dont wanna live no more on this world ,just too much shit hapens with religion and war....whats your thoughts about this world we live in??

    PLEASE: lets make this a safe thread, no bagging on no one's religion, race ,ethnicity,descent, momma wateva....KEEP IT REAL
    Last edited by sackingz123; 10-26-2006, 03:25 PM.

    Just don't watch the news, I avoid it because it's 98% crap and filler anyhow. I just watch programming that I enjoy.
    1992 Accord LX - SOLD


      I think its fucking retarded how the news says... "another 2 US soldiers died in Iraq today"...yadadadada, well, it is a fucking war. people are going to die. i know its sad for them to die but c'mon!
      1993 Honda Accord LX
      2006 Yamaha R6
      2004 Acura TSX


        Originally posted by maroonaccord2.2
        Just don't watch the news, I avoid it because it's 98% crap and filler anyhow. I just watch programming that I enjoy.
        like monster garage? eh? later.
        Avoiding dirt at all costs


          i think nowadays you have to be somewhat selfish! this world does suck, but the more you kill yourself over everyone else killing each other.. then you're never gonna be happy.. so fuck the rest of the world that doesn't understand peace... and just make your own world!

          AzN VtEc PoWeR (6:38:35 PM): im gonna go shit in someones cereal


            I stay away from the gives all the updates I need.
            1993 Accord LX - Sold
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            2013 Chevy Traverse LTZ - Kid hauler
            2003 Acura Tl 3.2 - Daily Commuter


              yeah, I don't read or listen to the news. And I'm also tired of hearing all the BS about the war, it's happening and we can't do anything about it. I really don't care what happens to this country, I just hope I get a job in another country............maybe Sweden. <hott chicks, Koenigsegg.....what more does anyone need?


                Dont Understand

                I guess it is just sad to see that there are so many lives that are being put into danger by all that is going on. I know we cant make everyone happy and we cant pull the troops out...but is it worth the lives that are being lost?
                "You are part of a great thing. Live for it, Talk for it and dream for it."
                "A friend is someone who will be there when the rest of the world walks out on you!"

                "People who toy with others hearts...are only unhappy in their own lives."


                  Originally posted by EdgarCb7
                  i think nowadays you have to be somewhat selfish! this world does suck, but the more you kill yourself over everyone else killing each other.. then you're never gonna be happy.. so fuck the rest of the world that doesn't understand peace... and just make your own world!
                  war in iraq is the problem here, whats the good for it in the first place??

                  hell if taking down iraq, why not north korea and cuba, hell let bush go crazy kill anyone who supports against the US...

                  but seriously they have to impeach bush's ass...
                  Last edited by sackingz123; 10-26-2006, 04:59 PM.


                    Originally posted by EdgarCb7
                    i think nowadays you have to be somewhat selfish! this world does suck, but the more you kill yourself over everyone else killing each other.. then you're never gonna be happy.. so fuck the rest of the world that doesn't understand peace... and just make your own world!
                    I was hoping someone would say something like this. I am not tearing you apart per se, just using your statement as an example of one of America's problems.

                    The "me" generation spawns hate unintentionally, because they DON'T think about other people and their feelings.

                    At some point you will do something unintentional to another, and that will make them mad. They will either 1) take it out on someone else, 2) figure out a way to get back at you, in which case you will be pissed at them because you didn't know you did something to them, or 3) they will blow it off and move on.

                    Action number 3 is not a typical response for the "me generation" because it would mean that they had to sacrifice something and turn the other cheek. Since they are subconciously convinced that the world revolves around them, they are also subconciously inclined to pay back.

                    So now we have this insidious problem that started with a simple trespass, that has grown into something that it never should have been.

                    Funny how insidious hate is eh?

                    This same logic can be leveled against most of the problems we face as a social society. If people were MORE concerned with others, instead of less, then we would actually be better off not worse. We are individuals, and we may disagree, but it how we deal with that disagreement that defines us.
                    The OFFICIAL how to add me to your ignore list thread!


                      Originally posted by colslaw87
                      yeah, I don't read or listen to the news. And I'm also tired of hearing all the BS about the war, it's happening and we can't do anything about it. I really don't care what happens to this country, I just hope I get a job in another country............maybe Sweden. <hott chicks, Koenigsegg.....what more does anyone need?
                      The grass is always greener is someone else's pasture isn't it?

                      Funny thing about Sweden. They are the perfect society aren't they? No problems, no issues, just bliss and hot naked blonde women?


                      How about the highest cost of living in the WORLD!

                      They have tremendous tax burden. Why? Because taxes are the tool with which we seperate the haves from their money so we can give it to the have nots.

                      Europe in general is having many social issues, partly related to socialism and partly related to a decreasing population. They are learning the hard way that money doesn't grow on trees, and if you remove or reduce people's incentive to produce more, you are faced with a declining economic issue.

                      Of course the media doesn't talk about that do they?

                      Why? They don't want you to know there is a downside to their agenda, that is why. It is easier to sell you little pink pills for pale people if you think it actually does something.
                      The OFFICIAL how to add me to your ignore list thread!


                        Originally posted by SoCqT08
                        I guess it is just sad to see that there are so many lives that are being put into danger by all that is going on. I know we cant make everyone happy and we cant pull the troops out...but is it worth the lives that are being lost?
                        Well Iraq in general is a bit of an issue. The premise was sound. It was wrong, but it was based on sound information.

                        The execution has left a lot to be desired.

                        1) We didn't have troops in Iraq on Sept 11th. Were those deaths necessary?

                        2) Before you pull out the tired old "Iraq had nothing to do with Sept 11th" routine, there were reliable intelligence reports that said Saddam had WMD, and there were terrorist money traces to Iraq. From an outside perspective, that is a good indication that there may be an issue in Iraq. The intelligence that said there were WMD was gathered independently by the US, Russia, and the United Kingdom. They did not work together to gather this intelligence. Yet it all came to the same conclusion. Before you blame Bush for that too, you should know that the intelligence was gathered during the Clinton Administration, so Bush had nothing to do with it.

                        3) You say, "are all these deaths necessary?" These people VOLUNTEERED for the US Armed Services. They are there of their own accord. We have not drafted anybody since Vietnam, and most of those guys are retired (although the ones that stuck around pretty much were volunteers anyway). It is their choice to decide if it is worth fighting for. Based on the fact they are not being forced to do it, I would say they have voted. Put yourself in their shoes for a minute. Would you rather go over there and get shot at when you are surrounded by people who can help protect you, and are adequately armed yourself, or would you rather have to worry about your loved one going to eat in a cafe and getting blown up? The Isrealis deal with the latter every single day.

                        Now, that is not what we are currently dealing with in Iraq, but it IS the premise under which we went in there. We were wrong. It happens. It wasn't malicious intent, rather misinformation.

                        Now that we are there, we have to deal with it. We can't just "pull out" because then we leave the country in a worse situation than it was when we went in. That isn't going to end up working out for us either.
                        The OFFICIAL how to add me to your ignore list thread!


                          Originally posted by Minze
                          I think its fucking retarded how the news says... "another 2 US soldiers died in Iraq today"...yadadadada, well, it is a fucking war. people are going to die. i know its sad for them to die but c'mon!
                          yeah, a couple guys died for something that they think is greater than themselves and we shouldnt even mention it.
                          i mean, fuck those guys, who cares if they die right? its war!
                          2010 Taurus SHO - Livernois Goodies
                          2002 BMW 330 CI Convertible - HUNK OF JUNK


                            Agreed with owequitit. And if you ask the troops whats the cause they will give you a more solid answer than the media. The media exaggerates too much IMO but I still watch it every now and then.

                            The New-ish Ride
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                              i think its dumb how people make threads about this shit, i mean its not like its going to help anyways?

