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Members: 7,616

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    Members: 7,616

    Alright time for ask a Stupid Question. Right now on the Main Forum page of this site it says that there are currently 7,616 Members. How many of these members are ever active? I know there are a lot of Spammers that Sign up just to throw one ad out here and there are some people that have sold their CB and moved on. Does anyone know how many members there are that are active all together on here? Just curious. Later

    120 active members

    it says right there, where u got the members info from
    Members Ride


      Originally posted by blackcb7
      120 active members

      it says right there, where u got the members info from
      Yeah I know that, I dont mean members that are active right now. I mean how many members are there out there that visit the site on a regular basis. I guess what I am asking is if everyone that visits the site on a regular basis logged in then how many active members would there be? Does that make a little more sense? Its no biggie I am just curious as to how many members there are out there. Later


        Regular basis as in daily, weekly, monthly, or in general?


          i've also wondered how many active members there are. everybody that is active on this website should just post something in here.


            Originally posted by HondaB18
            Regular basis as in daily, weekly, monthly, or in general?
            at least weekly. I know there are quite a few of us that are here daily. Like ME! Later


              am a muth**FUCKINSDUSUSDHDHDSHGDG cb7tuner evryday yadaadiammean?//


                Originally posted by sackingz123
                I wouldn't have a clue what you mean. Im here every day though.

                ^^ Clicky for Members Ride! ^^


                  i too am here several times a day
                  Members Ride


                    Originally posted by Mealsy
                    I wouldn't have a clue what you mean. Im here every day though.
                    ahahahhah...its a bay area thing here mate


                      There's like 20 or so that I see posting all the time. Maybe more, I don't know



                        Originally posted by sackingz123
                        am a muth**FUCKINSDUSUSDHDHDSHGDG cb7tuner evryday yadaadiammean?//
                        dude stop disgracing we norcalers, at least try and spell the slang right.
                        I <3 G60.

                        0.5mm Oversized Stainless valves and bronze guides available. Pm me please.


                          We probably have about 1000 members who post or lurk regularly... another 2000 that are occasional visitors (weekly, perhaps). The rest are most likely gone, junk names, duplicate names, or just not into it...


                            Originally posted by wed3k
                            dude stop disgracing we norcalers, at least try and spell the slang right.

                            that sig is KILLIN ME!!


                              wow sites getting big...member number 281 here

