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Caught Cheating on My Wife

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    Caught Cheating on My Wife

    Its about 5am right now and I cant sleep so I figure I get this off my chest because its a funny story. At 5am everything gets funny so if you dont laugh your not tired enough yet. This happen 5 years ago

    I am a multi car owner because as a child I wanted so many cars but was broke as S#$ which I still am but now I can spend my own money. But anyway

    It was the year 2001 I owned a 92 Max SE tricked out but was tired of the car so I decided to sell the car. I took some ghetto shoe polish (WHITE) and written 4 $ale across the back window with contact number which was the cell phone. I couldnt use a for sale sign because my tint was 5 percent so who would see it. I went to Boston Carn which is a west indian parade & met this fine A$$ female that was down for whatever so I knew I have to see her again. So the plan begins

    I left my cell phone home on purpose because I was gonna head back to Boston to see this female I met. It was a 6 to 7 hour drive but if you seen her she was worth a 10 day trip I mean I would of left my wife for her. No way in hell I could of made this trip with my wife not knowing. So I told her I was heading to the Bush(Flatbush) in BK for a BBQ. With no number to reach I figured I could of stretched the time plus say I was too drunk to come back to SNJ and spend the night. The plan was perfect the time was right and for god sake once again this female was more then worth it so I thought.

    I drove up the NJT to the GW and Head across the Major Degan to CT. I took 95 straight to MA aheading for a night I would never forget which came true. I never forgot it LOL!!!

    I get to the females block and hit the payphone to let her know I am here. When I called her house her GF answered the phone and stated she stepped out for a min. Just wait outside because her kids are up and she doesnt want the kids to see what their mom was doing. I sat outside for about 10 mins and then see her pop her head out of the house to signal me to drive to the corner so she can jump in. She got in and we hit the Mosely Wosely(Motel). When she took her clothes off I was stunned but anyhow. It happen and god was I happy with a smile that would of lite up a street block. When about 3am came I figure I take a shower drop her off and drive straight back home. Get home around 12 noon and tell the wife the story of being drunk etc etc..

    Got home and I noticed wife was in the window. When I walk in she asks the normal questions about the trip blah blah blah. As always I told her that I was gonna hit the store and get the car washed since it gotten dirty from the trip and peeps sitting on the car. I just wanted to make sure the scent from the other woman was not in the car before she got back in it.

    Its now about 4pm and I walk back in the door. My wife still unbothered by anything says nothing.The night ends and it was SAT niight.

    Man, Sunday Morning about 3 to 4 cars pull up to my house and I am thinking its WatchTower peeps or whatever. I hear abunch of women walking to my house and I am like WTF. WTF do they want this early. My wife states she will get the door. I hear the door open and several footsteps in my house now. So Now I get up to scream at her for letting these church people in my house this early. Boy was I surprised that it was every GF wife my had. I assumed she planned something since she wasnt expecting me home prolly since I was gonna hit NYC to get drunk.

    Too my surpise every singe B I T C H in the room started screaming at me calling me a home wrecker and a Dawg. I didnt know how to react. After a few mins she tells me how she found out where I was and what I was doing.

    She got about 9 to 15 calls on my cell phone which I left home from people seeing my car on the highway in different locations in CT to MA asking how much for the car. She then got the Cell phone company to change the password on the internet to see my phone logg and seen prior MA phone calls. She called the woman and the woman told her I was in route to her house, how we met,when we met and yada yada yada. This B I T C H even told her that she was gonna do what every since I aint her man. I must admit my wife kicked the shit out of me and I couldnt do shit about. I was caught in the worst way. From that day I didnt see my wife for another 4 months before we got back together. I dont think you guys want to read anymore but boy it was a adventure that set my so called playa dayz to a abrupt end.

    I know my wife slept with someone for revenge but of course she will never admit to it but I got what I deserved if she did so I never really asked if she did or didnt.

    Thats my story in a nutshell. Its quite funny now and all I can do so laugh because it was a night I never forgot and it wasnt the sex that made me not forget

    wow, and you're still together with your wife? thats a healthy relationship..not.

    CrzyTuning now offering port services


      that was entertaining
      ....and on the 7th day, deevergote rested and called his mom.


        that was sort of depressing. later.
        Avoiding dirt at all costs


          that was hilarious!...i mean sad...

          no it was funny

          good story man

          FS: Lokuputha's Stuff
          "It's more fun to drive a slow car fast than it is to drive a fast car slow."-The Smartest Man In The World


            being married myself....

            i dont know what to say.
            2010 Taurus SHO - Livernois Goodies
            2002 BMW 330 CI Convertible - HUNK OF JUNK


              If you were in love with her, you wouldn't have done that. You're obviously together for the wrong reasons....
              1992 Accord LX - SOLD


                i dont know man, even if you did what you did, i dont think that i could get back with my girl/wife if she slept with someone else, just the thought or suspision would drive me crazy.


                  That actually IS a strong relationship. You screwed up. Your wife called you on it, and you learned your lesson... hopefully. If you do it again, she should leave for good (and from your description, I think she's strong enough to do so). However, it seems that you've learned, which means you'll NEVER do it again.

                  You got lucky. You got your ass handed to you, and you still didn't lose everything that matters. Be thankful for that. Second chances aren't often given. Third chances are almost never given... only by idiots.


                    You need your playa Card taken away.....

                    My Members Ride Thread ( Do It )



                      Originally posted by fizzbob7
                      first off, don't be a sissy bitch.....that's what you're being
                      Originally posted by ACC0RD22
                      no need to get sand in your vagina over this guys.
                      So. Cal OUTLAWZ


                        If my shorty ever found out that i fucked around on her shed cut my balls off and hand em to me pahtnuh


                          @ takin his Playa Card...

                          Thats why you never leave yer celly. If your worried about ppl callin bout the car, turn that shit to vibrate or just turn the whole thing OFF. And if you have a Playa Card, theres certain things you shouldnt tell the wifey in the 1st place, like yer passwords to yer phone, etc. Good story though. Mustve been tough havin all them gf's squawkin at ya, callin you a homewrecker.. If you learned a lesson to never cheat.. good on ya. If you just learned to be more careful in doing it if you dont get caught, but from what she sounds like, again wont happen, lol. GL man.

                          KeepinItClean | EnviousFilms | NoBigDeal | YET2BSCENE | .· ` ' / ·. | click here.
                          Originally posted by Jarrett
                          Is there a goal you're trying to accomplish besides looking dope as hell?


                            Originally posted by maroonaccord2.2
                            If you were in love with her, you wouldn't have done that. You're obviously together for the wrong reasons....
                            The world is based on making mistakes. America was found on a mistake even

                            So a mistake can be made into a good thing or into a bad thing depending on how you use it.

                            I made my mistakes I since corrected them. I luv my wife now more then ever since it was a major deal to her ego but she seen beyond it. We've since had chidren. It wasnt my forcing a child on her to make her stay but we both said in different words. If we are together to make a future then a children are what we should be working on. I live a life that if I was to sit you down you would never belive was true and its only getting better. The only thing missing is the mighty dollar but with what I have experinced money could never buy so ....

                            The bit with the money above is total BS I know I would have a greater life but it sounded good when I typed it LOL


                              Hehe, thats why I'm never getting married...

