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Need some good Prank Ideas...

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    “You Suck” Auto Correct
    Go into MS Word or similar program on co-worker's computer, and add an entry to the AutoCorrect feature. This is a very simple prank that will send the novice user into a frenzy. Configure the AutoCorrect option to replace the word "the" with the phrase "you suck!". They will usually panic and start scanning for viruses.

    ^^LMFAO!!! Just tried a miracle!

    14 Ford Focus ST - stock(ish) - E30 Tune + Green Filter =


      To mess with his computer:
      Turn up the mouse senstivity alot or very little so he has to either move the mouse very little or alot to get it where it needs to be. Contol Panel -> Mouse and you will get to it.

      Download lots of porn until he gets tons of pop ups for porn on his computer.

      If he has speakers find a way to remotely access his computer via VPN or something like that and blast porn....


      Pour a bottle of beer in his muffler.
      Piss in his gas tank.
      Loosen the nuts on his heat shield/exhaust manifold
      Grease under the door handles/trunk release, turn signal, etc.
      Wire his brake light to his horn. <- ultimate prank
      Fill his car with packing material.

      If you want to get really destructive:
      Go to a place like NTB or a tire place and ask if you can have their old wheel weights. Place Liberally inside of Muffler/engine bay etc..
      Put synthetic grease or anti seize all over the rear window
      Get creative with silly string and gojo.
      Get creative with a bottle of vodka or something 100 proof.
      Remove the valve cores out of all 4 tires.
      Remove the wheel weights off of all 4 tires.
      Put a rock inside of his stock airbox.
      Put a baggie inside of his car and fill it with oregano. Then call the cops.
      Put a sword inside of his car. Call the cops.
      Pour liquid DOC into his drink at work. Make sure he doesnt drive.

      Disclaimer: I am not reasponsible for death, injury, damages...etc caused by the things i just listed. I am not reasponsible for your actions.


        whatever happened to sugar/tampons in the gas tank or the old "banana in the tailpipe"?

        KeepinItClean | EnviousFilms | NoBigDeal | YET2BSCENE | .· ` ' / ·. | click here.
        Originally posted by Jarrett
        Is there a goal you're trying to accomplish besides looking dope as hell?


          Originally posted by Half-Pint
          Wire his brake light to his horn. <- ultimate prank
          ROFL ima have to try this one

          YouTube Clicky!!


            Needs to be original :-)


              when they go on their break at work.. be on the look out to see when they coming back.. when u see him/her .. pour super glue all ova the mat where she lay her foot when she on the wheel chair so when she/he sit. and put her feet on that spot to do her work.. realize they cant move their feet again =)

              glue a ketcup on ur hand and rip it open but do not press on it while open.. and pretend ur gonna cut some fruit or wuteva.. and when their around and noticed u cuttin some fruit or wuteva. accidently act like u cut urself and sqeeze ur hand close and be like ahh!!!!! ketcup start pourin outta ur hand so much like a deep CUT LOL.

              give them laxes.. (to make them shit ).. wait 15 mins.. and wet all the toilet paper there is. =)

              put a fake toy spider in their shoes. ( found this to work most oftenly. the one that got hairs on it so when they take their shoes off to see wut it is it comes out fallin on them lol

              get a needle and get gasoline into it.. dig in the candle a lil bit of gas and set the candle on fire. =)

              loosen the flapper on their car so when they drive too much flappin noise lol

              get a shoe paste and write on their rear view window "IM A LOSER"

              those drinkin waters. when they bout to be replace. do not remove the tap. just put it in upside down. when they tryin to get water and no water come down and realize the water is full in the bottle why the fuk? lol

              unbolt the hinges off the refigerator.

              unplug their monitor and run a cord and plug it on a switch multiple plug so u can flick the switch on and off with ur feet without bending down to unplug it off the wall. wondering why his montior turn on and off by itself.

              i wouldnt consider this a prank cuz he'll/she'll KILL YOU.. but unbolt all the lugs off their car wheel .. start by takin off the bottom one.. and leave the one that's on the top loose to hold the wheel straight. lol..when i do that so some stranger i was like

              couldnt wait for then to drive it lol

              MY RIDE ON CB7 DEFJAM on 93


                Originally posted by defjamon22z
                when they go on their break at work.. be on the look out to see when they coming back.. when u see him/her .. pour super glue all ova the mat where she lay her foot when she on the wheel chair so when she/he sit. and put her feet on that spot to do her work.. realize they cant move their feet again =)

                glue a ketcup on ur hand and rip it open but do not press on it while open.. and pretend ur gonna cut some fruit or wuteva.. and when their around and noticed u cuttin some fruit or wuteva. accidently act like u cut urself and sqeeze ur hand close and be like ahh!!!!! ketcup start pourin outta ur hand so much like a deep CUT LOL.

                give them laxes.. (to make them shit ).. wait 15 mins.. and wet all the toilet paper there is. =)

                put a fake toy spider in their shoes. ( found this to work most oftenly. the one that got hairs on it so when they take their shoes off to see wut it is it comes out fallin on them lol

                get a needle and get gasoline into it.. dig in the candle a lil bit of gas and set the candle on fire. =)

                loosen the flapper on their car so when they drive too much flappin noise lol

                get a shoe paste and write on their rear view window "IM A LOSER"

                those drinkin waters. when they bout to be replace. do not remove the tap. just put it in upside down. when they tryin to get water and no water come down and realize the water is full in the bottle why the fuk? lol

                unbolt the hinges off the refigerator.

                unplug their monitor and run a cord and plug it on a switch multiple plug so u can flick the switch on and off with ur feet without bending down to unplug it off the wall. wondering why his montior turn on and off by itself.

                i wouldnt consider this a prank cuz he'll/she'll KILL YOU.. but unbolt all the lugs off their car wheel .. start by takin off the bottom one.. and leave the one that's on the top loose to hold the wheel straight. lol..when i do that so some stranger i was like

                couldnt wait for then to drive it lol



                  saran wrap their car. all of it. several times.


                    unhook the muffler off their car..

                    add a porno picture in the folder that has to be deliever to the opposite sex.

                    install a keylogger in their computer. come back tomorrow and check all their password. go on their myspace or wuteva. and change it homosexual and change the picture and add a dick or tittes for the opposite of who they are. and post a bulletin "CHECK OUT MY NEW LAYOUT!"
                    .... or sign on their cb7 and open a thread sayin i'ma fagget any1 wanna meet up ? get creative

                    jf their phone is build in with a speaker on the unit take the phone and disconnect the battery and hide it so it'll force him to put it on speaker mode.

                    on start up.. RUN "CONFIG" sumthing like that.. and add a whole bunch of start up program . so when he start up his/her computer so much shit has to start up lol..

                    MY RIDE ON CB7 DEFJAM on 93


                      hahha almost forgot this one.......all i have to say is you can really fuck up someones life by the personal ads/want ads. If you cant figure out what to do then you shouldnt be reading this thread. Creativity is the key.

                      This thread should be STickied for future refrence
                      Last edited by Half-Pint; 09-26-2006, 10:31 PM.


                        If the bosses car door handles are anything like a CB7 exterior handle, cover the underside of it with KY Jelly.

                        Put a kill switch to their monitor's power so that everytime they pull out the keyboard tray the monitor switches off. As soon as it is pushed back in the monitor comes on again.

                        Wait one evening after work after the boss has left take all their office supplies, pens, calculators, etc. INCASE them in Jello. Be sure to return to the office in the morning before the boss does and put everything back just as you found it.

                        Pour brake fluid on their tires about 5 minutes before they are leaving for the day. That gives it just enough time to make its way all through the tires tred.

                        I happen to like the auto correct suggestion from earlier. also. Good luck and be sure to let us know how it goes. Like has been said before I am not responsible for the outcome of any of the above suggestions. Later


                          fine, put astroglide on his brakes lol jk.

                          YouTube Clicky!!


                            if she knows where he lives, u can "fork" him.

                            buy a bag of like 500 plastic forks, and stick them in his front yard handle down.

                            it looks funny, but doesn't casue any dmg, and can be cleaned up. too many practical jokes casue damage, forking doesn't
                   my car. Simple as that.


                              switch your boss' decaf with the regular


                              -- Check out my CB -- My CRV blackhousing thread!!-- My CG coupe--


                                Originally posted by yeamans17
                                my freshman year of college i used my roommates coffee grinder to grind up an entire box of exlax pills, then ground some coffee to get the white pills that were left over out of the grinder. then i put a little of the pills into his coffee maker for a week. i put them in the back where you poor the water so in the morning while i was still in bed and the dorm room was dark he couldnt see anything in the coffee maker. this led to a miserable week for my roommate. and a really funny week for me, including me coming back from class to find a shitty pair of pants sitting at his desk
                                I was thinking of something similar last night...

