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What a day... hosital/cpr test/son almost died/almost crush into others...

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    What a day... hosital/cpr test/son almost died/almost crush into others...

    Man let me tell you……what a f&#king day I had….it started this morning a 4am….when the cops pull me over for my loud muffler so I told them that I was missing the screw for my cover tip that’s why its loud and so they let me go…than at work a co-worker had a hang over so he was NOT ALL THERE if you know what I mean…lol.
    Anyway as I was locking up the cargo door on the 757 he pulled the belt loader from under my feet causing me to fall forward hitting my chest on the floor of the pit…(the inside of the plane…the door wasn’t close all the way down) than down to the ground.

    The wind was knock out of me and all I can see was the bottom of the plane tail. I was send to the airport hospital where they told me nothings broke. I could had told them that since I was up and walk to the next room with them…lol. Than at school I get a call from my mom balling me out cause I left the dog out and she was 8 blocks away shaking and whining…Oops is all I can say…then around 5pm I was feeling sick so I went to get my son and go home fast and safe cause I didn’t want to faint or anything…since the doctor said to go lay down but I could cause I had a CPR test to do at school.

    So as I was driving on the belt parkway there was so much cb’s around and a couple of them was trying to race with me but I was to sick to even put the gas down. As, I looked up into the rear view mirror to look at my son. I notice he was struggling to breath I turn around to see and his lips was kind of blue…..SO I FREAK’D OUT and pull the car two lanes over….causing others to brake and swerve. I jumped out the seat and pull my son out the car and started to give him chest compressions since he’s only 2 years old. I had to be gentle. After a couple of seconds a small rubber ball fell out his mouth with a bit of crying form him. Kissing and hugging him like crazy from me. I started to cry…( yes I cry). I put him back into the car and started to head to the hospital. Turns out he’s o.k. and that I did a good job….which makes me happy cause he could had died….cause who knows how long he had to wait for help.

    As for the rubber ball, it was the babysitter’s granddaughter’s ball. It had her name on it. Now the rules are going to be changed at the sitter’s first thing tomorrow morning. As for me being sick…WELL in the moment of freaking out…I totally ignore it. Now the shit is killing me.

    Keep it cb’nnnnnn

    As for the cars that i cause to brake and all. Evn though they are not members on this site and since I couldn't hunt them down to say sorry....So, I'm going to say it now ...I Apologize from the buttom of my heart, I didn't mean to, I freak out and was not thinking straight. Being a nurse in traning, I should had handle it better.....SORRY so SORRY....

    please no hating/flaming....i already feel bad enough...
    Last edited by 2.2AZUL; 09-13-2006, 08:27 PM. Reason: needed to space out the title

    damn that is a bad day....
    sorry i know how them days go

    used condoms? wtf


      wow, that is a bad day. Glad to hear that you/your son are ok though.


        damn good job with the cpr on your son. *applause*

        YouTube Clicky!!


          Whats important is that you guys are okay, dont apologize cause im sure anyone would have reacted the same way if there sons life was in danger. Tommorrow will be a better day, .
          Originally posted by deevergote
          ..It's not cheap to build a fast CB7, especially NA. However, if you're willing to put the money into the car, it's well worth it in the end. There ARE faster cars out there, but some people, like me, want THIS particular car to be fast!...
          Sold to:tanNn2koo,9tAkord,ThrakBarts,nahmo,andrizzle,or anger
          Bought from:93a-lude, bruno8747, soysauce

          1993 H22A cb7 <3 miss you
          04 WRX stg 2 sedan
          Current - 02 WRX stg 2 wagon


            yeah, the important thing is that you guys are fine.... good job on reacting how you did.. i've seen parents who dont even pay attention to their kids in the back!!

            AzN VtEc PoWeR (6:38:35 PM): im gonna go shit in someones cereal


              Im real sorry to hear that Im glad you and your son are ok


                dame......well at least everyones in good health..... right


                  That's some scary stuff! Sounds like you had a few close calls, but in the end everything was just fine. There are so many bad ways those things could've turned out... I'm so glad nothing really bad happened!


                    Today will be a much better day ... You're living right!

                    A Hui Hou !!!

                    My CB9/Wagon Thread Start to Finish:


                      sorry to hear all of that bro....glad to hear your son is fine. Get better bro

                      Formerly 91AccordExR33
                      11.68 @ 127mph
                      Sold: 8/2016


                        Originally posted by 91accordexr33
                        sorry to hear all of that bro....glad to hear your son is fine. Get better bro
                        Azul is a girl but glad to hear your both ok


                          thanks everybody......its raining today and i was an hour late to work.....and with a painful back ache.....YEAH today will be a little better i hope.......but at least i'm on lite duty at work.....just driving around on the ramp bringing bags back and the i'm soak right son is o.k...he must have had the ball in his for now on its gonna be like the TSA at the airport...i'mma check him eveytime he gets in the car or house or anywhere.....I'll lose it if, I would had lost him.....

                          and to 91accordexr33, I'm a chick but its o.k you didn't know....95% of the members here are men i don't expect ppl to know right off the back that i'm a chick......

                          and thanks guys once again........
                          Last edited by 2.2AZUL; 09-14-2006, 07:13 AM.


                   is crazy. Glad everything turned out OK, feel better

                            Originally posted by lordoja
                            im with you on that one bro! aint nothing beat free food and drinks any day of the week, even if its at a funeral


                              Im just glad that you and your son are OK.

