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OMG Tooo Funny .. Only in America !

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    OMG Tooo Funny .. Only in America !

    An article on aol, about a sherrif, a mayor, and a councilman .. who up and quit their jobs
    all because some nakie images were found on a website of the sheirff's wife .. who happens to be
    like over 6 feet tall and over 300lbs .. is sooooo fawking halarious !!!

    Keep in mind .. she's not the prettiest pedal on the flower, nonetheless .. I just thought
    that it was outfawkingrageous, that these *officials* couldnt control the community
    and resigned !!! How nuts is that? LMFAO .. Oh no .. its ok for good ole Billy, to get a BJ
    in the oval office of all places .. but, in the backwoods of good ole Oaklahoma ..
    its a sin and the town goes on a witch hunt over internet nudes of the sheriff's wife
    and these 3 guys quit their freaking jobs! UNbelievable!

    Ok .. who was it that found the images of this woman? Oh .. the town pervert .. lol

    Amazes me .. so many people are so quick to judge .. and call themselves God loving and all,
    and they're the first ones who come after those who dare to go against anything that
    they themselves ..are guilty of doing behind *closed doors* ... you know .. Catholic Preists
    raping lil boys .. men with more then one wife .. sisters doin brothers and gettin married .. lol ..
    OMG What else? .. And we wonder how the people in this system get elected each year
    and say this and say that .. then do something completely different ..

    Whew .. we're in a baaaaad way folks .. lol .. sounds like some folks in Oaklahoma
    need an education, and to mind their own frickin business .. Some people will never change!

    A Hui Hou !!!

    My CB9/Wagon Thread Start to Finish:

    haha too funny man!


      good ol oklahoma!
      hahah yeah.
      i want to see the pictures.. not because i'm perverted. just.. bc
      haha our town would have a riot if me and my friends posted naked pics of cheifs wife everywhere rofl!!!
      i wonder how and who got them
      uh... if by overboosted you mean "right the fuck on" then, sure, it is.


        Originally posted by sirs1ayer
        good ol oklahoma!
        hahah yeah.
        i want to see the pictures.. not because i'm perverted. just.. bc
        haha our town would have a riot if me and my friends posted naked pics of cheifs wife everywhere rofl!!!
        i wonder how and who got them
        I'm sure the pics aren't all that .. and errr, just so that you're aware ..
        The pics were'nt posted by some *other* people .. they were posted by herself ..
        of herself, and .. she .. happens to be the sherrif's wife ..and apparently, he had no problem
        with her posting them ..
        It's just that the town got upset over it and held a frickin meeting about it ..

        And yeah .. the *who* it was that found the images .. is more of a curiosity to me as well.

        Funny thing is .. they have a poll on the site .. "Should The Chief be Held Responsible"?
        I clicked NO .. (just because I wanted to see what way the poll leaned, and I honestly
        dont believe he should be) annnnd .. lmao .. 75% agreed with me in the *no* dept ..
        however .. 10% said yes .. (these people I'd like to meet just to scream at .. lol)
        annnnd .. 15% said .. he was *partly* responsible .. LMMFAO!!! Partly? OMG!

        How the fuck is HE responsible .. and to what part, is he partly responsible? Hahaha!
        Just shows to go you .. and to think that these morons who think that ONE foto of
        a naked woman .. is pornography .. is .. is .. omg .. I cant even find the words .. lmao!

        Me thinks that some folks should not be allowed to have children .. period!

        A Hui Hou !!!

        My CB9/Wagon Thread Start to Finish:




            Yep .. like I said .. she aint the prettiest pedal on the flower .. just how pretty she is'nt ..
            is NOT my point .. my point is the fact that a small conservative town in the middle
            of America .. hasnt got a clue how to handle themselves .. they who claim to be so
            religious and non judgemental .. are doing quite the opposite .. and trying to stir the pot
            with something they have no control over .. that being the freedom of speech..
            which uhhhh, if I'm not mistaken .. was one of the things this great Country was founded on!

            What a bunch of hypocrites!

            A Hui Hou !!!

            My CB9/Wagon Thread Start to Finish:


              A Hui Hou !!!

              ^^^ what does that mean ?



                CrzyTuning now offering port services


                  Originally posted by 93EXaesthetic
                  A Hui Hou !!!

                  ^^^ what does that mean ?

                  It means: Take Good Care .. Be Well .. See Ya Round .. you know .. like .. *peace out* or ...

                  Later ...

                  My CB9/Wagon Thread Start to Finish:

