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Waiting a year in between high school and college

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    I KNOW being a teacher doesn't pay a lot. But I want to be a teacher because the personal and emotional payoff is much greater than anything else I can think of.

    Granted I would love to be a mechanic but I want to keep that a hobby and an interest, not a career.

    Also take into consideration the fact that most teachers nowadays are retiring within the next few years. This is going to create a much larger demand for teachers, thus making wages and benefits go up (most likely anyway).

    I've always lived by this: I'd rather be poor and happy, than be rich and miserable.


      once u take a year off it is nearly impossible to go back. very few that take a year off actually end up going to college. do yourself a favor and just go to college. you'd be surprised at how many immature kids are there anyway, and yes some are seniors and your probably more mature than most.
      My members ride thread


        yea that was my plan...turns out i got pretty used to not being in school and working full-time so now...i have no plans for college, at least for a while. I have been taking a few classes at community college and stuff here and there tho.


          jus go get it over with


            Definitely go straight, and try different internships over the summer. Believe me, looking back on a year wasted is the worst feeling ever. In retrospect I wonder how it would have been if I had gone for my masters...I'm hoping I don't get caught up in the work routine when I plan on going back for the spring of '08...

            Originally posted by lordoja
            im with you on that one bro! aint nothing beat free food and drinks any day of the week, even if its at a funeral


              Originally posted by owequitit
              Umm. I didn't see any point where anybody said college was a replacement for life, but it is a good stepping stone. The whole reason is to get a background that will allow you to get the experience if you don't already have it. Do you not think that your engineering friends couldn't go and learn how to use the machinery?

              The bottom line is that most non-college grads aren't very good at life either. That is more of a human thing than an education thing.

              The demographics say the average college graduate not only makes more money than the average non grad, but that they are also happier and more fullfilled. Does that mean it occured at the 100th percentile? No. But is the more common occurence.

              Out of the total non college educated workforce, most do NOT walk into a lucrative and high paying job. Most end up working for a place like Wal-Mart. That is a fact.

              Not every college avenue ends in a super lucrative career or position, but the odds of it paying off are much greater.

              Just because your college didn't work out as you planned it, doesn't mean nobody else's does.
              Not anywhere did I say someone in this thread said that. I simply said what society today says.

              I did say it was a tool that could help you. I never said that it wont out for anyone either.

              CrzyTuning now offering port services

