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Common Courtesy and Common Sense, somethign this soceity lacks...

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    Common Courtesy and Common Sense, somethign this soceity lacks...

    I was at the parking lot in Ralphs, and i paitently waited for this guy to back up out of his spot, and I could continue. well, as soon as he is out of the way, some fucking prick in a cadillac floors it into the spot. I mean it was right infront of the store, but that qualifies as being a complete ass hole.

    and as far as common sense goes, mini van drivers dont have any. why in the FUCK are you going to try and squeeze through traffic, when its blocking your view? especially comming out of a driveway. Cars out of the fucking ying yang, and this fucker pulls out of no where onto my direction. If i wouldnt have swerved, i would have clipped that fucker good.

    goddamn people...

    Claire - '92 Mercedes-Benz 500E - AMG&Bilstein Treatment - The Wolf in Sheep's clothing.

    Alice - '97 BMW 540i6 - Dinan Tuned. - Low Profile Weekend Warrior.

    Felicia - '11 Ford Fusion - Luxury Package - Daily.. daily.. ugh.

    Originally posted by JoshM
    Okay to do: "I'm sorry I broke your mailbox, here's $100.
    NOT okay to do: "I'm sorry I fucked your sister, here's $100.

    common sense is not common anymore


      Man i wish they had Ralph's out here on the east coast...that be awesome walking into a store with my name on it....hahaha


        Originally posted by lil_dcb7
        goddamn people...
        I totally agree.
        To-Do List for Today
        Be Awesome


          and this is why it pays to know how to fight well.........maybe you say something to the ass who stole a parking space and he gets mad and wants to take a swing....maybe he ignores you....maybe he is a pussy......

          do nothing and it gets worse.....just raise your kids (if you ever have any) to be respectful of others until they're disrespected themselves........hold them accountable for their actions and don't let them blame someone else as most americans do......maybe in 50 years, it will be better
          ....and on the 7th day, deevergote rested and called his mom.


            It's easier to blame someone else. Hell, our legal system is practically based on that principle! Those that can defend their position the best are right.

            People don't give a damn about anyone else... and they know it. However, when they do something inconsiderate, they justify it by assuming that the person they inconvenience would do it to them if they had the chance. Such thinking makes total assholes out of otherwise good people. When you have no interaction with a person other than a brief traffic encounter, you don't have much to go by... that brief encounter creates your opinion of that person, and theirs of you.


              Mike, you make too much sense for today's idiotic world.


                Originally posted by fizzbob7
                and this is why it pays to know how to fight well.........maybe you say something to the ass who stole a parking space and he gets mad and wants to take a swing....maybe he ignores you....maybe he is a pussy......

                do nothing and it gets worse.....just raise your kids (if you ever have any) to be respectful of others until they're disrespected themselves........hold them accountable for their actions and don't let them blame someone else as most americans do......maybe in 50 years, it will be better
                Ahh the A word. I love that word. Something that the Boomers and the "me" generation don't understand.


                I agree totally with Fizzbob.
                The OFFICIAL how to add me to your ignore list thread!


                  Originally posted by lil_dcb7
                  I was at the parking lot in Ralphs, and i paitently waited for this guy to back up out of his spot, and I could continue. well, as soon as he is out of the way, some fucking prick in a cadillac floors it into the spot. I mean it was right infront of the store, but that qualifies as being a complete ass hole.
                  I remember this happened to me at the Beverly Center. The assholes were even laughing about it as they pulled in. I just drove away calmly, found another spot, went back to that original spot and keyed the f*ck out of their car. Both sides and the hood. Down to the bare metal.
                  Last edited by XLR Azn; 08-30-2006, 03:44 AM.


                    Originally posted by XLR Azn
                    I remember this happened to me at the Beverly Center. The assholes were even laughing about it as they pulled in. I just drove away calmly, found another spot, went back to that original spot and keyed the f*ck out of their car. Both sides and the hood. Down to the bare metal.
                    See..thats just being a bitch about it.
                    To-Do List for Today
                    Be Awesome


                      thats socal common sense...
                      So SIIC...

                      SoCal OG bitches...


                        Originally posted by XLR Azn
                        I remember this happened to me at the Beverly Center. The assholes were even laughing about it as they pulled in. I just drove away calmly, found another spot, went back to that original spot and keyed the f*ck out of their car. Both sides and the hood. Down to the bare metal.
                        I like the fact that you drove away calmly. This is only my opinion, but the fact that you went back to the spot and keyed their car only makes them think of you in the same way you thought of them when they took your spot. Sure, they don't know you and chances are that they probably can't remember what you looked like. But they'd think to themselves...

                        They are a whole lot of inconsiderate people in this world with no common sense whatsoever. We encounter them everyday. At the same time, I feel there are an equal number of considerate people. Those that may go out of their way to help you even if they don't know you.

                        It's what keeps the balance. It keeps the world civilised.... man I need to go to sleep... ahhh

                        Members Ride Thread


                          I'm not saying what I did was right and don't condone others to follow my actions but sometimes you just gotta get yours back. Yea Karma might get them later on but I said f*ck it and did it myself. Back a few years ago, my car had been keyed for no reason at a public garage that was supposedly guarded by security.

                          Yea it's gonna come back and get me in the ass, but that's how the world is. It's a f*cked up place with f*cked up people. It's just getting worse and worse before our eyes. Everyone is selfish in some way. We all need a wakeup call to the world. I don't claim to be a model citizen but I try to keep it in check.


                            Its just a parking spot....its funny because i actually park as far away from everyone as possible...usually my car is out in the middle of nowhere in the parking lot so everyone can see it and where its too far too walk for most lazy fucks so they dont park near me and add another dent to my doors. Sometimes i park sideways so that you cant park next to me...if that comes back in Karma thats fine but people knowadays are super inconsiderate of other peoples stuff...actually most people dont give a flying fuck so after i bust my ass to make my car look decent for being a 93 i aint about to let some peice of shit bang it up cuz he is in a hurry or doesnt care.


                              Originally posted by fizzbob7
                              and this is why it pays to know how to fight well.........maybe you say something to the ass who stole a parking space and he gets mad and wants to take a swing....maybe he ignores you....maybe he is a pussy......

                              do nothing and it gets worse.....just raise your kids (if you ever have any) to be respectful of others until they're disrespected themselves........hold them accountable for their actions and don't let them blame someone else as most americans do......maybe in 50 years, it will be better
                              Werd... I always say something when somebody does shit like this. I even make nasty comments like... Great Rolemodel, Leaving your cart right there. Shows how lazy americans are getting... and shit like that. There have been times (dont know where or when???) when i took the cart the person left infront of my truck [with brushgaurd] and pushed it backinto their cars.

