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September 11th, 2001 - Where were you?

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    getting ready for my 9th day of high school. i live on the westcoast

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      i was in 8th grade english class right before the announcements
      crazy stuff the whole school stopped and turned on the tvs tht we had in each room and watched what was going on

      AzN VtEc PoWeR: i need to find something to do on my b-day
      nFiniTeSkiLz: yea
      nFiniTeSkiLz: go find some friends
      nFiniTeSkiLz: lol
      AzN VtEc PoWeR: i already went on craigslist and got some hoes
      AzN VtEc PoWeR: just like maple
      AzN VtEc PoWeR: hahahaha i keed
      nFiniTeSkiLz: um hum im sure...


        Damn, everyone here was in hs!

        I was on my way to work. Stern was saying that planes flew into buildings. I thought it was all BS until I got to work and saw what was happening. We were sent home (defense contractor) and were closed the next day as well.


          9th grade, second period History...then the principal came on the intercom for the moment of silence, then they set up a tv in the gym and everyone went in there to watch what was going on...we basically hung out in there all day.


            I remember they were letting kids go home if their parents called in.

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              10th grade world history. Walked in the room and the teacher I had was kind of a jokster, so when he said a plane had hit one of the world trade centers the whole class just laughed at him until he turned on the tv. On the same subject my mom remembers exactly where she was when she first heard that JFK was shot. I know I will always remember 9-11 and will one day share it with my children. I am the kind of person that when something like that is going on I throw a tape in the VCR and tape hour after hour of coverage. I have over 8 hours of coverage on tape. LOL I lead a sad and lonely life in case your curious.


                Originally posted by MadSpleen85
                10th grade world history...
                same grade, same class.


                  5th grade walking into school and seeing the janitor watching it so alot of kids off my buss just kinda stopped in amazement and watched.


                    Originally posted by The G-Man
                    7th grade Social Studies, when the principal came on the intercom saying something about NY, and wanting a moment of silence.

                    me too, but we turned on the tv and watched it.we also got out early.

                    People I have dealt with in this board- Smseagren83,d112crzy, Idrivealude, aznpnoyracer, wed3k, dinertime, HF22T, MRX, Dc2lewd, yeamans17, bruno8747, tn_accords, king james, starchland, yardiexd40

                    Mk3 Supra Member #2

                    Originally posted by DarkShadow707
                    The world needs to be reset.


                      It was my senior year of HS. I was in the school library doing my hw from the night before. I was messing around on the computer and the internet connection stopped working. After a few mins, it was all over the radio and tv stations. All hell broke loose after that....


                        Let's see it was my birthday and i remember waking up, turning on the tv and seeing what had happen. Then my mom comes in my room and was like your not going to school today. But when i tell people that my birthday is on that day they freak out and are like how do you celebrate it??? lol!
                        Originally posted by Makaveli2k
                        Just goes to show, leave the JDM poses to the Nimble, sleek, asians. =)


                          Grade 10 Science....Our principal came on the annoucements and said that the states had been bombed....I also remember that we had just got our satelite hooked up that day and for the next 3 weeks there was nothing on tv cept replaying all that stuff.

                          Burrito Bandidos: It will change your fuckin life


                            in bed goin damn what dumbass hit a wtc building


                              sleep in my bed. my girl woke me from work, and told me to tuner on the TV. after they said it was terrorist, i called in sick to work cause at that time i was working in the second tallest buliding downtown.


                                10th Grade..Homeroom/study hall...just chillin..another teacher had come in and actually turned on the tv for us and said we need to see whats goin on. Watched the 2nd tower get hit...think we even got to see them both fall, it was so surreal/shocking, that nobody was taking it seriously. When that class was over it was lunchtime and we had open campus lunch, so everyone went outside and, my HS wasnt too far from a small local "downtown" type airport and everyone was like, "oh no! the planes are gonna crash into the building!" just joking about it, but now, i dont think anybody thought that was funny....

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                                Originally posted by Jarrett
                                Is there a goal you're trying to accomplish besides looking dope as hell?

