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Tuning mechanic shop

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    Tuning mechanic shop

    I've been thinking quite a bit lately about what I want to do as a career and alot of things have crossed my mind. I'm 26 and I'm in that age or time where I'm thinking about my future. I think "what do I like to do, what do I love" and I take those things into consideration when it comes to my future, because I don't want to be at a job I don't really like going to, I want a job that I enjoy and don't mind waking up in the morning to go to. So I thought "I love cars", I love all sorts of cars and I especially like tuner cars, rally cars and show cars. I know, I know so do most if not all of you, but have you ever considered working in that business? and not just working in the business, but maybe owning your own shop? Well lately I have, and I'm just wondring if anyone here has thought about it or is actually doing it and what are the pro's and con's of this area? and what are some things I should take into consideration if I want to perhaps persue this dream of mine? And please I know this thread can and probably will get flammed, but some serious advice would bee nice too. Thanks

    Boosted H22
    375whp 298 ft/lbs at 15psi


    I've thought about it. I'm not the greatest mechanic in the world, but I understand business... I've talked to a few friends about opening a shop and running the business end of it.

    The downsides are that MOST of the work you do will be boring repair jobs. It's quite difficult to survive doing "tuner" work. When you DO do the custom and aftermarket stuff, you run into possible issues with the quality of the aftermarket parts (not always supplied by you, if you want the business). You run into idiot kids that want a 500hp Civic for $1000. You run into people who think they know what they want, and won't listen to what is actually possible.

    Check out the noob forums here. Actually, no... check out the forums dedicated to cars that rich mommies and daddies buy their 16 year olds. Read the stupidest posts you come across. Read not only the questions, but the exceedingly knowledgable replies. THAT is what you'll be dealing with!

    Would it be fun? Sure, if you can put up with the idiots. If you don't mind seeing cars with seized engines because the owner thought an oil change was optional.... If you don't mind paying high insurance premiums to cover your ass when some idiot kid discovers how much faster he can go when he messes with the wastegate spring... If you don't mind people telling you what will fit, regardless of whether it will or not.

    Put up with the crap, pay the insurance, and it's a great idea. It won't be all fun and games though.


      It's risky man...

      I'm still having dreams of setting up my tuner company...if people are paying $500 for catbacks I don't see why they wouldn't pay $300 for a catless headerback...

      Originally posted by lordoja
      im with you on that one bro! aint nothing beat free food and drinks any day of the week, even if its at a funeral

