Originally posted by icemanxxxv
It is crazy how we have managed to isolate ourselves from the rest of the world. Lets not forget that Canada was also inhabited by the same people that came to the U.S. People looking for independence and freedom. Actually a lot of people left the U.S. and headed for canada to seek out independence and freedom after being put into slavery and poverty. In a way we are very much the same as Canada, filled with a bunch of people that originated from some other place and managed to migrate to the "Americas".
You can say that you are proud to be a American and all, but it really dosn't mean shit, the question that does have meaning is... "What have you done for you country since you popped out of your mother's pussy?" I am not talking about picking up trash on the highway with your orange "juvinile correction" vest on, i'm talking about going to the battle front and sacraficing serious time and money to change the corrupt corners of our society.