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USA ... and its high ego emmisions.

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    USA ... and its high ego emmisions.

    I was reading about the political crap that is going on in the white house on another forum, about the ideas of erasing the US borders and creating a North American Union similar to the European Union. And it made me think about just how messed up our thinking is compared to the rest of the world.

    Heres a link to what I am talking about.

    But this was my reply to someones comment about the Canadians hating the US.

    blame them?

    It would be interesting. I saw a sport on tv today, cant remember which one... but it was the World vs. USA. I mean WTF. We really are the only stupid ass country with our heads so far up our asses it aint even funny. But in reality, it really is the world vs us, which means, we shouldnt keep acting like the big playground bully, because sooner or later, everyone on the playground will turn, and we wont stand a chance.
    I mean, nobody can argue against it, all the facts and proof are right there for all to see.

    Many people in other countries know multiple languages, they study other countries in depth, and really are educated on the rest of the world, where in the US, to learn anything about the rest of the world, you have to be studying in college to really get a taste of the real world. They all seem to begin very early. In the US, 90% of the time if you asked someone about another country, or what happened overseas, their reply would be something very similar to "why the hell should I care, I dont live there." Then when gas prices go up because there were bombings in the countries, people just bitch because those countries need to keep up and get more oil to us. Not mentioning that we have some of the cheapest gas prices around.

    It just amazes me how little the majority of the population is. Then again, thats why nobody cares about anyone but themselves. But gas will be going up about 20-30cents in the next few months, and it doesnt bother me one bit, mostly because I like to see the people bitch that run their a/c in their escalade for 30 minutes before they even get in it so that it is nice and cool. IMHO, maybe the government let 9/11 happen to try to get people to care more for the country. If so, at least it seemed to work for 3-4 months.

    Guess thats my thoughts for the day.... now what do you think?

    i think it would be a cool idea to open canada and mexico up...but i dont think it will happen ever happen...especially with the bush administration......
    mexico would have to clean up its drug trades and get their economy boosted

    i guess canada would be ok ...they have a strong economy...our government wouldnt tolerate there thinking on marijauna

    shit i dunno..something like that would have to be done in stages....we couldnt just open the border many security risks

    this is something that would have to be very well thought out


      Fuckin stupid idea


        Originally posted by 93EXaesthetic
        imexico would have to clean up its drug trades

        "It's" drug trade?
        Please tell me you're kidding.
        2003 Maxima SE Titanium Edition
        Polished Titanium ext, heated black leather int, heated leather steering wheel, HIDs, 255bhp, 6 speed, 15% tint.
        1993 Suzuki GSX1100F 136bhp


          Originally posted by 93EXaesthetic
          i think it would be a cool idea to open canada and mexico up...but i dont think it will happen ever happen...especially with the bush administration......
          mexico would have to clean up its drug trades and get their economy boosted
          If our gov't wanted drugs out.. they would be. But illegal drugs support a whole lot of crap in our country. Think of all the police seizures, all of that money that just "dissapears". Cops keep the drug cars a lot more now, and that money funds quite a bit of stuff when they make good busts.


            That was USA major league prospects vs. World Prospects, baseball. USA handed them their ass.


              Originally posted by SteveB

              "It's" drug trade?
              Please tell me you're kidding.

              thanks for the correction canada dry

              but seriously whats so funny about that?

              pls tell me the canadian perspective..maybe im not watching enough BBC
              Last edited by 93EXaesthetic; 07-09-2006, 10:56 PM.


                Originally posted by KillerCam282
                That was USA major league prospects vs. World Prospects, baseball. USA handed them their ass.
                you gotta remember puerto rico handed usa their ass in basketball


                  i would be against a north american union for several reasons

                  - canadians flying would be subject to americanized regulations, security, searches, etc.
                  - i could see some type of joint-force fighting the drug war on all fronts
                  - arent americans concerned about illegal immigrants from mexico? how would this help in any way?
                  1991 JDM Galant VR-4


                    Originally posted by 93EXaesthetic
                    maybe im not watching enough BBC

                    BBC serves the UK although you can watch it if you get an optional cable or satelite package.

                    And on a side note, I wouldn't want it to happen. I would not want to be considered an American. Im proud of my country.
                    Last edited by Punkrampant; 07-10-2006, 03:00 AM.


                      "Its goal will be to guarantee a free, secure, just, and prosperous North America".

                      Haha .. yeah .. ok .. annnnd, if you believe that .. I've got some swamp land here in Florida
                      I'd be willing to sell it to you .. for cheap too!

                      "The perspective of the CFR report allows us to see President Bush's speech to the nation
                      as nothing more than public relations posturing and window dressing. No wonder
                      President Vincente Fox called President Bush in a panic after the speech. How could the President
                      go back on his word to Mexico by actually securing our border? Not to worry, President Bush
                      reassured President Fox. The National Guard on the border were only temporary,
                      meant to last only as long until the public forgets about the issue, as has always been the case in the past."

                      Yep .. funny how all the *big* news is just swept under the carpet .. huh?
                      Wellll .. who's fawkin fault is that? I havent so much as turned on my television
                      in the past 6 months .. seriously ... are they tellin us what we wanna hear or know about?
                      Survey SAYS! .. ERrrrrrr !!!! .. I freakin doubt it .. they tell us what they're told to tell us ..
                      They tell us what they think is good for us to know ..

                      Hell .. I could tell you the local news here from the past weekend .. and I didnt even watch it!!!
                      Lets see .. there was another shooting in West Palm Beach late last nite .. some boater also
                      lost control of his boat .. and is now drifting on his way to Cuba, while rescue workers search for him
                      in Tampa! There's been a break-out of fires .. mainly due to some moronic ass wipes
                      who continually argue that .. lighters, fuses, and alcohol go hand in hand .. phhhht!
                      Oh and .. some 70 year old handicapp was picked up by a police sting that his been monitoring his
                      computer for the last 6 years, and wouldn't ya know it .. they found porn ... !!!

                      Yeah ..I'll forget about the immigration reform thang .. uh huh .. real soon .. I'm sure!
                      Just as soon as Jethro can figure out how to free his right hand from the maltese cocktail
                      that he plans on using because his neighbors make too much noise during sex at nite!

                      God .. how do some of these newscasters and writers sleep at nite, after sending
                      the kina news over the *live wire* that they do? And the bummer is .. everyday at work,
                      someone says .. "Oooo, did you hear what they said .." My God! You actually believe
                      what you heard on the news??? Christ on a bike man .. Somewhere, sometime .. soon
                      we're gonna see a video of some dude walk in and unload a clip on a newscaster ..

                      Now that .. will be Godamned news folks ..

                      A Hui Hou !!!

                      My CB9/Wagon Thread Start to Finish:


                        We wouldn't benefit at all from it...I can't think of anything the USA would gain from it. It's a no go.

                        Originally posted by lordoja
                        im with you on that one bro! aint nothing beat free food and drinks any day of the week, even if its at a funeral


                          shit, im trying to move to canada to ge away from the U.S. Looks like I might possibly have to move farther.
                          my ride



                            Originally posted by 93EXaesthetic
                            i think it would be a cool idea to open canada and mexico up...but i dont think it will happen ever happen...especially with the bush administration......
                            mexico would have to clean up its drug trades and get their economy boosted

                            i guess canada would be ok ...they have a strong economy...our government wouldnt tolerate there thinking on marijauna

                            shit i dunno..something like that would have to be done in stages....we couldnt just open the border many security risks

                            this is something that would have to be very well thought out
                            What are you kidding a North American Union????? What the Hell did all our Forefathers sacrafice for?? So we could loose our Independence rights and everything else we have fought for. Screw that Shit I'm damn prouid to Be an AMERICAN. If you have to Hyphenate that the get the fuck out!
                            Momma told me not to look in the eyes of the sun,,,, but Momma that's were the fun is......
                            Steven Adler

                            1993 Accord EX JDM F22a6 4 door Sedan


                              Originally posted by icemanxxxv
                              get the fuck out!

