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Do you shop at Walmart?

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    Wallmart is full of low income people with little respect for others, with screeming bratty kids they are unable to control. Target is a little better.

    My swap thread
    Main relay proplems?--DIY


      sorry but ill still shop that is
      I <3 G60.

      0.5mm Oversized Stainless valves and bronze guides available. Pm me please.


        No I definately am not mad. I totally respect people's beliefs whatever they are. I have my reasons, I asume they have theirs. "Blindly following an Indie Film Maker" makes me unable to think for myself and no better than the CEO's of large corporations? I didn't blindly follow anything. It's not like since Ive seen that video I feel my whole purpose to life is to stop Walmart. I take arguments from both sides and form my own opinions about evidence rather than being completely biased and one sided like most who wont even look at arguments supporting the opposite side simply because it doesn't support what they believe. I have a mind and I know how to use it thank you. Show me a documentary on how good Walmart is for the economy and the people and I will watch it. However that movie does not exist and the only thing close to that is advertisements for Walmart and Lee Scott's speeches to shareholders. Which are both extremely biased in that they are both paid for by Walmart and show no evidence to support their case. The ad's are so goddam phony its almost funny. Saying things like they care for the environment and how happy all their employees are. Same with Lee Scott's speeches, however in this video these are all followed by actual evidence that proves the exact opposite of what they claim.

        How about instead of your argument being attacking me for having an open mind and thinking for myself, back it up with some facts. What is so good about Walmart?

        Keep in mind that, like you, this is not meant to start an argument but a civilized discussion. I totally respect everyone who works there, it's not them thats the problem. It's the higher-ups. The ones that have the power to make decisions and changes, but instead they would rather sit and do nothing to collect their million dollar paychecks every week.
        PM me if you found this!!


          Yeah, I deleted my post, I figured before I said anything, I'd watch the movie (this kind of goes along the whole "make sure you have all the facts, and then make your own decision" principle, I realized I was being pretty hyppocritical, luckily I caught myself ) , and I have to admit, many of the points in it are true, sadly enough. For example, I remember overhearing a person last year that claimed they had overtime hours moved a week to avoid the time and a half pay, and things like that. I wonder how often the things mentioned in the movie actually happen. So the question is: where do we go from here? What can people do to keep these things from happening?

          On a rather unrelated note, I feel one of the problems with Walmart is that it is too diverse in its merchandise. This has happened to me both times I have applied for a job there: I wanted a job in the electronics department, because I enjoy technology-related stuff, and I consider myself more knowledgeable than the average person is regarding it (honestly, moreso than some of the employees I see in the electronics department). However, I also know I need a job, so when the application asks for positions desired, I check other areas as well. So when the time comes around for an interview, they tell me the areas they need help in, electronics isn't one of them. So I take what I can, and they say if there's an opening in electronics they'll let me know. I see new people working in electronics, and I've received no notice of a job opening there. I bet this happens all too often, someone takes a job they don't really want with hopes that they'll be transferred to the position they do want, but it never happens.
          Last edited by cjv998; 07-29-2006, 01:21 AM.


            Oh shit didnt even notice. Good man good man .

            If you watched til the end you can start to see a revolution start to happen. People stand up against Walmart when one to come into their town.
            Walmart said "well too bad we already got permits and land and we dont really care". People: "Screw that were not giving up we hate you"
            Long story short, after town council votes and pickiting and protests and petitions, Walmart lost. So no Walmart for that town. And that has started to happen in many towns across the U.S.

            The first step is to have people realize that Walmart is not good for the towns that they are in. Kills property values, raises crime, and an increase in unemployment shortly thereafter.

            There was an episode of South Park that we watched in my Economics class senior year that showed this whole scenario happining in the town of South Park. Accurate and funny, the best kind of education The only people who saw it coming was of course, Kyle and Stan, the smartest people in the town.
            PM me if you found this!!


              Yeah, I mentioned that episode of South Park a few pages back, good episode, one of my favorites. BAck to the documentary, I haven't watched the whole thing yet, I got about a third of the way through it, I'm gonna finish it up tomorrow, then think it over a while. As you can tell, I'm still a bit trigger-happy when it comes to this kind of stuff.....stupid roomie last year. I kinda jumped to conclusions about you when you started quoting stuff outta the movie cause my roomie did the same thing all year, and he'd believe anything he found on an anti big business website without stopping for a second to think about it or do a bit of research to confirm bad.
              Last edited by cjv998; 07-29-2006, 01:33 AM.

