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Politics & Religion Thread – KEEP IT FRIENDLY

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    Politics & Religion Thread – KEEP IT FRIENDLY

    Ok, I just wanted to explain my thoughts on politics and why I focus my attention on being spiritually correct with God instead of being politically correct with society.

    Our political system basically has two sides right? Republican and Democrat, Conservative and Liberal. There’s more, but those are the main two that most people live by. Other countries have a similar setup with different names, but basically the same principals.

    Imagine those sides as being opposite “teams” in a sport or something like that. Now in most sports, there are rules that both teams must abide by during the play time of the game. At the end of the game, there is a winning team and there’s a losing team. So, it’s always obvious which team has the best practices and the best implementation, and sometimes it’s a matter of which team is the luckiest. In the end, one team walks away winners and the other walks away losers. There is an obvious beginning, middle, and end.

    Now when it comes to politics, the entire political system is set up so that there will NEVER be an obvious winner or loser. It’s setup so that there is no obvious beginning, middle, or end, and there will NEVER be an end to it. It is setup this way on purpose….to distract people and keep them pre-occupied with differences of political views and opinions. There are MANY people that claim to be a Republican or Democrat and would go as far as to physically fight for their political party or to even kill others to “protect or stand-up for their beliefs”. Keep in mind, that there is no right or wrong, there is no winner or loser, there is no beginning or end, so it is in a state of constant repetition. While the mass population is busy fighting each other over their political beliefs and even segregating the population based on those beliefs, the corrupt ass politicians who are the “leaders” of the political parties are busy stealing from the public and passing corrupt ass laws that hurt individuals and help corporations. If you want to sneak something by the mass public, you just keep them pre-occupied and entertained while you do your dirty work. If people are too busy fighting each other in a battle that there is no winners or losers, then the battle will never end and will keep people busy for as long as we have politics and political parties.

    Another added bonus to the whole political system is that there is usually never a true right view or true wrong view so almost anyone can take any stance on something and will never be totally wrong so they can feel strongly about their beliefs. But if both parties are only somewhat right, then both parties must also be somewhat wrong so there will never be a “correct” political party and it just makes it easier for people to fight with each other about almost meaningless shit while we have more freedoms taken from us. Most people have enough common sense not to join a political party (or anything for that matter) that is 100% wrong, so the political system was created so that no party is ever 100% right or 100% wrong so that each party could have an almost equal amount of people each. That way, the political system is ensured to be around for as long as we have a government and elections. It’s basically not going anywhere anytime soon.

    So to summarize, we have a man made system, with man made beliefs, for a man made government, with man made rules and man made views that will never be able to meet halfway. It’s a great plan used to distract the mass population for hundreds of years here in the US and thousands of years in other parts of the world.

    In case you didn’t get my point from all of this above, I HAVE NO POLITICAL VIEW AND THINK THOSE WHO DO HAVE A POLITICAL VIEW ARE TOO IGNORANT TO THINK FOR THEMSELVES! You are playing a meaningless role in a never ending system where there will never be an end, or a winner. At least in sports, you play your role and when it’s all said and done, you know if you win or lose and you can move on with your life afterwards and actually accomplish things that make a difference.

    It is reasons like this that I have no faith in humans. All of my faith is invested with God because in my life, He is the only thing that has never failed me, has never lied to me, has never cheated me, and has always shown me unconditional love.

    In life, we all basically need three things to survive and be happy
    1. Physical needs
    2. Emotional Needs
    3. Spiritual Needs

    Most people would agree with the first two but not the third one. The first two are really the least important in my eyes. The third one is what I base the most importance on.

    God does not need us. We didn’t create churches for God. He doesn’t need it. We created churches for us. We need it because we’re all fucked up, confused, flawed, screwed up humans. Even if all of your physical and emotional needs are met you could still be sad, disturbed or feel like your life is meaningless or missing something and that’s because your spiritual needs are not being met.

    Political beliefs will not fulfill you or make you a better human being. In fact, they usually do the opposite. Spiritual beliefs can fulfill you and make you a better person. So this is why I base no importance on politics and all of my importance in spirituality.

    Try to keep it friendly, but post your thoughts. I wanna see where most of the members of this board are both mentally and spiritually.

    My Accord History:
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    Originally posted by ACCLUDE91
    I Have No Religious View And Think Those Who Do Have A Religious View Are Too Ignorant To Think For Themselves!
    Last edited by bracersi; 06-18-2006, 12:39 AM.
    my ride


      I may just be repeating your point because I didn't get it, but I would say its best not to choose a side. If you take a sides' stance before you've even heard the issue, you haven't even made a decision, you let that party decide for you. Listen to the issue, let it swirl around in your head, then make your decision, like chris rock said. I wish there were more choices then democrat or republican. How many of you can say either party actually stands for what you believe in?

      Ya know, the declaration of independence says if the current government isn't working you should tear it all down and start over.

      We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness. — That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed, — That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness.

      on the stairs, she grabs my arm, says whats up,
      where you been, is something wrong?
      i try to just smile, and say everything’s fine.


        Originally posted by bracersi
        I Have No Religious View And Think Those Who Do Have A Religious View Are Too Ignorant To Think For Themselves!
        Very well thought out and very firendly

        Originally posted by accordaffair
        Ya know, the declaration of independence says if the current government isn't working you should tear it all down and start over.
        Good point, but don't you know that you're a terrorist if you believe in the constitution?

        My Accord History:
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          Why would you put keep it friendly....those two words in one sentence just ask for trouble...but my view is that politics are really retarded and blown out of proportion and what you want...keep it to yourself...and dont kill people. later.

          EDIT- Oh yea watch DOGMA!


            Originally posted by ACCLUDE91
            Very well thought out and very firendly
            Being just as friendly as you player....
            my ride


              Originally posted by Ralphie
              Why would you put keep it friendly....those two words in one sentence just ask for trouble...but my view is that politics are really retarded and blown out of proportion and what you want...keep it to yourself...and dont kill people. later.

              EDIT- Oh yea watch DOGMA!
              Say you knew how to be truely satisfied. You found a way to be perfectly happy with yourslef and your surroundings no matter what the situation is. Would you be selfish and keep it to yourself or would you try to share it with as many people as you could so that maybe we wouldn't have as many bitter people and lost souls in this world? That's why I share my religious beliefs. I don't look down on others for not believing the same thing, but I also have to play my role of trying to get those to understand who may not currently understand. Too many people are quick to disregard all religion because of some bad experience they had at some point. I was the same, but God entered my life and cleared things up for me.

              As for politics, you will never be right. There will always be some sort of sacrafice that will hurt some people and help others in order to make a decision. With religion, the only sacrafice you ever have to make is to admit that you are a flawed human being and to ask for help and that's not a big sacrafice in my opinion.

              My Accord History:
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                Originally posted by bracersi
                Being just as friendly as you player....
                Do you actually have some valid input or are you one of those E-thugs that just likes to talk shit at any possible opportunity?

                My Accord History:
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                  I dunno im not very religious but after some life experiences i feel someone is watching me but thats for me to know period...i just dont like being harrased(and im not exajerating) about going to church, finding god, and all that...i just think if everyone just did what was right and did their own thing and left everyone else it would be a lot quieter.


                    I don't like anything shoved down my throat either. I was against all religion until about a year ago. I CANNOT deny Gods presence in my life now because He made it so clear that I'd be an idiot to think otherwise. It's like looking at an apple. I can tell you all day long that it's not there or that it's something else, but bottom line is the apple is there and there is no way to deny it or say otherwise without being a complete liar.

                    I considered myslef one of the biggest Atheists around so if I God can come into my life then God can enter anyones life. Maybe I can be a catalyst for that change, maybe not, but I wish nothing but happiness and good things to everyone and try to make my actions and choices reflect that. You could say I'm a good person or have a good heart, but the truth is that I'm a shitty fucked up human just like everyone else and all of the nice things I do are in Gods name. He brought me happiness and can do the same for others if they are willing to open themselves up to Him. There is nothing I can say or do to help bring you closer to God if you don't want to and I know that and respect that but I'll try to help in any way I can because we are all children of God whether you want to believe it or not.

                    My Accord History:
                    91 EX 2dr : 91 EX 2dr : 91 LX 4dr : 93 EX 2dr : 86 LXi 2dr : 92 LX 4dr : 92 EX 4dr



                      especially since you called one of god's creations "fucking bitch cunts" (paraphrasing) the other day.

                      joking with ya of course

                      on the stairs, she grabs my arm, says whats up,
                      where you been, is something wrong?
                      i try to just smile, and say everything’s fine.


                        I say to each his own.

                        I mean used to go to church alot when I was younger, and thats mostly because where I grew up in Palau, going to church every Sunday is part of the family tradition, my family's mostly protestant. About 95 percent of the residents of Palau are protest while at least 5 percent are Catholic.

                        I stopped going to church when I moved back to the US in 1994. As I got older I just stopped going. I mean I respect anyone with a religious P.O.V but when you try and force someone to believe something they have no interest in that can push a few buttons.

                        As for political views? I don't vote. I don't have a reason to vote , and if you tell me 'Well, Henry why don't you vote? Don't you know your opinion does count?' I say well I don't really care all that much, opinions do matter but do you see any political leader following thru with a concerned citizen's opinion?

                        Hell no.

                        The only thing I can't stand nowadys is when someone says 'Oh the war is being fought to protect our country'.

                        It may offend alot of people that I've stated the above. But you know what? When you've been watching the news cover the war for 3 years, completely forgeting about one part of the world that we invaded, concentrate all our efforts into unifying one countrym watching every other week to find out the total number of deceased servicemen and women surpassed the 2,000 mark, and constantly wondering if this is like another Vietnam and wondering if this nightmare will ever end.

                        It gets to you, especially when you have real close family members overseas fighting an aimless war with no real clear cut strategy on how to properly end it.

                        And you have a C average for a president who can't put words into a better understanding or perspective, whos first words for invading Iraq were 'Well he tried to kill my dad.' you have to wonder to yourself if things can't get any worse.
                        Henry R
                        1992 Accord LX R.I.P
                        1993 Accord EX OG since 'o3
                        Legend FSM

                        'You see we human beings are not born with prejudices, always they are made for us,
                        made by someone who wants something' -1943 US War Department video


                          Originally posted by ACCLUDE91
                          Do you actually have some valid input or are you one of those E-thugs that just likes to talk shit at any possible opportunity?
                          E-thug? I simply replied with a statement that you gave....yet changed it from politics to religion. Why? because the way you feel about politics is how I feel about religion. I am sorry that you can't handle that. You put in a title of the thread to keep it friendly and then you make statements such as the one that I quoted above....You are being a hypocrite. You are obviously defensive about my religious beliefs. Not to mention you make all kinds of political statements and then tell people they are stupid for having a political belief. I have political beliefs and I think for myself. Is it it But I have a view of what I think freedom is and what are rights should that political?...yes. You don't even have your facts right when it comes to talking about politics.
                          I will tell you some serious input.....God in my mind is a big joke. It's a way for people to feel good about themselves and has managed to extort all kinds of money from governments and people. We have yet to come up on any hard facts that god exists. Every time I get into these stupid arguments when with religous people it is retarded. "It is in the bible" tends to be the most common statement. Yet when I start talking about this supposed "god" giving us free will but still punishes us for not following his path it makes sense to you people. All these rules and exceptions. A man can lead a good life and take care of his family and go to hell for not believing. Yet a murder who finds jesus is gonna go to heaven if he repents. How about those people out in the jungle of africa who has never heard of god. Where are they gonna go? They were never even given a chance in your world.
                          my ride


                            Originally posted by bracersi
                            it makes sense to you people.
                            That's an issue, you are seperating people into categories based on their beliefs which is what my first post was trying to point out how that makes no sense and will only complicate your life. It's no different than being sexist, racist and so on. You must know me well to be able to accurately put me in a category of "you people". Didn't white people call black people "you people" and "your kind" back in the slavery days? Get what I'm saying?

                            That's beside the point though. Because you think things should be done a certain way or prefer things to be done a certain way does not make it a political matter. It only becomes political when you make it that way. Politics are like riddles that can't be solved and you'll spend your whole life trying to figure them out and never get anywhere. Does that mean have zero opinion about world matters? Of course not. But it does mean that you should be able to express your beliefs and opinions without falling into the political mess of a system that's currently in place and also without being influenced by politics.

                            I've done some damn near impossible things in my life, and by far the hardest thing I've ever had to do was to admit that I'm a flawed human just like everyone else and to open myself up to let the Lord into my life and ask for forgiveness for all the things I have ever done wrong. If you think that makes me a weak person, fine but that has no relevence in my life because I know that you have not experienced that yet. I pray that one day you do and then you'll understand but until then it doesn't matter what I are obviously set in your beliefs. I repsect that and won't look down on you for it or categorize into a group of "you people".

                            Having opinions and beliefs is fine. But when you make a calim to be part of a group like Republicans or Democrats and following their beliefs and opinions instead of your own is when I consider you to be ingorant which is what was stated in my first post. If I was a Catholic and thought all other religions were wrong and only followed the Chatholic beliefs, that would be the same case and I would also be ignorant....but that is not the case. I've gone to all kinds of different churches and it doesn't matter what religion it is as long as it is about praising the Lord.

                            This is why I was wondering if you were an e-thug because you are awful quick to make judgements about someone when you really know nothing about them.

                            My Accord History:
                            91 EX 2dr : 91 EX 2dr : 91 LX 4dr : 93 EX 2dr : 86 LXi 2dr : 92 LX 4dr : 92 EX 4dr



                              Originally posted by bracersi
                              E-thug? I simply replied with a statement that you gave....yet changed it from politics to religion. Why? because the way you feel about politics is how I feel about religion. I am sorry that you can't handle that. You put in a title of the thread to keep it friendly and then you make statements such as the one that I quoted above....You are being a hypocrite. You are obviously defensive about my religious beliefs. Not to mention you make all kinds of political statements and then tell people they are stupid for having a political belief. I have political beliefs and I think for myself. Is it it But I have a view of what I think freedom is and what are rights should that political?...yes. You don't even have your facts right when it comes to talking about politics.
                              I will tell you some serious input.....God in my mind is a big joke. It's a way for people to feel good about themselves and has managed to extort all kinds of money from governments and people. We have yet to come up on any hard facts that god exists. Every time I get into these stupid arguments when with religous people it is retarded. "It is in the bible" tends to be the most common statement. Yet when I start talking about this supposed "god" giving us free will but still punishes us for not following his path it makes sense to you people. All these rules and exceptions. A man can lead a good life and take care of his family and go to hell for not believing. Yet a murder who finds jesus is gonna go to heaven if he repents. How about those people out in the jungle of africa who has never heard of god. Where are they gonna go? They were never even given a chance in your world.

                              THANK YOU! thats exactly what I was thinking.

                              stop being a hypocrite Acclude. If you don't like people talking shit about religion, don't talk shit about politics.

                              I dont really care for either. I say fuck the world and do what you want, how you want, when you want. the only one stopping you is you.

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