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War with Iran?

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    War with Iran?

    Hmmm... ive been to Iraq before when i was in the Army.. Do you guys think we will invade Iran with all this war and tension in the Middle East and gaza strip or do you think it will just be a stalemate ... post your thoughts and flames please. (behave)

    remember bush invaded iraq on the premise that they had "weapons of mass destruction" iran is actually bragging about there nuclear research progress..hmmm..
    Who gives a f*ck

    Ironic isn't it?

    Now that we have a real threat, we can't do anything about it because everybody is so pissed off, nobody will support anybody... Kinda reminds me of the boy who cried wolf.

    The intelligence said the weapons were there though...

    Besides, at this point they just want nuclear power. The problem is that once they get nuclear power, it won't be long before they are capable of getting nuclear "power".
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      Iraq is just a base to attack iran from. why else are we there, its obvious
      Magnaflow exhaust for cb7's for sale


        oh and were there for oil to...ya
        Magnaflow exhaust for cb7's for sale


          When did having "weapons of mass destruction" become so terrible?

          Doesn't the US have a bunch?
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            No, they only attack people who aren't a threat. North Korea's been waving them in our face for a while, but we're not invading them. So based on that, I'd say no.

            But seriously, I don't know.

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            where you been, is something wrong?
            i try to just smile, and say everything’s fine.


              if we do, its a dumb fuckin' idea.


                Hell yea we have weapons. Are you kidding me? The United States alone has enough weapons of mass destruction to blow up the entire world 300 times! Why would any country need enough weapons to blow up the world once let alone 300 times!? Weapons that are sitting, waiting for someone to give the word so they can be fired within minutes. Am I the only one that that scares? That the world can be destroyed many times over at the push of a button in a few minutes flat? These are weapons that no one has really seen in action. We're not talking about little Hiroshima-sized bombs here, but more realistically a single bomb that contains more than 200,000 times the energy of the bomb dropped on Hiroshima!

                I voted yes to the question "will US go to war with Iran?". However if the question was "should we" then I would have voted no for sure. It might not happen soon, afterall plans with Iraq were going on long before September 11th. I think they will let people forget and allow the economy stabilize again so they can get the support of the people before they attack again. Cause right now there aint none.

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                    will we....yes....should we? depends if iran wll continue to taunt the world with their nuclear weapons. o and it is not just the US that is upset with Iran and their foolish take on nuclear weapons. people forget that so many countries supported going into Iraq, it was when it took longer than expected and inicent people died along with troops that countries backed out. If Iran backs down it's tauting of the world than NO we will not go to war with them. But if they keep this ridiculous stuff up then yes we will and the blood will be on their hands. Iran is like one of those stupid criminals that flaunts his every move and idea and wonders why the police catch him and put him away. lol i swear half of those middle east countries don't even have 2 bed cells to put together.
                    My members ride thread


                      Originally posted by Accordpwnz0r
                      Iraq is just a base to attack iran from. why else are we there, its obvious
                      I'm sorry, I have to disagree with you...the reason why we went over there was to remove a tyrannt(sp?) that HAD and USED WMD against his own people, what makes you think he wouldn't use it on anybody else? And yes, we found the WMD in iraq....

                      Originally posted by Accordpwnz0r
                      oh and were there for oil to...ya
                      ....I disagree again, if it were really oil we're after, we would be drilling oil wells in Alaska instead of helping Iraqies get back on thier feet. I swear the Media completely streches and twist the truth against Bush....dispite what you think, this is what I believe.
                      Last edited by Clueless; 05-25-2006, 07:15 PM.
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                        pssh... i give the world maybe a few more years before somebody blows this bitch up... anybody notice how everythings gone to shit lately?



                          Originally posted by Shuebakka
                          Hell yea we have weapons. Are you kidding me? The United States alone has enough weapons of mass destruction to blow up the entire world 300 times! Why would any country need enough weapons to blow up the world once let alone 300 times!? Weapons that are sitting, waiting for someone to give the word so they can be fired within minutes. Am I the only one that that scares? That the world can be destroyed many times over at the push of a button in a few minutes flat? These are weapons that no one has really seen in action. We're not talking about little Hiroshima-sized bombs here, but more realistically a single bomb that contains more than 200,000 times the energy of the bomb dropped on Hiroshima!

                          I voted yes to the question "will US go to war with Iran?". However if the question was "should we" then I would have voted no for sure. It might not happen soon, afterall plans with Iraq were going on long before September 11th. I think they will let people forget and allow the economy stabilize again so they can get the support of the people before they attack again. Cause right now there aint none.

                          Maybe we do and so does russia...but haven't you relized we are getting rid of our weapons we had for a long time? Also, there's a difference between the USA having them for a long time and not using them and some crazy terriost/comminist-filled country trying to achieve nuclear power posing as they want electricity, but what they really want is nuclear bombs to go around and kill people...
                          My official vouch thread!

                          Updated!!! --> My official turbo progress thread


                            Actually Iran is not a "terrorist filled" country. They are just as modernized as we are. Never has Iran taunted anyone with nuclear weapons. The funny thing is that the media is telling us roughly the same things about Iran as they had us believe about Iraq......WMD....terrorist.....etc.....dosnt sound familiar? Anywho the Iraelis have been trying to take over the whole middle east for years....and thats what it all boils down to. For example when the israeli government invaded the strip and slaughterd thousands of palistinians....and then we go and back up the israelis. Israeli Lobbyist's have had a strong hold on our government for years....The reason why we keep sticking our nose in their business. Israelis are telling the U.S. that Iran is a problem and so that is why we are so concerned with Iran all of a sudden. Not to mention with the domnite control of shiite in Iraqi government which happens to be the main culture for Iran. We are scared that Iran is going to take over Iraq when we pull out or reduce forces. Israelis want control of it and so we are trying to bully a war that is not there. Fortunately we have China and Russia there to put us in check. Due to the economic ties with Iran they will not let us invade Iran....
                            my ride


                              Originally posted by Clueless
                              I'm sorry, I have to disagree with you...the reason why we went over there was to remove a tyrannt(sp?) that HAD and USED WMD against his own people, what makes you think he wouldn't use it on anybody else? And yes, we found the WMD in iraq....

                              ....I disagree again, if it were really oil we're after, we would be drilling oil wells in Alaska instead of helping Iraqies get back on thier feet. I swear the Media completely streches and twist the truth against Bush....dispite what you think, this is what I believe.
                              hmm i find it weird you really beleive this but who am I?

                              1st off Saddam yeah he may have used chemicals on northern Iraqi's but that is not why we were over there to remove him.. When they speak of WMD they mean Nuclear devices not chemicals
                              The real reason is that Saddam had beef with George Bush Sr... now that 9/11 happend the U.S had to save we went to afghanistan and didnt find UBL.. So the next target was Iraq. They said Iraq had WMD and was based on "faulty" Intel.. We go in and we dont find any WMD. George Bush Sr then gets his laughs at dethroning Saddam....
                              Now the campaign in Iraq is that we are "sowing the seeds" of democracy instead of "we are looking for WMD nuclear devices" ... we will find out in 15 years if this works out or not...LOL

                              Now the people in Iraq actually hated Saddam but he was in power. The country was actually stable when he was in power. Now it is a hot bed for terrorist to vacation for Jihad and target Americans. Saddam may have killed a few people a month but the death rate is now over 200% of what it was
                              you see it in the news all the time... 60 people die here in this bombing...42 die here this day

                              Like i said the people in Iraq hated Saddam but when it comes to Iran the people there love their leader. If we have to go into Iran and fight its not going to be a cakewalk..Sadam walked throught the streets of Iraq with bodygaurds...but the leader of Iran walks the streets without a bodygaurd..think about the loyalty there
                              If we invade Iran the death toll of Americans will be greater than the death toll in Iraq by a large margin. That is my prediction..
                              Will we invade...hmm this is up in the air right now

