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Imma Gonna Gradjiate!

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    Imma Gonna Gradjiate!

    Yupo... I got the course requirements from my school today, and found that I'm about 5 classes away from a bachelor's degree in Psychology. I started as a Marketing major (and I'm still currently in the Rutgers School of Business) but I'm getting a Psych degree... how funny is that? Anyway, after 6 long years, I'll finally be out next fall (if I push myself).

    There's no point to this post, other than to share my good news

    congrats. finish asap. my best friend has been in college 8 years switching majors, dropping classes here and there, financial situations...

    absence of evidence is not evidence of absence.


      Yup, same here... I put myself through 4 years of community college, trying to decide what I wanted to do. My mom is finally helping out with Rutgers, and I still changed my major! (well, added one really... I'm still planning on getting my Marketing degree eventually... and then some advanced Psych degrees.)


        Originally posted by Deevergote
        Yup, same here... I put myself through 4 years of community college, trying to decide what I wanted to do. My mom is finally helping out with Rutgers, and I still changed my major! (well, added one really... I'm still planning on getting my Marketing degree eventually... and then some advanced Psych degrees.)
        sounds good, sometimes it's the journey that makes you who you are. hell, most times, lol.

        i have a friend getting her advanced degree in psych right now. she's loving it. more power to you in that area. we need lots of people in psych, as your advances, techniques, approaches, and research help us over on the strictly medical side.

        absence of evidence is not evidence of absence.


          Glad to hear you can appreciate it! I hear all too often from you "real" medical science guys that Psychology is a waste of time. Granted, there are some areas that should be wiped off the face of the earth, but overall I believe it's a worthwhile field of study (obviously!)

          Psych can impact the medical field in all areas... From patient recovery (going on the simple Placebo effect... if people think they're getting better, they tend to get better a bit more successfully) to illness prevention (psychological stress relief can prevent harmful stress-related problems) and even to the learning processes of the doctors themselves (study techniques, classroom organization, hands-on task design, etc...)

          I guess I like it so much because it can impact just about ANY aspect of your life, business or personal. Plus, it's just fun

