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What versions of FireFox seem to have trouble?

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    What versions of FireFox seem to have trouble?

    I am in contact with the people at Clicksor, and they will do their best to resolve any issues regarding the FireFox browser.

    I'm using 1.0, and I've occasionally had issues throughout the board (1 out of 20 back attempts has failed... not really all that bad...)

    How often do your problems occur, where do they occur on the board (what sections), and what version are you using? Please post this info, and no other chit-chat, so the good people at Clicksor can help!



    I was having problems, but then I updated firefox, and problem solved.


      What version were you using though? I'm doing my best to help Clicksor deal with the issue... at this point, it's probably better for them than for us, but hell, might as well help out! WE can tell people to upgrade, but they can't... Hopefully they'll be able to fix their code to work with ALL versions of this popular browser.


        the only problem i have is a delay in loading the pages. like a momentary freeze. i might have an old version of firefox tho, so i'll check on that tonight.
        "the J32a2 should be considered one of Honda's masterpieces..." Honda Tuning, July 2006


          I am not sure what version.. never paid attention, but I do have the newest version now.


            its probably anything pre 1.5

            In the 1.5 release a lot of the firefox code was redesigned. it was a big release

            Owner of


              i use 1.0.7 and i can NEVER press the back button. funny, i thought it was just a weird problem for me on this site, but now i know. also, loading does seem a little slow. i guess i will update.

     Appearance Specialist - PM me with any bodywork questions


                I use 1.0.4, sometimes the back button works, sometimes it doesn't.


                  I had 1.0.7 but I upgraded a few hours ago.


                    1.5 has been working flawlessly for me.


                      This is like the third thread in 2 days I've said this, but I'll try not to be such a jackass....

                      I had 1.0.7. Back didn't work. I installed 1.5. Back button now works. So, and again I'm not trying to sound like a jackass, but if you haven't already updated to 1.5 (latest) I don't want to hear anymore "back button doesn't work" posts....

                      on the stairs, she grabs my arm, says whats up,
                      where you been, is something wrong?
                      i try to just smile, and say everything’s fine.


                        im always updated. 1.5 here..


                          1.0.7 doesn't seem to be working very well.


                            Originally posted by accordaffair
                            This is like the third thread in 2 days I've said this, but I'll try not to be such a jackass....

                            I had 1.0.7. Back didn't work. I installed 1.5. Back button now works. So, and again I'm not trying to sound like a jackass, but if you haven't already updated to 1.5 (latest) I don't want to hear anymore "back button doesn't work" posts....

                            Well, this thread's purpose is to identify which versions do and do not work... so I WANT those posts here. Hopefully Clicksor can use the info provided here to fix their software. I'm sure there are other Firefox users on the internet that get discouraged by the lack of back. That might cause them to stop going to whatever site they were going to, not knowing it's the ad code that does it. That's not good for Clicksor OR the web pages that use their services!


                              Well, this thread's purpose is to identify which versions do and do not work... so I WANT those posts here. Hopefully Clicksor can use the info provided here to fix their software. I'm sure there are other Firefox users on the internet that get discouraged by the lack of back. That might cause them to stop going to whatever site they were going to, not knowing it's the ad code that does it. That's not good for Clicksor OR the web pages that use their services!
                              Understood. Ya know I'm frequently frustrated by the "lack of back". But then, some girls got it, some don't.

                              on the stairs, she grabs my arm, says whats up,
                              where you been, is something wrong?
                              i try to just smile, and say everything’s fine.

