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Tell me about your freshmen yeraof college..

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    Tell me about your freshmen yeraof college..

    well..ima be going to college in the fall and i am just interested in hearing your stories/experiences etc as a freshman in dorming classes people etc
    Last edited by DhN; 03-26-2006, 07:31 PM.

    I had 4 pretty cool roommates and my own room, so I couldn't complain. I did a lot of drinking and partying...I only wish I had worked harder and had better grades, as well as got more puzzy...the dorms are so ripe with vagina it's phenomenal. But if you work hard and play hard you should enjoy it fully (assuming you're just starting out)...

    Originally posted by lordoja
    im with you on that one bro! aint nothing beat free food and drinks any day of the week, even if its at a funeral


      I had a pretty good time. We goofed off WAY too much, but had fun. the school ended up sucking, so I only stayed a year, but got plenty of stupid stuff in during the year. I had a cool roomate, and most of the people at the school were cool to hang out with. I actually met cisco(hondafan) up there since he went there also.

      But our school was in Flint(small town that is 4th most dangerous in the US). We were engineers, so we liked to break stuff. If we werent 4 wheeling through yards in a GMC conversion van hitting stuff, we were playing car tag, throwing water balloons at people making drug deals, racing through the streets to see who got to school first (where I got hella airborne in my last cb7). We made it on for jumping the same conversion van, sure its still on there, just search for "van jump"

      Unfortunately, people liked throwing stuff down the stairs, so you would usually have to hold your breath as you went down them due to rotting eggs/milk or anything that would splatter at the bottom. But school is fun, just remember to do some studying, we usually stayed out until 2 or 3am the nights before finals going around stealing street signs or doing anything else stupid.

      Edit: and the cops didnt give a rats ass about anything we did, you would smoke the tires leaving campus with a cop across the street and they would go the other way. I know i've told this on here somewhere before, but it sums it up greatly.

      after gtech'ing 3 cars, we were coming back to school doing about 70-80 in a 25 or 30mph zone. We passed a cop, and he flipped around to catch us. As he came by our car to catch the lead guy, he got all wheels off the ground due to the crappy roads. After stopping him, this is how the convo went.

      officer: do you know why i stopped you?
      driver: I was probably going fast
      officer: yeah, do you go to school here?
      driver: yup
      officer: ok, well you dont need a ticket, and I gotta go, so slow down.

      didnt check his insurance or license (which was full of street racing and speeding tickets)
      Last edited by aero; 03-26-2006, 07:42 PM.


        my first semester was filled with drinking, partying, not going to class, spending mass amnts of $$ and was bad to say the least...2nd semester i quit drinking, im doing my work, and staying on top of stuff.
        Audi A4 2.8 Quattro Sport


          Looking back, I must say if you're gonna go to school, go all the way. We had a burnout RA on our floor...the fact that he was on our floor was the only thing stopping us from putting a Slip N Slide in our hallway. Like, the ONLY thing. The funniest part is his dorm was right at the end of the hall, so it would have led right to his door. Imagining being an RA, heading out for some smokes and as soon as you open the door there's a freshman in swimming trunks sliding at 20mph looking like ...shit.

          Originally posted by lordoja
          im with you on that one bro! aint nothing beat free food and drinks any day of the week, even if its at a funeral


            well, this is my freshman year, and its pretty good so far.

            College is as fun as you make it be. If you sit at your desk all day then thats about as much as exciting as its gona get. You have to go out of your way to make things happen in college.

            Thats how it was for me at the beginning. I was UBER shy and would never talk to anyone. i would leave my dorm door closed all the time and would never go out at night. I started getting really depressed because of this, not only because of the stupid weather seattle provides, but because I was lonely and really didnt interact with anyone. But after the first quarter I finally felt comfortable enough to start talking to anyone and everyone. I made tons of new friends like this.

            Just dont get too caught up in partying and drinking and just hanging out with your buddies, that shits addicting. I did that for like the first part of the second quarter and boy did it fuck me up bad! I was passing NONE of my 3 classes. I was doing so bad in one that I had to drop it. But I came around and started settling down and did what I had to do to pass.

            If you're worried about college being hard, don't be, its not like high school. For the first year or so everything should be review. Its really all about studying, at least for me it is.

            CrzyTuning now offering port services


              hmm ..well i'm almost goin' into my 3rd semester of college ..but yeah my first semester was pretty cool ..everything was new to me ..but i adapted quick ..lots of hott girls. tha people were cool ..tha teachers were great was a wonderful experience.

              CB7 --> EG2 --> ZN6


                i dropped out... word.... but i'm going back in a couple months for the summer semester and try to catch back up...



                  im in my 4th semester, first year was chill, met sme interesting people. didnt party a lot didnt make CLOSE friends, but sophmore year im def more used to the work and getting a lot better at budgeting my time.
                  To have loved and lost is better than to have never loved at all #CB7Life


                    i did pretty bad my first semester and i hate every single person that goes to school here. theyre either the kids that think they are so cool or they're *** drama kids. i really need to transfer. but i have fun going to parties, until they get broken up by the cops at 11 oclock. oh, but the fact that i have a lot of money helps. wait, no, i have $0.77 in my bank account.


                      Originally posted by ckyskater733
                      i did pretty bad my first semester and i hate every single person that goes to school here. theyre either the kids that think they are so cool or they're *** drama kids. i really need to transfer. but i have fun going to parties, until they get broken up by the cops at 11 oclock. oh, but the fact that i have a lot of money helps. wait, no, i have $0.77 in my bank account.
                      11 o clock? thats when the real fun starts man!

                      CrzyTuning now offering port services


                        Originally posted by d112crzy
                        11 o clock? thats when the real fun starts man!
                        it should be, but it isnt. the town cops suck huge dick and break up every party i've been to. most before 12. then there's nothing else to do but go back to the dorms and drink whatevers left.


                          And FUKK BITCHES!!! (no disrespect to the ladies here)...

                          Yo I'm seriously thinking of going back for my masters' for the 'tang...

                          Originally posted by lordoja
                          im with you on that one bro! aint nothing beat free food and drinks any day of the week, even if its at a funeral


                            started up bboying with a breakin crew on campus.
                            I <3 G60.

                            0.5mm Oversized Stainless valves and bronze guides available. Pm me please.

