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New Florida town looks to ban abortions, pornography and contraceptives

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    New Florida town looks to ban abortions, pornography and contraceptives


    By The Associated Press
    Wednesday, March 1, 2006

    NAPLES, Fla. (AP) -- If Domino's Pizza founder Thomas S. Monaghan has his way, a new town being built in Florida will be governed according to strict Roman Catholic principles, with no place to get an abortion, pornography or birth control.

    The pizza magnate is bankrolling the project with at least $250 million and calls it "God's will."

    Civil libertarians say the plan is unconstitutional and are threatening to sue.

    The town of Ave Maria is being constructed around Ave Maria University, the first Catholic university to be built in the United States in about 40 years. Both are set to open next year about 25 miles east of Naples in southwestern Florida.

    The town and the university, developed in partnership with the Barron Collier Co., an agricultural and real estate business, will be set on 5,000 acres with a European-inspired town center, a massive church and what planners call the largest crucifix in the nation, at nearly 65 feet tall. Monaghan envisions 11,000 homes and 20,000 residents.

    During a speech last year at a Catholic men's gathering in Boston, Monaghan said that in his community, stores will not sell pornographic magazines, pharmacies will not carry condoms or birth control pills, and cable television will have no X-rated channels.

    Homebuyers in Ave Maria will own their property outright. But Monaghan and Barron Collier will control all commercial real estate in the town, meaning they could insert provisions in leases to restrict the sale of certain items.

    "I believe all of history is just one big battle between good and evil. I don't want to be on the sidelines," Monaghan, who sold Domino's Pizza in 1998 to devote himself to doing good works, said in a recent Newsweek interview.

    Robert Falls, a spokesman for the project, said Tuesday that attorneys are still reviewing the legal issues and that Monaghan had no comment in the meantime.

    "If they attempt to do what he apparently wants to do, the people of Naples and Collier County, Florida, are in for a whole series of legal and constitutional problems and a lot of litigation indefinitely into the future," warned Howard Simon, executive director of the American Civil Liberties Union of Florida.

    Florida Attorney General Charlie Crist said it will be up to the courts to decide the legalities of the plan. "The community has the right to provide a wholesome environment," he said. "If someone disagrees, they have the right to go to court and present facts before a judge."

    Gov. Jeb Bush, at the site's groundbreaking earlier this month, lauded the development as a new kind of town where faith and freedom will merge to create a community of like-minded citizens. Bush, a convert to Catholicism, did not speak specifically to the proposed restrictions.

    "While the governor does not personally believe in abortion or pornography, the town, and any restrictions they may place on businesses choosing to locate there, must comply with the laws and constitution of the state and federal governments," Russell Schweiss, a spokesman for the governor, said Tuesday.

    Frances Kissling, president of the liberal Washington-based Catholics for a Free Choice, likened Monaghan's concept to Islamic fundamentalism.

    "This is un-American," Kissling said. "I don't think in a democratic society you can have a legally organized township that will seek to have any kind of public service whatsoever and try to restrict the constitutional rights of citizens."

    My ride RS6 HELLA Bi-xenon ECE retrofitted CB7

    "Gov. Jeb Bush, at the site's groundbreaking earlier this month, lauded the development as a new kind of town where faith and freedom will merge to create a community of like-minded citizens. Bush, a convert to Catholicism, did not speak specifically to the proposed restrictions. "

    its like saying that the kkk, if they had enough money could create there own land in America, it's terrifyin what money can do to a country and what this country is coming to as its standards.
    Audi A4 2.8 Quattro Sport


      pharmacies will not carry condoms or birth control pills

      hahah LMFAO Teens over there are FUCKED!

      Claire - '92 Mercedes-Benz 500E - AMG&Bilstein Treatment - The Wolf in Sheep's clothing.

      Alice - '97 BMW 540i6 - Dinan Tuned. - Low Profile Weekend Warrior.

      Felicia - '11 Ford Fusion - Luxury Package - Daily.. daily.. ugh.

      Originally posted by JoshM
      Okay to do: "I'm sorry I broke your mailbox, here's $100.
      NOT okay to do: "I'm sorry I fucked your sister, here's $100.


        yeah and they should ban pooing too, make it so everyone has to hold it in. ban everything dirty and unholy

        "You've done more threatening prescription drugs..."
        "the character of a man can be judged by how he takes his criticism"
        "Quoting yourself is like, masturbation" -Starchland


          Pooing! AHAHAHAHAH. Who uses that wording? Funniest thing I heard all day.
          Metal Metal and more Metal!!!

          How much does your wheel/tire combo weigh? Post here!
          -=Suicide Crew Member #1 (only member so far)=-
          MY RIDE

          "I was hoping the Wolverine would finger one of those Japanese girls and then extend a claw into her b hole just for fun, BUT that never happened and I was extremely unsatisfied with the movie because of it." -Macaqueistrong


            Man thats some deep shit. OMG is this another Jim Jones or David Koresh ???
            accordtypeR aka Seve aka The Godfather.

            My Old Baby
            ....................My New Baby
            SOLD TO
            ..grumpy93, iceplaya123, slr_theking, tn_accords


              This reminds me of footloose... lol
              Hi, I'm Shippo and I have a problem. I keep buying CB7's.


                That is the lamest thing i have ever heard. Im no lawyer or judge, but that doesnt sound very constitional to me.

                if this should actually go through (and they will need a true miricle of god for that to happen), we are all scewed. All the born again christians in the country will want to move there, it will get over crowed, and then they will have to start a new town, and so on and so on

                Owner of


                  I think its a great idea....better yet let them have there own island. By all means the more bible pushing, freedom crunching idiots that go into that town means that the less of them will be out in the streets where I live. This is a free country so I say let them do whatever they want in their own little town. Even though these conservatives restrict our rights everyday....I have never been about retaliating at the expense of true democracy. But the second they come to my house and tell me that I can't have a abortion, do drugs, watch porn, have un-marrital sex......etc, they are gonna catch a boot in the ass.
                  my ride


                    Originally posted by bracersi
                    I think its a great idea....better yet let them have there own island. By all means the more bible pushing, freedom crunching idiots that go into that town means that the less of them will be out in the streets where I live. This is a free country so I say let them do whatever they want in their own little town. Even though these conservatives restrict our rights everyday....I have never been about retaliating at the expense of true democracy. But the second they come to my house and tell me that I can't have a abortion, do drugs, watch porn, have un-marrital sex......etc, they are gonna catch a boot in the ass.




                      My friend told me bout this. I think its fucked up if he gets to do it next thing you know other religions are going start doing the same shit. I know this shit aint gonna go through. Im not saying the christian religion is bad im just saying its fucked up what that dominoes dude is doing. Its taking other peoples freedoms away and doing what a specific book says. Basically making the bible another constitution for the damn place hes going to buy. Just like someone mentioned its going to be somewhat like the KKK religion wise.

                      The New-ish Ride
                      My old Ride
                      Hear my Vtak!!!
                      MK3 Member #3
                      I piss off people for fun.
                      IA 08 Sunburn Victim #1


                        bout the condom thing. the guy wasn on tv the other day and said they will not like it but if a store wants to sell them fine


                          Originally posted by rickyduckworth
                          the public ironically fails to make the connection between the "occult" and "christians" like these

                          this is the occult in it's purest form.........this type of brainwashing and "we must have complete control" is what lead to the creation of 100000000 religions that fit what people wanted instead of them fitting what the religion wanted..........

                          religion is so stupid and such an obvious crutch.....the pinnacle of human stupidity


                            My friend Erin went dressed up for halloween as a pregnant nun holding a metal coathanger.

