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white boys and azn girls....

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    what if an Asian girl just simply likes a white guy just because? Is she still a cultural sellout?

    "You've done more threatening prescription drugs..."
    "the character of a man can be judged by how he takes his criticism"
    "Quoting yourself is like, masturbation" -Starchland


      Originally posted by DeathFromAbove
      my mom's busy now.

      yes i just made a crack at my mom whom i love and is not a hooker! that's just how offended i DON'T get. if he wants to rant on some white people, big deal. us honkies been ruling everyone, we need to take it too. besides, i like racism! well jokes of course. woogy boogy niggers!
      Yeah that speech about half asain.white "mestizo" shit was a little outta hand. I mean i feel you on some points but i have NO hate for white guys. I live in a diverse town. So if a white dude gets the attention then the dude juss has better qualities then you ya dig? I mean foreal..... this was juss for fun til "someone" said some stupid ignorant shit. Then someone topped it off by saying "slant eye"???!! WOAH..... thats fucked up and im filipino. I feel for the asians. Thats hurt mayn. Some of the craziest mobs out there are viets.... you didnt know that did you? This one big ass black dude (gansta) said that he swears this viet was talkin to him and he swore he was talkin to a *****. Basically the vietnamese was boss tycoonin it. Dont fuck around with that shit. I dont go around sayin fuck surenos and nortenos..... these mexicans are crazy too. FUCK! So excuse my grammer cuz im from norcal.... but "***** what the fuck! Whats with the racial shit?! I aint slant eyed and i still find it offending! How fuckin stupid is that?!" And you LOVVVVVVE racial jokes dont you? What about this:

      "Why is a racist white boy driving a Honda Accord? Hmmm.... JDM rims too?!! Wow i thought that was Japanese, made by "slant eyed ppl"?! Guess i was wrong."

      You diserve that shit..... now quit being racist cuz it aint funny cuz that shits personal to ppl. You should get kicked off for that!

      YADADADADADADADADADADADADADMEAN!!!! From the vee. Dont get it twisted! We yolkin out here MANG!!!!

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      I'm starting all over again since I got another CB.

      NOC OUT!!!


        Originally posted by eyearejon
        The truth...


        Prepare for me to drop the knowledge. Let me apologize to white people in advance if I offend any of you, I mean no harm.

        If anyone has any right to speak on this topic, it's me. I'm half white, and half "azn" (filipino to be politically correct). I lean more to my filipino side because my mother (who's white) died when I was young and I've been around filipino culture/asian culture a lot more, seeing that 99% of my friends are asian and the only family I see is Asian. Plus, the white people I'm related to are a bunch of racist honkeys who discriminate against me because my skin is brown, despite the fact I'm half white.

        Now the big question...why? Why do some asian girls go for white guys? Well, there's a variety of reasons. The main reason they go for white people is because, honestly, they're sell outs. They've become COMPLETELY Americanized. That's not to say any of us arent Americanized, it's hard not to be when you live in America. But basically they lose their sense of culture, or they're trying to escape from their culture. Usually when I go around town and I see an asian girl with a white guy I'm more pissed at the girl than the guy, because I know in my heart that her parents wouldnt approve of her boyfriend. Secondly, no disrespect to Asian guys, but a lot of guys are stuck up. They have a set way of acting and it's kinda cliche sometimes. The prompts Asian girls to go for white guys because they want something "different." Asian girls dont want white guys because they have "bigger dicks," I've already disproven that theory myself . And I'm sorry white guys arent the shit like you think you are, and you dont have "massive penises" like you may claim. Asian girls dont go out with you because you're so fucking fly. 95% of the time Asian girls go for white guys because they're simply bored, you are an escape from boredom.

        I find most of the time when an Asian girl spends an ample amount of time with a white guy she learns that she just cant find herself being with an white guy, main reason being that in order to coexist in a relationship, especially with an Asian girl, you need to understand her culture.

        Granted there are some occasions, although very few, where these interracial relationships stand a chance of lasting (my parents for example). And by the way, if an Asian girl wanted a big dick so bad, I think she would go for a black guy buddy, you need to stay away from the asian porn, ok? I'm worried about your well-being, it's sad that you watch porn so much it causes you to be prejudice...tsk tsk.

        Anyways...good luck to the white guys trying to get the asian girl, cause you'll need it. And to the Asian guys that are worried about their girls running to the white man, dont worry about it, they'll be back, and they'll feel pretty fuckin stupid.__________________

        Okay and you! You mean no harm YET you contradict yourself by the last paragraph. See... i think your juss as ignorant cuz that was unecessary as well. Asain chicks like white guys more because they tend to be more "manly" in my book. Asain guys arent that manly to the eyes of many. As with sports and such.... not the type of ppl. But I must say i think that asians are underated. Such stereotypical shit is all over that video. The video was funny but it didnt have the answer to the introduction. Everyone is on there own on this one. I juss feel i had to defend those who couldnt and I felt a part of it.

        I am no longer using this forum name.
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        I'm starting all over again since I got another CB.

        NOC OUT!!!


          Originally posted by 90boostdaccord
          everyone knows asian girls like bigger dicks. that is simply a quality that many asian guys don't have
          same concept with black guys getting white girls.... and im not just bragging cuz im black. its true.

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          IG - @WerdWerx

          1990 Accord EX Coupe - Click Here


            Oh my! First off, I'm a multi-ethnic female (Japanese, Chinese, Filipina, German, Spanish, and Native Hawaiian), and thought that was a pretty funny clip your friend made. I could appreciate both sides of the spectrum, so please don't think I'm trying to disclaim or discredit anyone's view. I didn't see any other girls respond so I thought I'd throw in my $0.02.

            Personally, almost all of my relationships have been with white men. Growing up in Hawaii, which is such a HUGE melting pot of cultures (again, look at my ethnic background), really made for blurred cultural lines. I don't believe I've dated white guys because I was bored or because I felt they were more attractive to me. I also do not consider myself to be a sell-out. I've known MANY Asian or "Hapa" (mixed w/ white) guys that I absolutely had the hots for. (BTW, Philip Wang is a cutie) But, in my experience, Asian men just didn't seem interested in me. It may be attributed to cultural differences, I don't know. But in my experience, white guys tend to be a bit more direct or aggressive in their approach. Maybe I'm old fashioned, but I’d give attention to those who actually TRIED to get my attention. (So I agree with the Indian guy in the movie clip.)

            I also agree that interracial dating can be very difficult. One of the biggest challenges my girl friends and I face is constantly having to explain things, particularly cultural things. I know this will sound so stereotypical but at least you'll get my point, so bear with me... Like my family's not totally F.O.B. but we still have those seemingly "odd" beliefs to those that may not be accustomed to them -- like no whistling at night or taking your shoes off before coming into the house or eating rice with EVERY meal (HEHE). For the longest time, I felt frustrated because I felt like I was an oddity that constantly had to explain myself to my boyfriends, their friends and family, etc. To be honest, I think the biggest challenge for my previous boyfriends was FOOD! Not that they were being served anything foreign (Sorry, no dog or cat for those of you who are thinking that!!!), but for most of my boyfriends teriyaki chicken or California rolls were pretty adventurous. HAHA

            And, of course, I've had my fair share of run-ins with @$$holes. For a while, I felt like I was merely a "spare tire" to these guys. Like where I go to college, if you're not blonde-haired, blue-eyed, and named "Katie" or "Megan" you're not considered the hottest girl on campus. It's really not their fault, I mean, it's what they're exposed to while growing up, right? It seemed like these guys would want to date me not with the intent to have a meaningful relationship, but more as a temporary fix (what I call the "spare tire" syndrome). I felt like these guys just wanted to go out with me so they could someday say, "Yeah, dude, I dated this Asian/Hawaiian chick in college...." (And for those of you who are wondering, NO I didn't sleep with them, it doesn't take much to see beyond those shallow types).

            I think it boils down to sensitivity and exposure. For example, no matter how hot my pro moto-x racer redneck b/f at the time was, it didn't erase the fact that we were from two separate worlds. He felt out of place in mine, and I felt out of place in his (I got tired of being called a "hot Chinky" or "sexy little Japanese girl"). *SIGH* But, my best relationship EVER has been with a white boy who's teased for thinking he's Asian! Almost all his friends were Asian (the rest were white or mixed). He grew up in an upper-middle class SoCal neighborhood that was predominantly white, but shared a lot of common interests with his Asian friends. The weird thing was that his parents weren't too far off from the Cleavers from “Leave It to Beaver.” Like anything else in life, not everything’s perfect but because of his exposure to the other cultures (Chinese, Korean, Japanese, Vietnamese, Filipino) not everything had to be explained in great detail. And what did have to be explained was accepted, understood, and respected… making things easier on both parties.

            Maybe it’s because of my mixed background, but I don’t really see the big deal with interracial relationships. I don’t think the ethno-centric view of sticking to our races is very healthy. Oh, and BTW, that whole penis thing is too much, guys! Can’t we all just get along? HEHE
            Last edited by mysticbluemaui; 02-09-2006, 08:48 AM.


              Originally posted by DeathFromAbove
              woogy boogy niggers!
              so is this a thread about racism, or white guys getting asian girls? i forgot.

              ^^^ Please "Like" & Follow!^^^

              IG - @WerdWerx

              1990 Accord EX Coupe - Click Here


                LOL again, why are people so sensitive about who other people are fucking? The type of person who complains about stuff like that is the type of person WHO'S NOT GETTING last serious girl was white, and yes, I'm black...nobody had any problems with it (or at least anyone I spoke to). It's 2006...people need to stop being so fucking fragile. OMG WE'RE SO MUCH BETTER THAN THEM HOW COULD YOU BETRAY US??? YEA SHE LEFT BUT SHE'LL BE BACK!!! Shut the fuck up!!! Like someone said can't two people just be together because they're attracted to each other? Do we need a consent form from society to get squiggly??? I thought not...nobody is better than anybody, we all pay taxes, make smelly shit, cry as babies and eventually die. Give all that sensitive "we cant mingle with THEM" shit a rest.

                And to whoever said ******, dude, people are sensitive about that, especially when you're not funny...

                Originally posted by lordoja
                im with you on that one bro! aint nothing beat free food and drinks any day of the week, even if its at a funeral


                  That Is So True! Aint That A B

                  my members ride page


                    Originally posted by DJ Hizzle
                    so is this a thread about racism, or white guys getting asian girls? i forgot.
                    not quite sure, little from column A and a little from column B, and of course, as you know that was just chappelle show, i heart black people, and chinamen too, worry not! group hug bishes!


                      Originally posted by gloryaccordy
                      LOL again, why are people so sensitive about who other people are fucking? The type of person who complains about stuff like that is the type of person WHO'S NOT GETTING last serious girl was white, and yes, I'm black...nobody had any problems with it (or at least anyone I spoke to). It's 2006...people need to stop being so fucking fragile. OMG WE'RE SO MUCH BETTER THAN THEM HOW COULD YOU BETRAY US??? YEA SHE LEFT BUT SHE'LL BE BACK!!! Shut the fuck up!!! Like someone said can't two people just be together because they're attracted to each other? Do we need a consent form from society to get squiggly??? I thought not...nobody is better than anybody, we all pay taxes, make smelly shit, cry as babies and eventually die. Give all that sensitive "we cant mingle with THEM" shit a rest.

                      And to whoever said ******, dude, people are sensitive about that, especially when you're not funny...
                      thank you.

                      ^^^ Please "Like" & Follow!^^^

                      IG - @WerdWerx

                      1990 Accord EX Coupe - Click Here


                        Tell it how it is Glory.

                        I guess its easy to take for granted how diverse and culturally aware some parts of the world are.

                        "You've done more threatening prescription drugs..."
                        "the character of a man can be judged by how he takes his criticism"
                        "Quoting yourself is like, masturbation" -Starchland


                          Originally posted by mysticbluemaui
                          Oh my! First off, I'm a multi-ethnic female (Japanese, Chinese, Filipina, German, Spanish, and Native Hawaiian), and thought that was a pretty funny clip your friend made. I could appreciate both sides of the spectrum, so please don't think I'm trying to disclaim or discredit anyone's view. I didn't see any other girls respond so I thought I'd throw in my $0.02.

                          Personally, almost all of my relationships have been with white men. Growing up in Hawaii, which is such a HUGE melting pot of cultures (again, look at my ethnic background), really made for blurred cultural lines. I don't believe I've dated white guys because I was bored or because I felt they were more attractive to me. I also do not consider myself to be a sell-out. I've known MANY Asian or "Hapa" (mixed w/ white) guys that I absolutely had the hots for. (BTW, Philip Wang is a cutie) But, in my experience, Asian men just didn't seem interested in me. It may be attributed to cultural differences, I don't know. But in my experience, white guys tend to be a bit more direct or aggressive in their approach. Maybe I'm old fashioned, but I’d give attention to those who actually TRIED to get my attention. (So I agree with the Indian guy in the movie clip.)

                          I also agree that interracial dating can be very difficult. One of the biggest challenges my girl friends and I face is constantly having to explain things, particularly cultural things. I know this will sound so stereotypical but at least you'll get my point, so bear with me... Like my family's not totally F.O.B. but we still have those seemingly "odd" beliefs to those that may not be accustomed to them -- like no whistling at night or taking your shoes off before coming into the house or eating rice with EVERY meal (HEHE). For the longest time, I felt frustrated because I felt like I was an oddity that constantly had to explain myself to my boyfriends, their friends and family, etc. To be honest, I think the biggest challenge for my previous boyfriends was FOOD! Not that they were being served anything foreign (Sorry, no dog or cat for those of you who are thinking that!!!), but for most of my boyfriends teriyaki chicken or California rolls were pretty adventurous. HAHA

                          And, of course, I've had my fair share of run-ins with @$$holes. For a while, I felt like I was merely a "spare tire" to these guys. Like where I go to college, if you're not blonde-haired, blue-eyed, and named "Katie" or "Megan" you're not considered the hottest girl on campus. It's really not their fault, I mean, it's what they're exposed to while growing up, right? It seemed like these guys would want to date me not with the intent to have a meaningful relationship, but more as a temporary fix (what I call the "spare tire" syndrome). I felt like these guys just wanted to go out with me so they could someday say, "Yeah, dude, I dated this Asian/Hawaiian chick in college...." (And for those of you who are wondering, NO I didn't sleep with them, it doesn't take much to see beyond those shallow types).

                          I think it boils down to sensitivity and exposure. For example, no matter how hot my pro moto-x racer redneck b/f at the time was, it didn't erase the fact that we were from two separate worlds. He felt out of place in mine, and I felt out of place in his (I got tired of being called a "hot Chinky" or "sexy little Japanese girl"). *SIGH* But, my best relationship EVER has been with a white boy who's teased for thinking he's Asian! Almost all his friends were Asian (the rest were white or mixed). He grew up in an upper-middle class SoCal neighborhood that was predominantly white, but shared a lot of common interests with his Asian friends. The weird thing was that his parents weren't too far off from the Cleavers from “Leave It to Beaver.” Like anything else in life, not everything’s perfect but because of his exposure to the other cultures (Chinese, Korean, Japanese, Vietnamese, Filipino) not everything had to be explained in great detail. And what did have to be explained was accepted, understood, and respected… making things easier on both parties.

                          Maybe it’s because of my mixed background, but I don’t really see the big deal with interracial relationships. I don’t think the ethno-centric view of sticking to our races is very healthy. Oh, and BTW, that whole penis thing is too much, guys! Can’t we all just get along? HEHE

                          Im mixed also (Flip, Black Portuguese, etc) and i feel for what you say, except im a guy and i like girls. Lol. Anyways we need to get over this cause its just plain stupid and boring. The world is changing and sooner or later everyone is going to mixed. Racism is a stupid act anyways, because race was divided up way back when on where our ancesters lived at, and how much sun they got. Basicily we are all the same just that we were "built" for certain regions of the world, but since everything is getting homogenous then we are becoming homogenous also. my 2 cents

                          The whole dick size thing, man there isnt a day taht i dont hear bout my dick if its either big or small. Lol its fun being mixed, best of all worlds. Peace out and dont start no more stupid racism crap because your just hating yourself in the long run.



                            Originally posted by gloryaccordy
                            LOL again, why are people so sensitive about who other people are fucking? The type of person who complains about stuff like that is the type of person WHO'S NOT GETTING last serious girl was white, and yes, I'm black...nobody had any problems with it (or at least anyone I spoke to). It's 2006...people need to stop being so fucking fragile. OMG WE'RE SO MUCH BETTER THAN THEM HOW COULD YOU BETRAY US??? YEA SHE LEFT BUT SHE'LL BE BACK!!! Shut the fuck up!!! Like someone said can't two people just be together because they're attracted to each other? Do we need a consent form from society to get squiggly??? I thought not...nobody is better than anybody, we all pay taxes, make smelly shit, cry as babies and eventually die. Give all that sensitive "we cant mingle with THEM" shit a rest.

                            And to whoever said ******, dude, people are sensitive about that, especially when you're not funny...
                            Can I get an Amen? That was exactly what I was thinking, but couldn't verbalize it.
                            My Member's Ride Thread, Comments Welcome!!!


                              Originally posted by 90boostdaccord
                              everyone knows asian girls like bigger dicks. that is simply a quality that many asian guys don't have
                              My baby laying down some power...



                                I am 100 % asian. To tell you guys, asian girl don't go for white because of their size of dick. Size don't matter, they date white guy because they want to know how it feel like. Asian girl don't like to be fuck with big dick. They do not go around and fuck with everyone. asian people have their own culture, they know what they are doing. Asian love white guy because maybe they are in love with them, if you say it about dick size, your wrong!

                                it has eyes!!!

