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Workout people: ab help!!!

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    Workout people: ab help!!!

    I know how to get big, cut arms and a chest the girls go nuts for. I know how to build my lats so I look like a house. And I was born with nice shoulders...

    But even in my prime 2 years ago, I could not get the last 2 packs on the bottom of my stomach, no matter how hard I tried. I had everything but that and some well defined obliques. My guess at the culprit: no lower ab machines in my gym and far from enough cardio. Since I've stopped working out, I've lost about 5-10# but I've slowed my metabolism down to the point that I only need about a meal a day to function...

    I guess my question is, what can I do to get the sick stomach I want both dietwise and workout wise? Could I just run and eat better and not have to do any of those stupid ab excersizes? I wanna be cut and maybe a little bigger than I am now (5' 10", 160-165, but I have a big head)...shoot some pointers my way.

    Originally posted by lordoja
    im with you on that one bro! aint nothing beat free food and drinks any day of the week, even if its at a funeral