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Cb7 workout craze!!!

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    Cb7 workout craze!!!

    well..i figured since we are all in this lil workout craze up some workouts you reccomend..and what they strength..endurance etc etc interested in some of the diets and supplements you guys what you do and dont eat....what protein or creatine u use etc etc etc

    I don't use supplements.... I heard it is REALLY healthy to eat a little can of tuna right after you work out! I know one person that actually did it and it did make a difference! Helped his muscles heal a lot quicker and helped them grow as well! Sounds kinda nasty but, if that's what you want!


      ^^^protein tends to do that

      If you wanna build muscle do negatives. After a workout i usually went back to bench. and did 160lb negatives 3 times as slowly as my body would allow.

      Don't eat late at night and walking around throughout the day with your stomach muscles tightened is a great way to do work out the abs. Just keep them flexed, you don't have to kill yourself. Try not to fart either...quite embarrassing
      Knowledge is EVERY sense of the word

      FSAE (F Series Accord Enthusiasts) ..."A dying breed thats taking it to the next level" #12


        Monday - Morning - Chest & Bi's (flat bench, incline, decline, cable crossovers, strict barbell curl, incline db curl, ez bar curl)
        Afternoon - Cardio (HIIT, 1/2 mile warmup, 10 minutes of sprinting for 12 seconds, jogging for 45)

        Tuesday - Legs & Abs (squat or deadlift it depends, leg curl, leg extension, calf raise, one legged squats)

        Wednesday - Rest

        Thursday - Morning - Shoulders & Traps (Sitting military press, sitting lateral raise, sitting dumbell shrugs, upright rows, anterior barbell raise, face pulls)
        Afternoon - Cardio (same as above)

        Friday - Back & Abs (Good mornings, barbell rows, wide grip lats, variation of barbell rows w/ different grip, back extensions, dumbell rows, pullups)

        Saturday - Tris (close grip bench, weighted dips, skull crushers)

        Sunday - Rest

        Optimum Nutrition Whey Protein & BSN No-xplode.

        Protein - spread throughout the day coming from Protein shake, eggs, chicken, fish, almonds or natural peanut butter, and cottage cheese.

        Carbs - usually more in the morning, coming from oats, veggies, banana, oat bran, wheat bread.

        Fats - comes from eggs, almonds, natural peanut butter, fish, etc.

        The diet is the most important thing. Clean foods are important and the timing in which you eat them is important. Carbs should be consumed earlier in the morning because 1) your body has been depleted after sleeping all night and 2) you need energy source for the entire day. Some form of casein protein should be taken at night because it digests slower (i.e. milk, cottage cheese, etc.) Fats are essential, too, and should make up at least 20% of your diet.


          cretein works pretty well, gives u extra energy and a little boost, but is only worth it if your really working yourself to the limit and really trying to put in those extra reps. As for protein, eat lots of fish, chicken and steak, those are all great for you and will help you tons

          as for routines i get all mine from they seem to have a good amout of rountines available and also remember to swtich up routines every few months.

          and take days offf, never forget that. your muscles need rebuilding time.
          Audi A4 2.8 Quattro Sport


            I work out every morning in the shower. Hint hint.
            "form follows function."
            Louis Sullivan


              Originally posted by williamsvt
              cretein works pretty well, gives u extra energy and a little boost, but is only worth it if your really working yourself to the limit and really trying to put in those extra reps. As for protein, eat lots of fish, chicken and steak, those are all great for you and will help you tons

              as for routines i get all mine from they seem to have a good amout of rountines available and also remember to swtich up routines every few months.

              and take days offf, never forget that. your muscles need rebuilding time.
              CREATINE, btw...has very unpleasant side effects. Your body produces it naturally. However, when you take extra creatine in, you risk kidney damage (if used for a period greater than 6 months). You also can suffer from random farting, as well constant diarreha. (One of my technicians used it and he had these problems... )


                Originally posted by williamsvt
                cretein works pretty well, gives u extra energy and a little boost, but is only worth it if your really working yourself to the limit and really trying to put in those extra reps. As for protein, eat lots of fish, chicken and steak, those are all great for you and will help you tons

                as for routines i get all mine from they seem to have a good amout of rountines available and also remember to swtich up routines every few months.

                and take days offf, never forget that. your muscles need rebuilding time.
                creatine** if you don't know how to spell it, don't use it....

                also, dont work out heavy every day, i like to do heavy days, and then come back and do a lighter work out on "off days"
                it takes your muscles 24-48 hours ave. for your muscles to break down and recover stronger


                  work out 5/7 days. take two or 3 days rest. when doing abs try to do cardio before working on ur abs.
                  i used to run fr 30-45 min before workin oout.
                  are we there yet are we there yet are we there yet


                    diet consist of
                    its not all clean cause i want to put the weight on any way i can. (diet doesnt isnt a term just used in losing weight)
                    i eat 5-6 times a day. take 2 shakes of weight gainer a day, usuaully after i eat. all in all i consum bout 170-200grams of protein a day.
                    i take Anabolic Matrix....not for the gains, dont need it for that cause i always push myself but because it helps with sleep.....
                    when u work out hard for some reason (for some) it gets difficult to sleep. this shit puts me
                    ill post my routine later, im about to eat
                    NEED RAP BEATS.....



                      punching bag everyday. helps take out anger and build a little lean muscle. Work helps build the mass.

                      Originally posted by Dr.x
                      You drive an almost 20 year old car, pretty much everyone can pay it off.. you dont need to be "ballin"


                        I go to my local gym about 5 or 6 times a week... usually do about 45 minutes of cardio (bike/treadmill).... also a lot of abdominal work.. weight lifting.. the usual..
                        1993 Cobalt Blue Accord EX - Sold as of December, 2009


                          nice thread!


                            that tuna thing is tru..i go to school with a guy that eats tuna on the daily..its loaded with protein..i strayed from into protein shakes...glutamine helps the recovery process...i take awhile to recover..especially when doing failures


                              Monday: 30 minute run
                              Tue: full body workout gym..legs first
                              Wed: 30 min run
                              thursday: same as Tue
                              FridaY: rest
                              SAt: basketball for fun
                              sun: rest

                              next week..repeat!.. thats all you need right..and drink plenty of water...

