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I almost got jacked and stabbed

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    I almost got jacked and stabbed

    OK yestersay evening me and my wife were walking out of the pico rivera swap meet towards our car and I saw this female staring at me I meen making direct eye contact with me. As we got closer I saw some one sitting in my car I walk up non chalantly to driverside. He gets out really fast with my stereo in his hand and with out words I hit him square in his mouth, he drops my head unit and we start boxing.. The whole time I'm hitting him he's trying to say " I'm just trying to come up on a hustle for someone else"..Do you really think I give a dam. so were throwing down and I hit so many times and very hard in a matter of seconds that he tryed to walk away from me. He walks to the front of my and to the left. I'm following him so I can beat some more ass and he ends slammimg me against athe front of the expedition we were parked next to. He was breathing really hard and said "you don't want to get stuck man" when he said that I got my back of the expedition grabbed his hair in slammed his face twice to the grill of that truck...All of the sudden I get hit in the back of my left ear by some 16 year old bald headded looking punk I turned around to swing and had litteraly jumped about 5 feet back I turned around again and that motherfucker that just beat down gets up pulls out a knife and lunges at me. I jump back running into my car when I look foward again he had gone around the otherside of the expodition and starts walking backward towards his car. gets in and halls ass...Instinct told me to chase him but I looked for my wife to make sure she was ok. It had all happend so fast that I never even bothered to look at her. as they're taking off he slows down and she flips me off and they bone out. I got on my cell phone and called 911 and told them what happend the police respone was immediate which suprised me. while all this was happening the was a security guard about 30 feet away... after the sherriff's arrive the security relizes some thing happend walks towards us to see what happend. My wife took down all his information because we are going to see if we have a case against the security company because I pretty much was left to defend myself... The sherrifs dept and me are now looking for 3 suspects...The discription doesn't matter cuz that could be anybody. But they are driving a dark green crysler. I said it looked like a pontiac sunfire 4 door but my wife said she saw the crysler star with CA plates 5XFS771 or some thing that resembles those plates...Rite now I feel one of my knuckles at the top of my hand and I have to get X-rayed... My wife said that it had happend all to fast and didn't realize what was going on... But I did the minute I saw someone sitting in my seat. This all could have turnred out much worse like my wife said..I guess after reflecting back we are lucky to be alive and so is the suspect and any one his accomplisses could of had a weapon and could of had had my knife in the car. but now that suspect is wanted for burglary and assualt with a deadly weapon..soory if my typing fucked up ive typed this whole thing with my left hand... I thought I would share this with you guys just to be careful were ever your at cuz you don't know when some thing like that can happen to you......

    93 Accord H22.. 10th anniv.edition-wrecked R.i.P

    99 EM1 Boosted type R- Jacked and never found

    Sorry to hear about that man. Glad you or your wife didn't get hurt!

    Had something similar happen to me years ago. Except they got away with my deck. Security was like less than 30 ft away and they didn't see a thing. Yeah right...
    "the J32a2 should be considered one of Honda's masterpieces..." Honda Tuning, July 2006


      Another reason why I can't wait till I'm 21 and get my weapons permit.
      "form follows function."
      Louis Sullivan


        Next time kill the ******. literally.


          damn that sux dude. but if theres one thing ive learned from any movies if your in a fight, i dont care who your fighting against, if you kick them in the balls theyre down for the count, then you go get the security. but good luck with getting your case against them

          My Members Ride Thread
          Originally posted by deevergote
          You have to think outside the box to get IN the box!


            damn that was some good action reading...i could see myself doing the same thing you did....i prolly would have chases him..but my girl would have been crying....and screaming... would be pissed too man..hope you find them


              you know after all that I was thinking I should have kick him in the nuts and done worse but it all happend so fast..I was I Iraq for a year and when I got back I always wondered "what if" and now matter how much I wish I could go back and maybe do somethings all over I don't think I would because i'm alive rite now able to tell my story. But I'll tell you what my knuckles may broken but I can' imagine how how his face feels rite now I know would'nt wanna get hit by or my head slammed into the grill of an suv.. But what pisses me off guys is that worked for my shit, not by hustling or stealing....but serving 365 days in a combat zone... Oh and i'm not giong to forget that lil shit that cheap shooted me in the back of my head...

              93 Accord H22.. 10th anniv.edition-wrecked R.i.P

              99 EM1 Boosted type R- Jacked and never found


                Originally posted by 92accordlxtuner
                Next time kill the ******. literally.
                Prob. the dumbest response so far.

                LOGIC, seriously, be glad you got away with your health, your wife, your car, and from what I gather your head unit. Plus you got your hits in...let him know not to fukk with your shit, but you didn't get hurt...sorry about the ordeal but I'm glad you got away.

                Originally posted by lordoja
                im with you on that one bro! aint nothing beat free food and drinks any day of the week, even if its at a funeral


                  Originally posted by LOGICx420x
                  you know after all that I was thinking I should have kick him in the nuts and done worse but it all happend so fast..I was I Iraq for a year and when I got back I always wondered "what if" and now matter how much I wish I could go back and maybe do somethings all over I don't think I would because i'm alive rite now able to tell my story. But I'll tell you what my knuckles may broken but I can' imagine how how his face feels rite now I know would'nt wanna get hit by or my head slammed into the grill of an suv.. But what pisses me off guys is that worked for my shit, not by hustling or stealing....but serving 365 days in a combat zone... Oh and i'm not giong to forget that lil shit that cheap shooted me in the back of my head...
                  word....i served in iraq too..i have almost snapped on a few of these people out here..i think im gonna claim PTSD...where were you @ mang?..waht unit?
                  when i got back from over there.i bought my Cb7 for like 3G's...a lil bit more..but its been worth it..!


                    is your headunit okay?
                    I <3 G60.

                    0.5mm Oversized Stainless valves and bronze guides available. Pm me please.


                      Consider yourself lucky and count your blessings next-time just if you someone breaking into your car let them at the same time if you see some suspicion call the police and say the man has a gun. Watch them come running especially if hes black not to be racist of or anything. Its not worth throwing down with the guy if your wife is in the middle of the crossfire or tell her to call the cops if you have to throw down and tell her to hide.


                        lol right^^^ personally thought of the same thing you did i thought it out in my mind if i ever saw someone in my car as i was walkin up to it id litterally kill them or untill there unconsious(sp) but man theres nothin worse than haveing your car broken into cause its happened to me ....

                        AzN VtEc PoWeR: i need to find something to do on my b-day
                        nFiniTeSkiLz: yea
                        nFiniTeSkiLz: go find some friends
                        nFiniTeSkiLz: lol
                        AzN VtEc PoWeR: i already went on craigslist and got some hoes
                        AzN VtEc PoWeR: just like maple
                        AzN VtEc PoWeR: hahahaha i keed
                        nFiniTeSkiLz: um hum im sure...


                          Originally posted by rickyduckworth
                          i'd have ran like a bitch.......or used my wife as a shield
                          LOL yeah right. Good one Ricky...
                          "the J32a2 should be considered one of Honda's masterpieces..." Honda Tuning, July 2006


                            Originally posted by rickyduckworth
                            i'd have snapped him in half...esp. if he had my lambo doors up
                            Agreed fizz.

                            Originally posted by lordoja
                            im with you on that one bro! aint nothing beat free food and drinks any day of the week, even if its at a funeral


                              I would have done the same thing as you. It makes me disgusted that people can do that. You put your life on the line for their freedom, and they use it to try and rob you of your hard earned possesions. Fuck them. Anyways glad to hear that your only injury is from fucking them up, and im glad your wife is okay.
                              Magnaflow exhaust for cb7's for sale

