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A Case For Drunk Driving

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    A Case For Drunk Driving

    When you're really, really drunk, it's probably better to drive home than to walk.

    This weekend, a man walking home after his 55th birthday party because friends and family believed he was too drunk to drive was struck and killed by another vehicle.

    His keys had been taken and it was suggested that he spend the evening at his son's house, presumably where the party had taken place. He said he was going outside for a smoke, but apparently had begun to walk home when he wandered onto a highway and was struck by a motorist.

    Now, it's my contention that if some asshole hadn't taken his keys, this poor old bastard would still be alive today. I know I've had many a night where I was so wasted that I might have wandered out in front of a car. Fortunately, I don't have the kind of friends and family that would put me in that position.

    hmm.. that makes you think


      Originally posted by N9netwoAccord
      hmm.. that makes you think
      double werd.
      I <3 G60.

      0.5mm Oversized Stainless valves and bronze guides available. Pm me please.


        Yeah, instead of him getting killed, just let him drive around, and find a completely innocent party to kill.

        There are plenty of taxi's and if someone has enough common sense, they will have a designated driver. There is no excuse for drunk driving, and the few times I have almost been hit by drunk drivers you bet yourself that I followed them while on the phone with the police until they took care of them. I've done it two times, and will do it whenever I see some retard obviously completely wasted and endangering my life.

        Edit: its not like I drive around waiting for people that I see drinking beforehand. Both of these idiots came inches from hitting me, and had I not had good reflexes and been paying attention, im sure they would have totalled my car and kept going. Not to mention they obviously couldnt see the white lines on the road, and saw random red lights to stop at.
        Last edited by aero; 11-13-2005, 03:13 PM.


          [QUOTE=aero3685]Yeah, instead of him getting killed, just let him drive around, and find a completely innocent party to kill.

          There are plenty of taxi's and if someone has enough common sense, they will have a designated driver. There is no excuse for drunk driving, and the few times I have almost been hit by drunk drivers you bet yourself that I followed them while on the phone with the police until they took care of them. I've done it two times, and will do it whenever I see some retard obviously completely wasted and endangering my life.

          Edit: its not like I drive around waiting for people that I see drinking beforehand. Both of these idiots came inches from hitting me, and had I not had good reflexes and been paying attention, im sure they would have totalled my car and kept going. Not to mention they obviously couldnt see the white lines on the road, and saw random red lights to stop at.[/QUOTE

          in my earlier post i wasn't trying to say drunk driving was right.... in no way do i support it... i believe if you have to drive... drink responsibily and if your too drunk to drive call someone else who will... you make a very good point, why let him drive around with the ability to take out many innocent people, that can be completely avoided if he was being watched...

          EDIT: that looks like a cavalier in the backround... stupid domestic drivers


            Why in the HELL would someone take his car keys then not keep an eye on him?

            Stupid Mothers!

            Put the drunk bastard in a cab or drive him the FUCK home.

            This is like taking the bullets out of someone's gun
            then give them the gun back. What in the FUCK!
            1992 Honda Accord Owner


              in my earlier post i wasn't trying to say drunk driving was right.... in no way do i support it... i believe if you have to drive... drink responsibily and if your too drunk to drive call someone else who will... you make a very good point, why let him drive around with the ability to take out many innocent people, that can be completely avoided if he was being watched...

              I wasnt talking to anyone specifically... just stating my opinion. but yeah, if you made the choice to drink, you should have planned on a way home before you started. Unfortunately DUI's are not treated as they should be here (you can see this easily by the repeat offenders with 10-20 DUI's that are still on the road.) If you are caught like 3-4 times.. liscence should be gone for a good while. Its not a right, and if you dont follow rules, you shouldnt be on the road. But since the govt is just getting more and more corrupt by the day, DUI's will probably be against the constitution or something stupid like that.


                wow thats fucked up people with 10-20 offenses are still on the road... but hten again... weed is now legal up to like a gram or two in colorado or something?

                must be something in the govt's air

