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ban me pussy

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    Another one bites the dust. Well carry on.
    "form follows function."
    Louis Sullivan


      This is cool, and its gonna be even more cool when I eat this Oxy sitting next to me...

      I've never seen so many people actually give a fuck what someone on the internet thought about them.

      Jboyce whoring out his girlfriend every chance he gets then having all the nerds "ooohhh" and "aahhh" her must make him feel accepted.

      Fuck, I don't even try to read the dudes posts and I already know his mom eats snatch, he has no dad, he is a stubborn prick, he has a (gasp!) girlfriend, he burned his arm for some fucking reason... must be "cool"

      Truth is, nobody gives a fuck on this end...

      I don't sit here and post pics of my wife for you nerds to look at, I don't give you a life story...

      Its a HONDA ACCORD SITE, remember?

      Ya'll are a bunch of tools...

      Remember, Ricky and I can kick 100% of your asses tag team style...
      My CB7


        Originally posted by TonK
        Remember, Ricky and I can kick 100% of your asses tag team style...
        Oh really?
        "form follows function."
        Louis Sullivan


          lol from now on lets end all forum disputes with a tag team race Fast and furious 2 style lmao..then loser gets banned lol jk just tryin to bring some humor to all the umm hostile posts???
          92 CB7 *Sold $3300 102K Miles 4 door LX

          94 Del Sol *Baught $3300 80K Miles on chasis
          and 60K miles on b18b1 motor swap


            I shall piss on your lawn spelling out CB7Tuner.
            "form follows function."
            Louis Sullivan


              Originally posted by Neriah06
              lol from now on lets end all forum disputes with a tag team race Fast and furious 2 style lmao..then loser gets banned lol jk just tryin to bring some humor to all the umm hostile posts???
              lol. I feel ya. I understand I read the different posts/threads at my own discretion, but sometimes there's so much negativity, ya know?? I'm like u. Alot of times, I like to play peacemaker cuz I fell I'm a positive type person. A lil laugh or a lil humor don't hurt, ya know??
              Check out what used to be mine
              Click Here


                Originally posted by rickyduckworth
                i will eat your first born child.......

                no i won't
                WTF?? LMAO
                Check out what used to be mine
                Click Here


                  Originally posted by rickyduckworth
                  overdosing on what? that doesn't make any sense, it's just stupid sounding dude........
                  this is the off topic, generally loosely moderated...w/ this banning for stupid shit you're opening a big can of worms, i know you personally weren't offended by the retard statement but defend your banning of jboyce with 'its others who bitch about it'...when's the line going to be drawn? sooner or later you're going to have a female cb7tuner member complain on how we consistantly degrade women w/ the use of the term 'bitch' and the 'hotties, hotties, hotties' thead....then is there going to be a lock on the word bitch? or someone who's offended by the word fuck (which there are many members who are) would you ban yourself? im not defending jboyce b/c his threads are ingnorant but i definitely feel you od'ed in this matter. as a mod i think you need to calm down. theres a thread out there where deev basically got jacked for a camera and is probably hot about it but posted and did not fly off the handle like you. to cliff note it banning jboyce was a bitch move

                  Harm_Lane_Sound Long Island NY...

                  68 posts forever...we nuh rate the 69 ting


                    dude ricky who the fuck are you? What kind of bullshit is this I've been on this board for fucking ever; even though I don't post that much anymore I still occassionally scan it. I've heard and read a lot more offensive stuff than this on here. If you are a mod and someone posts something with an inappropriate title use your fucking brain and your mod rights and edit the got damn post. I wish some people would grow the fuck up, and stop trying to prove who has the bigger balls. It's the fuckin internet for pete's sake. I'm out this bitch.


                    Members Ride Thread


                      I say lock this thread mods this shit is getting out of hands.
                      "form follows function."
                      Louis Sullivan


                        Ricky you evil mod bro hahaha. Do not blow me up with your laser beam oh mighty great one. I agree Ricky people on this board will not be miss. (I hope someone misses me) I agree with Ricky. Thats all.
                        "form follows function."
                        Louis Sullivan


                          i remeber something about aguing in the internet and being retarded. either way, who ever wins is still retarded.
                          what ever, end this pecker messuring pissing contest, he's was warned a few times, sure maybe ricky over-reacted, but he made boyce an example. i don't think he (boyce) ever did contribute any knowledge or info to cb7. so everyone move on.
                          he'll be back, on his best behavior and applogizing, just like any other web-junkie would.

                          i too got a pm from ricky about deleting a thread, i was not going to delete it. i reworded it and delete the content. the pm he sent could have been worded a little "nicer" but thats his alter-ego "supermod bully" thats him. honestly,WGAF?

                          move on.

                          1 more thing, we (as a board) need to ease up on the profanity, myself included. i'm tired of the "sentance enhancers" F---!! this, S---!! that. slow down, use a different word.
                          Last edited by souldoubt; 11-05-2005, 01:38 PM.


                            Originally posted by souldoubt
                            i remeber something about aguing in the internet and being retarded.

                            "form follows function."
                            Louis Sullivan


                              Originally posted by rickyduckworth
                              the day we tell people they can't use profanity is the day i quit.......that's just stupid
                              i use profanity all day, like it's just regular english. but i don't want my kids to see it, hear it, say it untill the can understand what each word means. i don't cuss around my kids, nor will i. i'm sure their are alot of other people who feel this way too.
                              i've seen other sites using a filter for offensive/degrading words. that was one of the best tools i've seen on a forum ever.


                                power trips.should have been a cop.
                                im finally back in a cb7 its like coming
                                93 ex accord coupe h22 SOLD
                                90 ex accord 4 door SOLD
                                91 se accord 4 door SOLD
                                92 lx accord coupe SOLD
                                93 ex accord 4 door SOLD
                                92 ex accord 4 door h22 SOLD
                                93 ex accord 4 door auto SOLD
                                92 ex accord coupe auto

