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ban me pussy

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    Originally posted by rickyduckworth
    4) i'm not deev, i'm not uncle_el, i'm not accordwarrior, i'm not any of those guys....
    exactly, apparently you're a child with too much power who's on a mission. you're absolutely right, does not give a fuck about me and i can log out. you're neglecting my point, when is the line going to be drawn. and by going back and forth with me you're creating more of a problem b/c now other members are seeing what kind of mod you are. if it bothers you that im saying it was a bitch move then i don't know what to tell you.

    and lol@ fighting the evil mod, i don't think you're a bad person, you're just not fit to be a mod.

    Harm_Lane_Sound Long Island NY...

    68 posts forever...we nuh rate the 69 ting


      Originally posted by badmanferg
      exactly, apparently you're a child with too much power who's on a mission. you're absolutely right, does not give a fuck about me and i can log out. you're neglecting my point, when is the line going to be drawn. and by going back and forth with me you're creating more of a problem b/c now other members are seeing what kind of mod you are. if it bothers you that im saying it was a bitch move then i don't know what to tell you.

      and lol@ fighting the evil mod, i don't think you're a bad person, you're just not fit to be a mod.

      you dare to defy a mod? shame on you! j/p i think he has made good bans in the past...i didnt like jboyce in the first place...always seemed i agree with the mod


        Originally posted by crazy moderator
        Mods need to moderate based on the terms of service of the site, not on their personal feelings, then it's censorship. Last time I checked we don't censor anything that's not against CB7's TOS.

        Am I wrong here?

        You guys may be mods, that being said, you still fall into the same population as the rest of us in that you have the power not to click the link and look at the pic a second time if you don't like it. If you find something offensive, it's not your responsibility to censor it on behalf of everyone else unless there seems to be a general consensus of the people involved.


        from a fellow mod.

        it sais no where in the rules that we cant say retard because it may offend someone or have people politically bashing each other.. like in that thread that i cant find now.. just my .02 cents
        H22 Prelude VTEC 92-96 200 161 10.6:1 87 90 DOHC VTEC 2157 JDM

        190.3whp 155 wtq - with bolt ons, and a dc header

        ET=14.457 @ 94mph w/ 2.173 60Fter


          Hmm well the cats out of the bag now.

          Jboyce was an idiot anyway...he even made a thread just to publicly bash me.

          I dunno about ANY of you guys but personally I dont want him around here anymore..he's too childish..from the way he posts his crap to braggin about his gf.

          Youd think the kid would spend more time with his woman rather than sit on the boards everyday of the week..ranting about how much his life sucks.

          Since Ricky stated he sent him a PM asking him nicely. I think he mistook it for hostility. But for a thread to go on as long as this one should've been locked by now.

          Its exactly like the public exploit he tried to pull on me back earlier this year..

          Public internet Fight
          Last edited by HenRoc; 11-05-2005, 02:16 PM.
          Henry R
          1992 Accord LX R.I.P
          1993 Accord EX OG since 'o3
          Legend FSM

          'You see we human beings are not born with prejudices, always they are made for us,
          made by someone who wants something' -1943 US War Department video


            EVERYONE IS FUcking CHILDISH!!!!!! JESUS!
            H22 Prelude VTEC 92-96 200 161 10.6:1 87 90 DOHC VTEC 2157 JDM

            190.3whp 155 wtq - with bolt ons, and a dc header

            ET=14.457 @ 94mph w/ 2.173 60Fter


              Originally posted by rickyduckworth
              the day we tell people they can't use profanity is the day i quit.......that's just stupid
              Who to say profanity isn't offensive to me? Gosh, stupid idiot power tripping mods...
              My official vouch thread!

              Updated!!! --> My official turbo progress thread


                wow this place sure has changed and im not sure if its necesarilly the members fault..........

                "Tucking tires and wires."
                The Chronicles.


                  Feels like another Honda-Tech drama.
                  "form follows function."
                  Louis Sullivan


                    i'm out.


                      Hey Joyce, you know I do not have anything against you. So please understand this is not directed after you at all, but simply a kind of advice to all readers. Thanks man.

                      I feel the mods should be respected. The mod felt that people would misconstude the title of his post "fucking retards" (which is a poor title anyway) and I think its offensive not just to us, but also any visitors we might have, interested in the cb7. How will they feel when they see threads with those names? And the members of the forum not respecting their authority figures?
                      Joyce was given an oppertunity to change a title that was offensive, and poorly worded at best. He just simply did not change the title, and not only disrespected the mod, however picky they want to be, but also publicly wanted to fight the mod. This is not a good idea.
                      Anyway, I support the mod, because they are here to keep the forum professional, clean and open to all people, not just cater to certain groups who think other people are 'pussies' for not liking the use of offending language.

                      This is my .02.

                      - Zipcreature

                      CB7. F22A. 5spd. CB7. Exedy. Chromoly. AEM. DCSports. Apexi. Progress Group. AGX. Suspension Techniques. Viberant. Goodridge. Facebook


                        as much as im against the banning for 'retard' you do have an excellent point about the vistors zipcreature, point taken

                        Harm_Lane_Sound Long Island NY...

                        68 posts forever...we nuh rate the 69 ting


                          OH! Someone help us!

                          Excuse me for noticing, but I have noticed at least 3 instances on the first page alone where Rickyduckworth has insulted, made a negative comment, or just said something generally insulting to people who disagree with him. This isn't an isolated string of events either. I have been consistently e-thugged by this person from discussions on manifold vacuum to stuff like this.

                          Originally posted by rickyduckworth
                          there you go.............a whopping 7 day ban....... i'll watch for every whiney, ignorant son of a bitch that signs up and more than likely, it will be jboyce and if he DOES try to sign up under a different name, he's gone for good, if not, he's back being girly in a you too uslspct......3 days.......anyone else want to get banned for something STUPID? do something you know we aren't supposed to for who lives with retarded people and who doesn't, i don't give a fuck, i have a retarded cousin....congratulations, the point is that OTHER PEOPLE bitch about things......i personally DO NOT GIVE A FUCK, but others DO, and it is FAIR in this situation to not call people retards.....
                          Calling people ignorant, girly, and swearing all the time offends me. When is it going to stop? It's fair to not call them retards, but it is also fair to call them "ignorant son of a bitch?"

                          Originally posted by rickyduckworth
                          overdosing on what? that doesn't make any sense, it's just stupid sounding dude........whether they meant to offend or not doesn't mean jack shit, what does matter is that they DID offend OTHER MEMBERS.........when asked to GET RID OF THE THREAD IN QUESTION, they chose not to and were banned.....
                          More of the swearing, insulting derogatory remarks. This is a prime representative of this site? Surely, we can find someone a little more "qualified" for the job.

                          Originally posted by rickyduckworth
                          accordwarrior will delete the thread.......and if a different word means the same thing, then what's the point? the meaning is all a word is worth, right? the day we tell people they can't use profanity is the day i quit.......that's just stupid
                          Some people can swear when that is equally offensive and unnecessary? I see a pretty distinct double standard here... at least according to Rickyduckworth. We are all here to be PC and not offend, yet clearly Mr. Duckworth is leading the charge on this policy!?!?! I don't do well with double standards, especially when someone is arbitrarily trying to put me on the downside.

                          no you haven't been on the board for fucking ever, i have........if it's offensive, then report it.......if you knew a goddamn thing about moderating you'd know that we aren't here to clean everyone's mess up, we're here to guide stupid motherfuckers whose parents raised them in a shitty manner and they post shit that shouldn't be posted......if i ASK someone to do something and there isn't a good fucking reason they shouldn't, then they have to do it....i moderate one board and am a member of maybe 10.......
                          This is just more VERY PROFESSIONAL and mature rhetoric from our protagonist. Hopefully, the receiver of this post isn't a little low on the IQ scale, because I would hate to think that one of our worthless members might get offended. God forbid he was an orphan and didn't have parents to raise him. Not to mention the fact that being here longer doesn't necessarily make you a more valuable member of society. I can think of a lot of Americans that have been around a long time and worth anything.

                          Originally posted by rickyduckworth
                          it's not among friends............this is a board supported by a small percentage of the members, the rest are just freeloading........all he had to do was respond to the first PM by saying "ok, no problem" but instead he says "nah, i live with a retarded person, i know where the line is and i didn't cross it" and then i sent him the above mentioned PM telling him to do it or else, and he does this......
                          Quite frankly, this is why I refuse to pay for CB7 tuner. It has become a forum of e-thuggery, bashing, crying and "I have more power than you, so if you make me mad I am going to ban you." crying and whining.

                          I am not going to pay for a site that makes children like this moderators. PERIOD. Cry and whine and ban all you want ricky. You will only prove my point. If you want to accuse me of freeloading, go for it. I live in the real world and vote with my feet and my $$. As long as you are a moderator, I am not paying a single solitary red blooded cent for this website. I wasn't aware that it was impossible to contribute in the non-monetary form and the only way to be a member of this site was to pay. I can't speak for ATX, but I know that if I was administering a website, I would rather have 15,000 members like me, than 1 like you. Every whining and crying post on this site is either started by you or perpetuated by you.

                          I don't have to speak for anybody when I say rickyduckworth is dragging this site down. Don't believe me? Dig through the archives and see how many offensive posts Mr. Duckworth has started, and then how many he has done this kind of thing to.

                          JBOYCE was wrong. Period. He was asked to correct it. Period. He did not. Period. I don't disagree with the actions. I disagree with the methods.

                          We are not a fascist society, and we don't need fascist dictators. I have been on the receiving end of Mr. Duckworth's wrath more than once, and you really don't have the ability to be effective about it because you are a thug. And then when the "perp" doesn't just bend over and take it, you start crying and whining and banning because you didn't get your way. It must be very sad to wake up and be you every day, because apparently you have nothing better to do than to come on here and pound on your chest and "exert" your authority to make yourself feel like your existence is worthwhile.

                          I have no problems with the actions, and I have no problem with any of the other moderators. Rickyduckworth is not qualified to work here and as long as he does, I will not be a paying customer.

                          Go ahead and ban me, you know you want to. Don't feel bad though. My new goal in life is to get Rickyduckworth taken out. I have already mailed a few new PM's to the proper parties.

                          P.S. It proves a backwards way of thinking when the statement is made "that the only person required on this site is the adminitstrator." I hate to state the obvious, but without members, there is no forum. What is ATX going to do, post to himself? That is like saying the only person necessary in the business is the owner. What about the customer that ultimately pays the bills. Are they not the most important element, for without them there is no business? I know I am not alone in my statement that I refuse to pay because of crap like this. Take it for what it's worth, but I am not making this stuff up.
                          The OFFICIAL how to add me to your ignore list thread!


                            Why hasen't this thread been closed...
                            Automotive Service and Fabrication In SOCAL!!


                              ahhh... Makes sense...
                              Automotive Service and Fabrication In SOCAL!!


                                Originally posted by rickyduckworth
                                the offtopic mods will close it, they're just not on i don't believe.......i dunno....i can't close it

                                ? you're not an off topic mod, yet you took moderator actions on jboyce? or are all mods allowed to ban for posts not pertaining to their forum
                                Harm_Lane_Sound Long Island NY...

                                68 posts forever...we nuh rate the 69 ting

