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ban me pussy

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    ban me pussy

    Originally Posted by jboyce
    i live with a mentally handicap person, so i know all the rules and which lines not to cross. thanks though.

    congratulations and all, but i wasn't asking......i was telling you to do it or i'll just ban you for a while......others have had to put up with the same shit, but it's not an option.....if you post anything else before you change/delete this from 11:54pm tonight on, then you're gone for a while.......i don't give a fuck personally, but others on here DO and we have to play the games of political correctness or just let everyone make fun of everyone else and then you have even more whiney people.........delete/change it.......if you bitch publicly about it, then you're gone for that as well.......just do it, everyone is happy, not a big a man and stand up for it, and it's adios

    fool got on me about saying "retard" i live with a mentally handicap person, and i give that kid hella respect, he's like a brother, so whatever, censor me, ban me, whatever you gotta do, life goes on. bye everyone, nice knowing ya, if ya need to talk to me, catch me on aim "sixslow" i felt i did pretty good in this lil community, contributed what i could, learned alot, but whatever, only one that had a prob was lil ricky.
    Last edited by jboyce; 11-05-2005, 06:23 AM.

    by the way, rickyduckworth is banning me. peace.


      I love retards.
      Metal Metal and more Metal!!!

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      -=Suicide Crew Member #1 (only member so far)=-
      MY RIDE

      "I was hoping the Wolverine would finger one of those Japanese girls and then extend a claw into her b hole just for fun, BUT that never happened and I was extremely unsatisfied with the movie because of it." -Macaqueistrong


        92 DA9 // 93 D21 4x4 // 92 CB7


          Originally posted by LX Rida
          i created a thread with the title "fucking retards" or something along those lines, rickyduckyworth pm'd me telling me not to say "retard" cause it's offensive, i said i knew i live with a handicapp person, and i wan't refering to retard in a derogatory handicap sense, only a slow minded individual, close minded if you will. he got upset and went on a power trip saying he will ban me, i said ok go ahead, big deal, forum, i'll find another one.



            I live with one too

   He wet's teh bed.


              this boards gettin so uptight for no apparent reason...retard?....i have handicap relatives friends etc....word ir espect them to..but i do call people retards when they act so stupid ignorant etc...i never call mentally handicap people..retarded or retards..but seriously..ionno this boards just getting like diff now...not as enjoyable.its a good board but...its like high school..all this damn drama and bitching


                jboyce, now you gotta realize that the word "retard" can insult others. u should of reworded the thread with something along the lines of "fucking idiots" or "stupid morons". i personally dont have an issue with it either but theres probably a handful of people (atleast) on this board that will/have been ofended. just think before you start a thread and think of better ways to word it. and making a thread like this is just idiotic.....childish and selfish. just take it like a man and take the 3 day ban or whatever it is and than come back and start over live and you learn. why attack ricky in a thread calling him a "pussy" and whatnot......if this board really means that much to you i think u should take the ban and stride and delete this 'rickys a pussy" thread. hes the one keeping the majority of this site clean and trouble free......there been a few members ricky has delt with that no longer fuck off....i wont name them but his tactics work. so ill stop my preaching now but just think before you type.


                  i havent call some1 a retard in so long. i think its been about 4 years. but i go about it a different way. like puttin it n different words.. like my sig. i dont c no problem wit callin some1 a retard though. callin some1 an idiot, stupid, slow, an ass(especially and ass b/c dictionary definition is "a slow minded indiviual")is basicly the same thing. but THINK b4 u assume somethin might b offensive. humans. and i wonder, y we always pick them up and probe them if we're so smart, but we always pick up the idiots
                  Last edited by Shadow1; 11-05-2005, 10:42 AM. Reason: 4got some words


                    How long does it take to ban someone? He said clearly if you bitch publicly about it you were gone...


                      lol@ ban me pussy....

                      from h22sparkles tirade w/ the n-word and now jboyce w/ 'retard' i think some mods are od'ing on this both instances nobody was intentionally offensive...turning into over here....

                      Harm_Lane_Sound Long Island NY...

                      68 posts forever...we nuh rate the 69 ting


                        well i hope this can get resovled. i cant stand it when people fight over stuff. i ddont like negitivaty. yes i kno ill hav 2 deal wit n life. but it shouldnt b among friends.


                          people make the mistake of thinking that this board needs 100% of it's doesn' needs it quality members
                          IMO, I wouldn't have it any other way
                          Check out what used to be mine
                          Click Here


                            Originally posted by jboyce
                            Originally Posted by jboyce
                            i live with a mentally handicap person, so i know all the rules and which lines not to cross. thanks though.

                            congratulations and all, but i wasn't asking......i was telling you to do it or i'll just ban you for a while......others have had to put up with the same shit, but it's not an option.....if you post anything else before you change/delete this from 11:54pm tonight on, then you're gone for a while.......i don't give a fuck personally, but others on here DO and we have to play the games of political correctness or just let everyone make fun of everyone else and then you have even more whiney people.........delete/change it.......if you bitch publicly about it, then you're gone for that as well.......just do it, everyone is happy, not a big a man and stand up for it, and it's adios

                            fool got on me about saying "retard" i live with a mentally handicap person, and i give that kid hella respect, he's like a brother, so whatever, censor me, ban me, whatever you gotta do, life goes on. bye everyone, nice knowing ya, if ya need to talk to me, catch me on aim "sixslow" i felt i did pretty good in this lil community, contributed what i could, learned alot, but whatever, only one that had a prob was lil ricky.
                            i think in reality you didnt really contribute anything towards the board carwise, you pretty much just posted useless and sometimes weird stuff in the offtopic part of the board. I have yet to see a photo shoot of your car, and i have yet to see you comment anywhere near the suspension part, or even the members rides.

                            i saw the thread that got u banned last night, i thnk maybe you had an idea that that might get you banned, i mean you should, since this happened to another member just the other week, for posting a thread upon disabled individuals (i think maybe it was a joke or something along those lines), you should have taken the hint before.

                            i do believe that you JBOYCE need to grow up and learn to be a man. as your threads have stated " im drinking right now to get away from my problems and so on" i think you need to realize things about yourself and learn that you need to move on and accomplish something in your life, rather than jumping from job to job and not doing anything.

                            im glad ricky bans people liek this, because i dont think its accceptable especially when ricky showed last week that it wasnt acceptable by banning the other user of the disablities thread or what not.
                            Audi A4 2.8 Quattro Sport


                              Originally posted by rickyduckworth
                              it's not among friends............this is a board supported by a small percentage of the members, the rest are just freeloading
                              So because I don't "contribute" I'm not considered a "friend" of the site? I bought the stickers.. I don't care if all you do is see a single dollar from it, It's still a dollar more than you had before.

