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check this out NWS

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    check this out NWS
    and here is the letter i wrote to peta
    i was wondering why you are agianst hunting when there is so many people that die each year from animal related accidents. shouldn't you be more worried about the human population than the animals? which is more important the lives of you fellow humans or the animls that you strive so much to protect. i personally don't see a reason in that. you have the right to save animals that are being crulely killed in the fur trade and stuff like that. i can see your reasoning in that. but not where you are agianst hunting and fishing. i am a animal lover along with alot of people that i know. but there is a fine line between being a tree hugger and a animal activist. and i seen a billboard sign that said feeding your child meat is child abuse. bullshit. you can eat your vitamins and vegies but meat is what we have ate since the caveman times and we don't need this vitamin stuff. and we are not herbavores we are omnivores. we where not meant to just eay vegies. this is my rant you can respond if you want. but i don't expect you to.

    used condoms? wtf

    god i couldnt stand to watch that video...first time ive actually been disgusted by something someone has posted...anyway, animals have rights too and it is wrong to treat them bad...we are, for the most part, evading there trritory and treading on there homes and what do some people do? treat them bad and kill them for sport becasue its "fun" i understand that hunting does regulate outgrowth of animals and controls the population...but just becasue i understand it doesnt mean its right. you seem to have a narrow vision of things and if you did write that letter to peta, well it doesnt sound too professional and not to be making fun of you or anything, but they most likely laughed at it by now. i agree with you to an extent...and i do think that peta sometimes takes things a bit far...but you know, to each there own opinions

    Originally posted by fizzbob7
    first off, don't be a sissy bitch.....that's what you're being
    Originally posted by ACC0RD22
    no need to get sand in your vagina over this guys.
    So. Cal OUTLAWZ


      i personally can't stand peta. they think eating meat is child abuse. at leat thats wut a bilboard i seen said. and yes animals some rights. but they are not humans. and that is a letter that i wrote peta.

      used condoms? wtf


        i hear are right there man!


          very well put. i am a semi peta fan. I am not at all for any sort of animal abuse. if i am going to get it i will kill it out right. not beat it stomp on its chest rip its skin of while its alive. i am a pretty big fisher man, and we always crack their heads first and i let my dad do it b/c i know i won't hit hard enough. But eating i am all for. but humanely (spelling) in doing so. Animals can't talk back or fight back sometimes. and people do need to stand up for them.


            Peta is trash... a bunch of hypocrites... But I'm all for animal rights in certain situations. Humanely slaughtering animals for food or worthwhile research process, while unpleasant to think about, is important to society. I'm 100% against any sort of killing/abuse for sport, marketing, or other useless causes (if you have to test your new line of eyeshadow on a cat, perhaps you should just stick to the old design that's already been tested on humans!)


              lol, i like that last point props to ya for thinkin of that one!


                Well....sometimes I'll catch and release fish for fun. I'm not against hunting but when somebody is torturing an animal while it's alive just ain't right. But for those who thinks hunting is wrong(as far as animal rights), plants are just as alive as animal but yet they eat them too....
                My official vouch thread!

                Updated!!! --> My official turbo progress thread


                  i don't hunt i have no desire to, i don't own any guns,nor do i have a need to. i do fish occasionaly, for my enjoyment of catfish. i own a school of piranah that i feed guppies to and occasionly i'll buy some live pinkies for them as a treat. none of this realy matters when were dead, so when a company harvests a farm raised product it's up to the end consumer on how they want to use it. whether it's corn, pinkie mice or a chinchilla,it's supply and demand and it's a bitch. i don't agree w/ everything that goes on in the world, but you may not agree w/ what i do. get over it and move on.


                    PETA disgust me, you give people like them an inch and they take a mile, I'll agree when Peta started it was a decent idea, people against animal cruelty. Once they got set in that they decide to start taking away everyones rights in this world to feed and clothes their familes by attempting to put a stop to hunting and fur products. Who's to say their ideas are ethical when animal populations become overwhelming to large for their habitat and diesease starts spreading. Now you have millions of animals a year dead due to a lack of population control. This world needs to know where to draw the line and tell PETA to STFU


                      and then there is some group of religous assholes that are tryin to make a guy here remove a cross from the grave yard. i was like WTF? then few weeks after that all happend he passed away so they got there way. but peta needds to stay outa ppls buisness. they will never leave sportsmen alone. i love to fish and hunt. if they even come near me i would shoot there asses. i don't know why they get there kicks from telling us that fishing and hunting is cruel. i personally have hunted since i was 9 and fished since i was 5 or younger. but peta needs to back the fuck off. here alone in my county 5 ppl have died this year alone from deer related car crashes. so they are all protective of animals but wut about us humans.
                      Last edited by Beefy; 10-24-2005, 06:19 PM.

                      used condoms? wtf



                        People Eating Tasty Animals

                        I am Mas, and I approve this message to mock the animal loving retards
                        Fix your Computer!

                        Originally posted by MikeW
                        D, I'm a fanciful motherfucker. My ish is clean, quick, plush, mature and sophisticated.



                          i dislike those organizations that preach too much. but i mean why would we protect humans over animals. to me humans we are greedy, unappreciative. Animals will just do what instinct drives them to do, exist.

                          "You've done more threatening prescription drugs..."
                          "the character of a man can be judged by how he takes his criticism"
                          "Quoting yourself is like, masturbation" -Starchland

