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Local Legends...

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    Local Legends...

    So I noticed a movie cover for "Jersey Devil", and it got me thinking-

    What kind of local myths, stories, legends, ect. do we have across the country? It doesn't have to be scary- Just something that might be immediately understood in your area, but unknown to most of the rest of the world.

    Let it flow...

    When I was home they had the ATCO Ghost legend.Not sure of the story but you had to go to his supposed street (a dead end)turn your lights off and wait,cuz he comes out to see if your his killer...............HUUUMMUAAHAHAHA!

    Hustle Hard! This is a design of some gear I've been workin on.


      Well near my house theres this local cemetery called Bloods Cememtery (aka Pine Hill Rd. Cemetery) in a small town called Hollis. Supposedly this headstone at night the hand points down and during the day up during the day it points up.

      I went there last summer with my gf and her best and her best friend walked into the gf freaked and stayed in the car while her friend came along she freaked and left too..I got this eerie chill down my back walking thru that place.

      And then theres Gilson Rd Cemetery where in this case theres a odd perfect hole in this one kids gravestone.

      Full story here : Odd Hole

      These are pictures of Taunton State Hospital in my hometown. I knew a couple friendsin highschool that went there once and told me how eerie it was just to go in and look at shit one part of the hospital is actually still operating..and then theres Paul Dever School now mainly used to house mentally disabled people..certain sections are open for housing but the rest of the school itself was shut down.

      I went there one rainy and cold night with two of my friends, rumor has it that theres a tunnel that links all the buildings to an infermary (sp?) definitely some errie shit...that night we went we found three empty shotgun shells. I still have the one sitting at my parents house today.
      Henry R
      1992 Accord LX R.I.P
      1993 Accord EX OG since 'o3
      Legend FSM

      'You see we human beings are not born with prejudices, always they are made for us,
      made by someone who wants something' -1943 US War Department video


        Over in Pasadena, there's "Suicide Bridge". Many people to this day take their lives on it. Some guy I graduated with in high school, his brother jumped off in the summer of '02.


          Originally posted by rickyduckworth
          we had ghost bridge......a black guy was actually hung from this old bridge a long time ago, from a wire at the apex of the bridge structure, and the remnants of the wire were still up there.....bridge was OLD (demolished now, replaced)........the guy was hung (hanged, whatever) by some KKK members and the story was that he was still in the area looking for revenge.........
          Weird, we have the EXACT same story here. The bridge was just torn down though.


            aw man, i used to love this stuff. my friends and i would hear about a "haunted" place and go to it about two summers ago. yea, we were asking for trouble but we were just looking for a quick thrill, like drugs, but we just wanted to get scared shitless i guess.

            the school that i went to for the first two years of college (gc&su in milledgeville) was in a VERY historic area (one time capital of GA) so of course there were the stories and myths. and the school campus being surrounded by several cemetaries, a youth detention center, abandoned elementary schools, an abandoned psych ward and and opened mental hospital helped just a little, lol. here is the story of one of the dorms:

            Milledgeville - GC&SU - Samford Hall - The third floor of the dormitory which has now been closed only leaving two floors has been an area of a ghostly sighting. Some say that the ghost of a girl who committed suicide over an unexpected pregnancy still lingers on the floor in which her suicide occurred.

            we also have our fair share or stories in my home town. after i saw this thread i was reading up on some of the locations just to make sure i had the stories straight and i came upon this one:

            Fayetteville - Holiday Dorsey - Fife House - Doc Holiday was an outlaw, who died of tuberculosis. No one knows why he haunts the house. But if you take a picture and get it enlarged he can usually be seen in the window of the top left room.

            thats the house in the background of that picture. i didnt even know that story until now.

            one of my other favorite stories is the one off of Peter's Road, which they are currently building a shit-ton of houses along it so no more woods. boo.

            Peter's Woods - There's an old cemetery in the woods & they are haunted by an Amish girl who was in love with a non-Amish boy & her father found out & told her she could never see the boy again, so the girl went into the woods & hung herself. Sometimes you see her ghost on the side of the road & stop to pick her up & she tells you to go to her house. Once you stop you see her father run out of the house & start screaming at her & she runs into the woods. If you chase her, you get deep into the woods & feel something brush the top of your head & you look up to see her body hanging from a tree. Then you look again & see nothing but the remnants of an old house & a small family cemetery.
            i used to get chills driving down that road at night for real. even after a group of guys i know walked that whole area (so they say) and they said there was no house or cemetary. in addition, that was supposedly the stomping grounds for cults at one point in time. no way in hell i would ever move into those new houses though. am i scared? yes.

            sorry for the long winded post, i used to be really into this kind of stuff.
            Last edited by k-mart; 10-18-2005, 12:05 PM.


              I have heard about that house before, it was on the Discovery channel or something. That picture is awesome!

              Very cool stuff- I think I'll do some searching to see if there's anything in my area I don't know about.

              There's a lot of family ghost stories, but there's not an explanation for any of them. My cousin and aunt claim to have seen a girl in a white dress walking down our road late at night.

              My other cousin was out hunting at 1:00AM in November and says he saw a girl in an old swimsuit diving into the river.


                Jersey got tons of those... Annie's Road, Ewing Ave, Hearthbeat Road, the mental hospital....


                  any one ever heard of the athens insane assylum? or the mothman? them are some locals
                  then there is moonville tunnel guy got killed by a train and got his head chopped off. they say he still walks the tracks lookin for his head. there is some weird ones around here.

                  used condoms? wtf


                    Originally posted by Beefy
                    any one ever heard of the athens insane assylum? or the mothman? them are some locals
                    then there is moonville tunnel guy got killed by a train and got his head chopped off. they say he still walks the tracks lookin for his head. there is some weird ones around here.

                    Mothman is actually pretty interesting that it was turned into a movie (a great movie by the way).

                    Up here theres so many places Id like to see but like K-Mart , Im very much interested in stuff like that..but it also scares me as well.
                    Henry R
                    1992 Accord LX R.I.P
                    1993 Accord EX OG since 'o3
                    Legend FSM

                    'You see we human beings are not born with prejudices, always they are made for us,
                    made by someone who wants something' -1943 US War Department video


                      what guy doesnt walk around looking for head?
                      ba dump chiss
                      2010 Taurus SHO - Livernois Goodies
                      2002 BMW 330 CI Convertible - HUNK OF JUNK


                        Originally posted by chessboxer
                        what guy doesnt walk around looking for head?
                        ba dump chiss
                        Way to ruin my scary thread. Douch.


                          Get this...

                          There's apparently a history of suicide at my school. Most recent case was last year


                            Here in Tennessee we have the Bell Witch she caused lots of trouble in her day haunting this one family a lifetime.This witch was so popular president at the time and tennessee native Andrew Jackson came to see of the witch stories. He and a few soldiers were stopped on there way down the families lane and had a strange encounter with the old witch. I dont know the exact website but you can google bell witch and get it. A pretty chilling tale, those of you who are interested in this tale should research this one I would like to know how scary you thought it was.
                            Last edited by hondagurlex21; 10-31-2005, 12:21 PM.


                              Yeah I have many. Im from Massachusett's and there is a few errie things around here. In Wocester there a place called Spider Gate's. I guess you go at night and try to go through all the 7 gates to hell. I guess there's alot behind it. To read up on hit go here it's well known read it ALL

                              ANd we have a place about 2 min from my house called Dudley Road. Insane Assylum and ppl were hung n shit. Spooky. Check that out here

                              - Dudley road - there is an abandoned insane asylum back in the woods. You can hear screams and chains while walking down the path. Reports of being followed home & haunted by these spirits. November 2003 Update: The story behind Dudley Rd is that there was a Nunnery on the Rd and 3 Nuns were hung for practicing witch craft. And you can now see them haunting the Rd. There is a house that was built on the Rd where the witches were hung and had to be abandoned months later because the house began to sink. The house is still there and in oddly in the ground up to the second floor windows. Every year it sinks a little more. -
                              Febuary 2005 Update: The Convent is called Daughters of Saint Paul. Some of the nuns were hung, some escaped then were later found and got there throats slit by the same man who hung the other nuns. if you drive down the road a little you see the feild where some of the nuns went to hide. This was also a mixed monostary And remember, just because it's not there doesn't mean the hauntings don't exist.

