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My Official Weight Gain/Bulk Up Thread

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    My Official Weight Gain/Bulk Up Thread

    I currently stand at 5'3" 120lbs. My goal is to get to 150-160lbs. and stay there. Any tips besides eating more meals per day? Such as what to eat, and what to avoid? Once I bulk up, I plan to work it all out into muscle. I'm pretty cut and very strong for my size right now, I just want to get a little bigger. Technically I started yesterday, so...

    Week 1. October 5, 2005.

    1991 Accord LX

    Dang dude,

    I am 5'9 and 205lbs so I'm not light by any means. I don't seam to have a problem putting weith on though! haha you should be happy you dont! What do you weigh btw? I would suggest eating alot of protein and working out.
    What are you going for muscle wise? Def.? Bulk? Strength? Its important to know. I work out for strength its alot of reps with med. weight.

    Keep us posted I'm pretty interesting in things like this you can tell.

    - Zipcreature

    CB7. F22A. 5spd. CB7. Exedy. Chromoly. AEM. DCSports. Apexi. Progress Group. AGX. Suspension Techniques. Viberant. Goodridge. Facebook


      its not gonna be easy to bulk lol, its takes a lot of time, ive put on 20 pounds healthy in 3 months...thats not eating crappy food, well once in a while here and there, i would sit around and eat a jar of peanut butter every 3 days was one of my methods, and other high protiene food...and while putting on weight, do some minor work outs, dont just try to get bulky and then work out, all you'll do is burn it off and get no where...and just starting yesterday isnt enough, if your good at keeping up with it everyday and stay to it as of today, ill be suprised.

      good luck with it, do it right, dont take supplements.



        damn ur small. im 5'9" 235lbs but only 15% fat as of 2 months ago, so yeah, im mostly muscle. but anyways, what is it that you want to do? Do you just want to get bulky so u can LOOK like ur strong cuz u have big muscles, or do u want to BE strong and have muscles, or just be strong with little muscles?

        If you just want to look big, and not be that strong, then just eat up as much as u can for now, mostly protein, try to cut down on carbs(dont cut out all the way, cuz u need them to get bulky) and eat ALOT of meals. When you work out, do it with light weights and do MANY reps, if you want to be medium strong, with lots of muscles, then do medium weights and tons of reps, and if you just want to be strong, then do heavy weights with few reps.

        I personally like doing the heavy weights with little reps since Im chubby and short and when i go to the gym, people dont expect me to be benching hella, and for some reason i like that, lol. i duno, i just dont like being more bulky than I already am. But i do lift medium with lots of reps once in a while, cuz i dont like looking totally weak either, and i have no special diet, i just eat accordingly, I dont eat out much, and i try to eat greens as much as possible, o, and friut helps in the morning, that all i eat, tons of fruit in the morning.

        that my .02 cents, good luck with your training.

        CrzyTuning now offering port services


          i just want to bulk up and then get lean and cut with excercise and swimming. i'm at like 11% body fat, so i'm mostly muscle right now also (i used to play ice hockey for high school). so far my diet is working. i'm trying to eat 4-5 times a day, filled with protein, meats, etc. and sleeping on a full stomach of healthy food

          1991 Accord LX


            pssh.... i'm 6'2 125 pounds..... i can't beat my high metabolism.... and i eat alot.... dunno.... but keep us updated...



              im 5'4 - 5'5 and im at about 145, and im pretty much all takes a lot of time bro, u gotta eat healthy, which u said u were doing and u gotta work out a lot. I work out about 6 days out of the week, cardio usually twice a week, and then upperbody the rest. I would try using some creatine or weight gainers, but be careful, because u have to make sure ur on a steady work out schedule, before jumpin on those. if u need anymore info feel free to contact me.
              Audi A4 2.8 Quattro Sport


                Originally posted by lowoctane
                its not gonna be easy to bulk lol, its takes a lot of time, ive put on 20 pounds healthy in 3 months...thats not eating crappy food, well once in a while here and there, i would sit around and eat a jar of peanut butter every 3 days was one of my methods, and other high protiene food...and while putting on weight, do some minor work outs, dont just try to get bulky and then work out, all you'll do is burn it off and get no where...and just starting yesterday isnt enough, if your good at keeping up with it everyday and stay to it as of today, ill be suprised.

                good luck with it, do it right, dont take supplements.
                DON'T take supplements?? That's like saying don't ever use seafoam. There are a ton of helpful nutrients, vitamins, and such that are very good for the body, but can't be absorbed through food alone (some of them you can, but you'd have to eat enormous amounts of a food that has it).

                I could explain it all, but it'd be easier for you to just go talk to the guy at GNC.


                  i dont get it.. your already lean.. and you wanna gain weight to get lean again?

                  im guessing you wanna gain some fat so you can turn your fat into muscles.. if you do that your gonna get buffer of course, but you wont actually get that leaness..

                  if you wanna bulk up.. do heavier weight with less repetitions and if you wanna acheive the ripped form, just do lighter weight and more repeitions.

                  just work out more and eat lots of protein.. but dont be expecting results in a matter of a week.


                    The first thing you should do is find out how many calories you're taking in right now while you're maintaining your weight. Then start something like a 40/40/20 diet consisting of a few hundred calories higher than your caloric intake now... 40% protein, 40% carbs, and 20% fat. Your protein should come from clean foods like cottage cheese, chicken, lean beef, and of course whey protein. Your carbs should also be clean, so make sure you eat oats (not instant), veggies, and you can even eat a banana pre-workout. Your fats should come from things like fish seed oil, flax oil, or natural peanut butter. It's important that its natural. Also, timing on when you eat this foods is crucial. Eat 6 meals a day. At night before you sleep, mix cottage cheese & natural peanut butter together... the protein of cottage cheese breaks down slower and will be absorbed throughout your sleep.


                      and expect to poop A LOT!!!



                        Originally posted by lowoctane
                        and expect to poop A LOT!!!
                        i had 4 meals today, and i pooped 3 times. haha

                        anyways, i think i'm pretty skinny for the most part, but i have the muscle. i just want to get a little bigger, put on a few pounds and keep it that way. wouldn't working out hardcore right now be kind of pointless because i have no fat to turn into muscle?

                        1991 Accord LX


                          heh, it is easy when your dad's side is naturally kinda fat.
                          i have ranged from 130-165
                          I <3 G60.

                          0.5mm Oversized Stainless valves and bronze guides available. Pm me please.


                            damn i need to lose some weight but all this...figure out how much calories you take a day? bulk? leaness? maybe i should just run a couple miles a day. haha
                            92 DA9 // 93 D21 4x4 // 92 CB7


                              Originally posted by tanNn.
                              I currently stand at 5'3" 120lbs. My goal is to get to 150-160lbs. and stay there. Any tips besides eating more meals per day? Such as what to eat, and what to avoid? Once I bulk up, I plan to work it all out into muscle. I'm pretty cut and very strong for my size right now, I just want to get a little bigger. Technically I started yesterday, so...

                              Week 1. October 5, 2005.
                              I'm in the same boat as you. I'm trying to gain more muscle as well, but without losing cuts. And I have a ridiculously fast metabolism. But I've gained about 10 lbs of muscle since I've started (about 2 months). It really takes a lot of effort if you're skinny and you want to bulk up.

                              I am now 5'11" and weigh in at an average of 169 lbs. Like what others have said, you gotta eat a lot of meals throughout the day. Healthy foods too. And as for supplements, I've been taking whey protein. Twice a day is best. I make a power shake with 2 cups of milk, 2 scoops of whey, 2 bananas and a tablespoon of peanut butter. Blend it in a blender and enjoy. I also take multivitamins everyday.

                              As for workouts and lifting try doing sets of 12-10-10-8. Using about 75% of your strength lifting weight. You can find that percentage on those eight lifting charts. You can find one on A lot of useful info on there...

                              But I've kinda hit a wall and am just hanging around 170-172 after working out. I'm gonna try creatine to gain more weight. If you take it, you gotta be careful, cuz if you don't do it right, you'll just get fat and lose any definition you may have had. With taking creatine, you gotta run a lot, chill in the sauna to sweat out that added 'water weight' and have a stricter diet.

                              I plan on only taking creatine for a month, then I plan on switching to using "Muscle Milk". It's another protein mix, but it contains something like 3 or 5 grams of creatine. Take that for a month and go back to whey protein to maintain. Hopefully I'll reach my goal of being 180 - 185 lbs of good muscle mass.

                              It takes a lot of effort and discipline if you want to get the results. No cutting corners with workouts and your diet.

                              Good luck!

