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Why do some states need Front License plates?

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    Why do some states need Front License plates?

    Just a quick question.

    Why do some states require a Front License plate?

    I mean, what is the purpose behind that?
    Is it for security reasons, safety reasons, or wat?
    I know of atleast 3 or 4 States/Countries, that dont use a front plate.

    Is there something we can do, like a petition we can start
    so that states like New Jersey, California, New York and all the
    others wont have to use the Front plate...

    Let me hear what you guys think...

    i dont mind it....helps the cops run the plates easier. around here theres old plates there green and if you have those theres no need for a front plate becuase when those green plates were in use front plates werent used. but now with the new mass plates front plates are a must i dont mind really. its also so if a cops in front of you he can run your plate if needed......and yes cops can decode plates even when being red through a mirrorr. lol


      red light cameras here also.
      I <3 G60.

      0.5mm Oversized Stainless valves and bronze guides available. Pm me please.


        i heard it's also useful for bouncing radar off of the car for speed guns


          Originally posted by r0gergcm
          i heard it's also useful for bouncing radar off of the car for speed guns
          That's probably the biggest reason right there...its also why they're reflective.

          I don't care for mine, but I don't feel like getting a $60 ticket for not having one either.


            mine has been off for 4 years and i have never had any problem from anyone


              I got pulled over by a state trooper for not having mine on the way to Atlanta this summer.. Since then, I put it up on my dash, as angled up as it could be, and I havent had a problem with anybody. And the cops have taken an interest in me here thanks to my exhaust
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                in tx they will stop you quick and give u a ticket for that crapp, i have mine behind my grill mesh and i still got told it has to be on the front of the car with NOTHING in front of it. SUCKS! i heard ( maybe a rumor) they were going to do away with the front plate in TX i sure hope they do its stupid!


                  It got shot down. Front plates for us forever, it seems. But I havent had a problem since I put it in my window.

                  btw, where in Texas
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                    Originally posted by mxcx
                    It got shot down. Front plates for us forever, it seems. But I havent had a problem since I put it in my window.

                    btw, where in Texas
                    yup me too...but of course, ive never been pulled over
                    I <3 G60.

                    0.5mm Oversized Stainless valves and bronze guides available. Pm me please.


                      I find its just another way for the state to make more $$$

                      Just my .02 .. but, in Hawaii .. I used to try and get away with with it .. and for the most part ..
                      it worked .. now that I live in Florida .. I love not having it a mandatory issue ..

                      I also think it takes away from the asthetics of some cars .. and Florida registration
                      is much less, then what I had to pay in Hawaii ..

                      A Hui Hou !!!

                      My CB9/Wagon Thread Start to Finish:


                        you get away with it in the window? i cant they tell me it has to be on the outside front of the car. And we had a HUGE street racing bust a month or so ago so i get pulled over all the time for nothing because my cars looks like a street racer, they are blow away when i chick rolls down the window they ask " is this your car" yes " did u do all this stuff to it? LOL its too funny.


                          when i was stationed @ ft lewis in washington they made us get those ...


                            haha, this is kinda funny, me and my friend just got pulled over(him driving) like half an hour ago for not having a front license plate. my friend got his stolen like 2months ago, and this is the second time that he's been pulled over, but he didnt get a ticket niether times.

                            CrzyTuning now offering port services


                              I know PM got a ticket in his cb7 when he had the plate in the window (NJ). I suppose it's too hard to see in the window.

                              I don't like having the front plate, but when you're used to it, it's practically invisible. I can always take it off for meets and races.

